O/T Skunks............


Well-known Member
Does anyone know how to keep skunks out of a house yard? Besides sitting out all night with a spotlight and a 12 guage?

We found we had some grubs in our lawn when some skunks began digging up the lawn. We put some appropriate pesticide on the lawn and killed the grubs, but the skunks still keep digging.

Someone told my wife to set a radio tuned to an overnight talk show out on the lawn overnight and it would keep the skunks at bay. Does anyone know if it works?

Other ideas?

Thanks in advance.
Might depend on the talk show. The wrong show could attract more skunks and snakes! A good dog that isn't afraid to go after them will fix that problem, however then you have a dog that smells like a skunk. I think you are on the right track and trying to get rid of the grubs.
Hi steve how u doin? U talk to Barry lately? Just wonder if highcliff paid him off for his hay? The place still is empty, but were still mowing it, and were getting paid! Faster than when it was open. Hope all is good. I may try to go to MacFaddens on Saturday, if I see u there???? I still have u chain in my truck I'm pretty sure.. Lol

Live traps baited with scraps like chicken bones will lure them in. Husband got 19 of them here one summer (must have been a great skunk year). Still get an occassional one or two, but have never been that thick again. Then dispatch them.
I retired from the State DNR. Common answer for critters under porches, decks, buildings, etc. was to try the radio trick, although we usually suggested loud crappy rock music. Also the moth balls, and or a bleach soaked rag.
Lights don't work. I have a big yard light that lights the driveway. The light attracts crickets. I looked out one night and there were 3 fox, a momma coon, three half grown coons and 3 skunks catching crickets. I am glad to get rid of the crickets. I have had some luck with keeping deer out of my garden with a radio.
Live trap and a can of sardines, dig a hole about two inches deep and just big enough for the can to fit in. set the trap with the trip over the hole and you'll get the skunk and every critter that comes by and all with the same can of sardines.
The skunks are patroling your foundation because the mice are on their way in for the winter. So pick your posion. Personally, since the cat is freinds with the skunks, none have bothered us humans since, but mice in the walls all winter? Hey there are now 3 different fatal deseases carried by mice across the US- Colorado has hunta? Yosemote Park has the black death? Beubonic? Holy cow. Who cares what the other one is?
Skunks come out at dusk, put on coast to coast AM, they can get UFO, bio-terror and plague updates....
Got neighbors close by that you don't like???? Some cheap canned cat food slipped on to their place will take care of it :roll:
When I was a kid, we lived in a little river valley that was full of campers. Some decent folks and some real loud idiots.... Worse ones would leave their campers all summer and show up randomly... Started putting a little feed under the campers and had some quality entertainment when they'd time things right.... Seems like I read on here to put lime or something on the lawn to get rid of the grubs???
I've tried the radio bit, even putting it on a rap channel and it didn't phase them. I attached bare electric wires to a board and they dig under the board. Killing them is the only answer for me. I didn't have to stay up all night. I normally found them between dusk and 10:00 pm.
We had skunks a couple of years ago very bad. We tried mothballs, bleach, a radio on various stations. We even had 3 radios on different stations. A yard light isn't bright enough. The only thing that worked was 500 watt halogen flood lights. The first night that we ran them got rid of the skunks at the house. I then put live traps at the barn and caught several. Funny thing is that they call them live traps but they all died before I let them out.
I would much rather have a skunk around than a coon. The coons absolutely destroy everything and crap everywhere. We have cats and no dog, so the skunks don't seem to bother much.
Walked in my garage last night and BAM! A skunk took off to find a hiding spot. My son had left the garage door opened and he got trapped in when I closed it up. I looked everywhere for him after he took off, but didn't find him. Guess I will have to tear the garage apart tonight to get him out. Hope I don't get sprayed.

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