OT daughter has a date


Well-known Member
Youngest daughter-21-has her first date tonight! Never had a real guy friend, so never had to cross this bridge with her! Her older sister met her future husband in HS and it slowly progressed to marriage! I am conflicted as to whether I should encourage him, or drop him at the door! I suppose I will have to force myself to act civil!

your house, your daughter, your shoulder she'll be cryin on, your rules....
Nothin wrong by grabbin him by the scruff of the neck (not necessarily literally) and makin sure you both are on the same sheet of music... Then, if you like him, encourage him.
BTDT more times than I can remember. I always try to get to know the young man before making any judgment. Some of them can fool you. As the old saying goes, it's hard to judge a book by its' cover.
Of course you can always be cleaning your shotgun when he gets there, and tell him that sometimes you spend all night just cleaning your guns, so don't keep her out too late. LOL And, Good Luck.
If you raised her right you have nothing to worry about. Now if the guy shows up tattooed to the max, I might be a little worried.

BTDT and I liked when the young man came up and introduced himself and looked me STRAIGHT IN THE EYE and gave me a good firm manly marine handshake. The ones who kept their eyes down and wouldnt look at me straight and/or gave me a wet fish limpy handshake I didnt cotton to. However, all we can do as parents is raise them right and then let them go and trust them cuz if we hold too tight they will rebel.

John T
Just sit back in your chair if she want to interduce him to she
will but maybe she's not sure about your response and just
ditches out the door.
I dont mean to sound rude, But.....If this is the first date your daughter has been on and she is 21 years old.....Ummmmm........you may have a problem, or your daughter does.

I member a first date with a girl when I was in H.S. I had to see her dad first and this guy was cross between Hitler and Napolean....This 5'5" guy crushes my hand and looks me straight in the eye with the look of death and says "you be careful with my daughter" I was, I only took her out a few times.....Absolutely beautiful, 17 years old, They look like godesses at that age, and I was 17 too.
(quoted from post at 14:26:03 10/20/12) Absolutely beautiful, 17 years old, They look like godesses at that age, and I was 17 too.

Now's a good time to get on facebook and look em up..... Some of them babes aged like whipped cream...
(quoted from post at 14:26:03 10/20/12) If this is the first date your daughter has been on and she is 21 years old.....Ummmmm........you may have a problem, or your daughter does.


Not really... sometimes you just dont' meet anyone you want to date until after your teens. I was 20 before I went on a date, and 30 before I met my wife.
I doubt I could find her, I would'nt want to anyway.....I am married. The wife would not like seeing me looking up old flames.
Give him this


Courtesy of The Freeman Institute

NOTE: This application will be incomplete and rejected unless accompanied by a complete financial statement, history, lineage, recent FBI background check, psychiatric evaluation, and updated medical report from your doctor.

NAME:_________________________________DATE OF BIRTH:_____________________
HEIGHT:___________ WEIGHT:____________ I.Q.__________ GPA____________
SOCIAL SECURITY#_________________________________________________________
DRIVERS LICENSE#_________________________________________________________
BOY SCOUT RANK:__________________________________________________________
HOME ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________
CITY/STATE_________________________________________ ZIP_________________
Do you have one MALE and one FEMALE parent? _______ yes? _______ no?
Number of years parents married:_________________________________________
Do you own a van? _________ A truck with oversized tires? __________
A waterbed? _________ Do you have an earring, nose ring, or belly ring?_______________ Tatoo?_______________
In 50 words or less, what does DO NOT TOUCH MY DAUGHTER MEAN TO YOU? _________________________________________________________________________
In 50 words or less, what does LATE mean to you?

In 50 words or less, what does ABSTINENCE mean to you? _________________________________________________________________________

Congregation you attend:_______________________________________________
How often do you attend?_________________________________________________

When would it the best time to interview your father, mother, relatives, neighbors, minister/rabbi/priest, and past girlfriends? (supply phone numbers)_____________________________________________
What do you want to be IF you grow up? __________________________________


"If I were shot, the last place on my body I would want to be wounded is _________________________________________________________________________
"If I were beaten, the last bone I would want broken is my ______________ _________________________________________________________________________
"A woman’s place is in the ______________________________________________
"The one thing I hope this application does not ask me about is _________ _________________________________________________________________________
"When I first meet a girl, the thing I notice about her is ______________ _________________________________________________________________________

(NOTE: If the answer to #E begins with "T" or "A", discontinue and it is advised that you leave the premises right now keeping your head low and running
in a serpentine fashion.)


SIGNATURE (That means your name, moron!)

Thank you for your interest in my daughter. Please allow four to six years for processing. Don’t call us, we’ll call you. You will be contacted in writing if you are approved. Do not try to call or write (since you probably can’t, anyway). Any attempt to make contact might cause you injury. If your application is rejected, two gentlemen with violin cases and cement shoes will notify you – one size fits all.
my daughter just got marryed this summer. i had a talk with the new son inlaw. and this is what i told him. hurt her felings and ill hurt you. brake her hart and ill brake you neck. hit her and ill kill you! the young man handeled it very well. hes a nice guy. Bob
He seems really nice! She is 21, and she was concerned about us embarrassing her, so I stayed seated when she brought him in and introduced us! She was certified as an EMT the month she turned 20! She tried out for Omaha Fire, but did not pass the physical part-3 times! To keep her skills up she volunteers at LaVista Fire, which is where they became friends! I hear he owns an Urban Search and Rescue dog!
That's what shotgun's were made for. Sometimes us old counrty bumpkins just happen to doze off in the recliner with a broke down double barrel 12 across our leg. Don't matter who walks in they get the point without a word ever being spoken.
As a date and I walked out the door her mother said, "Be a good girl." Although she was not speaking to me I replied,"If she is not she will walk home !"
Sure am glasd my father-in-law never met you guys, I'd have been dead a long time ago. Granddaughter is bringing her boyfriend home for Thanksgiving, a first & a good guy, but her uncles are maki ng plans for him already.
When my two daughters had their first dates i was more worried about the boys then them both farm girls from the looks of the boys I would say if they got out of line they would be the one's wanting their momma.
My now 23 yr old daughter once had a date come to pick her up that made a great first impression.Dressed in nice jeans,denim shirt and western hat,he came right up to me,shook my hand and introduced himself.Future son in law material.They only went out once.The guy she continues to be with has never had much to say to me.He dresses in grungy t shirt and shorts.She says they are just friends,and has no plans to marry him or anybody else at this time.I told her as long as she is around him other guys will think she is taken.My wife told me that before meeting me she was involved with a couple of losers.Years later she found out thst some great guys liked her but never asked her out because she had the loser boy friend,fortunately we were married by then.Needless to say my wife is not happy with the daughter.However our son recently asked his fiances parents to marry their daughter.Of course they said yes......Looks like your daughter has high standards and will be fine dating someone who is a friend .....My wife and I have been married 28 years and we thank God for bringing us together.We both prayed that God would send us a mate,and he did.I was 32 and she was22.With God at the center of our marriage we remain in love.

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