J day was light today

As my J.I. Case friend Bruce in Canada pointed out, It is also another J.I.Case day today. Been busy putting the gardens to sleep for the winter-- cutting down the corn stalks, cutting back the asparagus, pulling the mator vines and pulling weeds. Other years I compost it all, but had an unusually heavy crop of unusual weeds that grew very vigorusly this year, so all the clippings went up to the woods, rather than in my compost pile. I am going to have to seal my compost pile with black plastic this fall and make it anarobic, to kill the weed seed in it also. Been a very strange year. Lots of "lower order life forms" to deal with this year also, (snails, slugs ,grasshoppers, spiders,grubbs, and the like). Also seeing some signs of rats again this fall. There may be some truth to the Dec.21, 2012 theory.
Loren the Acg

So you're bored now - We'll turn it up to the newer tractors!

PS: Didn't think it would be right to post Jim's tractors.





Hope I don't forget - er, you guys skip a letter on me!
Will be watching for McCormick, Massey, Nufield, etc.

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