green peppers from the night before heavy frost

made some of them into a sweet pepper relish,and froze some ,and gave a lot away. The tomatoes didnt do real good this year,but the peppers did very good.



My peppers were looking nice until the frost got them. Some sweet corn was still standing but turned brown a long time ago; deer and the neighbor's pot-bellied pig were eating it. Garden's done for the year.
We closed down the gardens a couple weeks ago. We got the big freeze that you refered to last Sat also. The wifey picked the last of our peppers, and dehydrated them. Freezer is bulging.
The garden served us very well, although we did have to do a lot of watering until mid July, when it started raining here again. The last 3 weeks, thats all Ma Nature wanted to do. No huge downpours, but mist to light rain several times a day for the last month with only a few sunny days mixed in. Temps in low 60Fs. Today we made 66F and tomarrow perhaps 70F. What the Hay??
The only things left in the garden to harvest is brussel sprouts,parsnips, and more Kolrobie, and a second seeding of carrots that we planted in the box that had this years garlic crop in. We also got a second crop of peas, but the hard frost took the plants out the other night.
We closed down the gardens a couple weeks ago. We got the big freeze that you refered to last Sat also. The wifey picked the last of our peppers, and dehydrated them. Freezer is bulging.
The garden served us very well, although we did have to do a lot of watering until mid July, when it started raining here again. The last 3 weeks, thats all Ma Nature wanted to do. No huge downpours, but mist to light rain several times a day for the last month with only a few sunny days mixed in. Temps in low 60Fs. Today we made 66F and tomarrow perhaps 70F. What the Hay??
The only things left in the garden to harvest is brussel sprouts,parsnips, and more Kolrobie, and a second seeding of carrots that we planted in the box that had this years garlic crop in. We also got a second crop of peas, but the hard frost took the plants out the other night.
Wow! That's alot of peppers! I guess you can have scrambled eggs and peppers for breakfast. That's what iv been doing too, lol.. made chile today, with, you guessed it green peppers, my own tomatoes, garlic a friend gave me ect! Looks like you had a great pepper crop Larry! You still have your goats?
My Lands; Are there peppers! I only had a dozen plants, & the peppers seemed to rot before maturity. Lost about 80 - 90% that way. Hope for beetter weather in 9 months!
Larry maybe you can help me out. You have good looking peppers, but every time I try to grow peppers I'm lucky to get 1 bell per plant. My garden will raise pretty much anything else but I have never had any luck with peppers. Any advice?
That sounds like the nutrients are off, look up the plant, see what it likes, there are some easy things to correct in the soil, I've had off years or stunted ones, took a long while to root in, not a lot of flowers, but now I get them pretty good, though this year the wall thickness and respective fruit is off, might have been the real hot weather who knows.

Nice deep rich soil with compost, N-P-K at the right levels, PH as well helps a lot, then there is the issue of too much N, lots of green growth, no flowers, you need to adjust or add something, ( I can never remember all of this LOL) Bell Peppers and Eggplant like similar things, theres a ton of info on the web, read up, make adjustments you'll have lots of peppers.

I like them ripe, meaning Red or Yellow or what have you, red ones are loaded with Vitamin C, been chowing the remainder of my red ones still coming out of the garden to kick this darn common cold and its working ! Red bell peppers are a big favorite, but like you mention, I had issues with them at different times in the past, should be an easy fix for ya though !
Larry, you ever let them ripen til red, they're so good, and even with a hard frost, if covered, these darned things can still produce late season, I was picking them in the snow we had last October, 2011, I've got some finishing up, but the frost got under my tarp and nailed my Cubano plant, and a few others, just a tad too small, but I saved my spinach and lettuce 100%, good stuff, and I don't care what a person does for a living, or how rich or poor, one lives like a king when getting fresh produce from the garden !

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