Been it the sun too much


Well-known Member
I had another pre cancer carved out of my head today. The doctor said it was deep. I was afarid to ask how deep. I have a big patch on my head tonight. I need to take better care of what is left of my hearing, and wear more sun screen. Almost too late at 70. A good time for you young guys, and gals to take care of your body, if you don't already. Stan
Good advice to the younger generations, but you know how it is, the older you get, the less you know. (according to the youngsters). When we were young, (I'm 73), we didn't know anything about cancer and how too much sun could affect you. Heck, we couldn't wait for spring so we could shed our shirts and shoes and seldom put them back on before fall, unless working where we might receive bodily harm without them. I've been lucky so far, but I know that there are many who are paying for it now. I have been accused of spending too much time in the sun, but the implication was that it had fried my brain.
I agree with whoever it was that said "If I had known I'd live this long I would have taken better care of myself." As a 1941 model, I'm pretty high-mileage.
First thing is not the sun but your body and are susceptible to cancer. I'm 74 and don't have even the first sign and have spent whole life out in the sun. My wife is 88 and has all kinds of skin cancer and breast cancer. Her family has lots of cancer mine has none.
PS Genes do have a lot do with it.
SUN SCREEN, SUN SCREEN, Have had a little Skin Cancer problem in the past, but didn't put on sun screen every day. They had to blue light the pre cancer off. little over a year ago. NOT FUN for a week, but good now. I never leave the house without sun screen and a big hat. I'm 68 and it is worth fighting. Your tractors will love you for it.

The sliced a bit hunk out of my ear a few years ago. Told me that it had started years and years before it ever became a problem.

I don't know the terms but skin cancer does not necessarily stay just on the skin, There is a type that penetrates into your organs. I think that more young people would use sunscreen if this were publicized more.
Wow. 'First picture is scary. 'Second picture a little less so. Gosh, what better proof to wear the sun screen. 'Glad you're better.
I'm 52 and my parents are both 84 this year. They've both had skin cancer. My mom was #14 of 15 children. So I was around lots of older folks growing up and loved listening to their stories. I've also caught on to other things by watching. Years ago many people always kept their arms covered with long sleeves and wore big hats and the old saying of eat your greens & vegetables. Somewhere in the past they were taught this for a reason. We may now know why. Sometimes I think what is happening to us now is a repeat of history. My mom had a brother that died from Lieukemia at the age of 23. I have a sister 3 yrs younger than I. At the age of 39 she came down with blood clots and found out it was the result of a blood disorder where her body produces too much blood and the platlet counts rises causing the clots. (can't reember the name of the disorder) It can turn to lieukemia they say. Looking back she never did tan from the sun like the rest of us and always had more of a white color to her. She is on some powerful blood thinner and has to be very careful that a dog or cat don't scratch her. Living on a dairy farm and milking 600 head twice a day she has to be very careful. They have lots of help but the chance of something happening are numerous. Any way good luck to all of you!
Got an appointment to have another one taken off the top of my head this afternoon. Had a squamous cell taken off my left ear, a basil cell off my scalp three weeks ago. Have had skin cancers removed in various places for more than thirty years, just keep a lookout for any unusual looking places that are rough and scaley or fail to heal promptly. Joe
A very dear friend is in the fight of her life right now. She had a spot removed from her shoulder about 8 years ago. It was melanoma and they said they got all of it. Every year follow up tests had shown nothing. About 6 weeks ago she had trouble forming sentences and pronouncing certain words. Fast forward a week thru cat scan, mri and brain surgery to remove a tumer. There are areas between her lungs as well as in her abdomine that have tumers pressing on things. They say this is all from the melanoma of several years ago. It a deadly form of skin cancer that is terminal in almost all cases as far as I know. She is a fair sninned lady of about 60 that was seldom out in the sun, always worked indoors and not a sun worshiper as some are. I have never seen her with a tan. It is heart breaking for those close to her. Protect your self if you can.
Angle Iron
I call them the Dcotors cash crop that I grow for him. I have one in the center fo my chest about the size of a dime and is getting all bumpy like. He will probly hack it out next time in. I was about 70 when Dixie watched him remove one from my face in his office. She said to me in front of the Doctor that I needed to start using sun screen. Doc said that it would take years to get anything from sun damage now. I had one taken off the crack of my butt a year ago. Aint no way it was sun damage. :)^D

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