Question for DaveII


Well-known Member
Dave I know you work on an American military base. From your last post it sounds like you don't pay German taxes but our wife does??

I have been meaning to ask about how they do things in Germany. So your wife is a citizen of Germany. What are you then?? Citizen of both the US and Germany or just a permanent naturalized resident?? Illegal alien?? American wet back?? LOL IS your wife an American citizen??

The only thing like this I have any experience with is guys marring foreign women and bring them back to live in the US. That is a real pain to do. Really bad since 9-11. Plus forget about them being able to work while they are getting American citizenship. Work permits or green cards are hard to get an take a long time to do.

I guess it is alright to have million of illegals here working but not for someone trying to become a legal citizen.

So Dave What are you???? LMAO

She is German and I am American. She can't claim me on taxes and I can't claim her so we both pay at the highest rate. Another one of my benefits is, I can't write of anything on taxes like you folks do. Only thing out of my taxes I get is my paycheck which I work for and the warm,fuzzy satisfaction that you folks on that side of the pond are putting them to good use and doing everything possible (pumpin out kids, buying land, and just stuff you don't need just for a tax writeoff) to avoid paying any yourselves.... AND, I get to pay a 19% sales tax on anything I buy here (unless it falls in the right category and I want to go thru the hassle/paperwork to not pay it) on the local economy......
All of that and no kiss either??? LOL How long have you been in Germany??

My grand daughter has been stationed there for several years. She does not like it there and spends very little time off base. She says the whole country is a bunch of stuck up A-holes. Her words not mine.

She helps the families of the injured Soldiers with lodging and transportation while they are in Germany. She says it is real fun working with the German businesses that she has to deal with. I do mean that sarcastically.
(reply to post at 07:07:58 11/01/12)

I've been here 23 years coming March.. Is she a soldier? Where is she?
She's really missing out on life if she don't take advantage of the travel opportunities while she's here...... The Germans aren't so bad, just people like anyone else... Just gotta use people skills on em and put em in their place when needed like you should anywhere you go....
You can't write off anything on your taxes AND you pay 19% sales tax? I hope she's worth it.
(quoted from post at 12:14:45 11/01/12)
(quoted from post at 11:22:18 11/01/12) I hope she's worth it.

She must as Davie refers to her as SWMBO aka THE BOSS. She Who must be obeyed or sumtin like that :lol:
h! He has said worse! :roll:
I spent a limited time in Germany and was PCS in Greece, a country that wasn't very U.S. friendly as well as time in Saudi Arabia during desert shield. I found Germans to be reasonably friendly IF you made some attempt to be a gracious guest, like attempting to speak German (sometimes they even laugh and get a kick out of it) and make an attempt to understand and respect their culture. This also means not complaining because Germany isn't just like America. For the most part I also found that same thing in Greece, try their language, many times after you make the attempt they'll admit to knowing English, eat their food and experience their culture and don't complain when it's not America. Of course there is also some knowledge you need to have and use discretion on where you choose to go. In the city near our detachment in Greece there were a few Tavernas, Coffee houses and restaurants whose owners and patrons were for the most part members of the KKE (Greek Communist party) we understood we weren't welcome there, don't go there and don't stir it up, there were enough other places that were tolerant of us and welcomed the money we spent. Same in Saudi Arabia, many moderate to abundant Saudi's I dealt with were glad we were over there and attempted to make our stay in their country comfortable but we had to understand that some of the rights we as Americans have the average Saudi didn't have so we needed to check our attitude at the door and not complain because we temporarily didn't have what they never have.
Don't worry Dave - I can assure you your tax dollars are going to good use over here.

In fact we're so good at spending them that we're a little short.

Well... To be honest, we kinda ran up a bill while you were away.

It's only about 16 trillion dollars.

So - just saying. Keep the tax dollars flowing.

And if you wouldn't mind kicking in a little extra, we'll be a little more careful about spending in the future. We PROMISE.
If you pay into the US social security fund, I want to personally thank you for my check each month. Keep it up.
So Dave, you only pay Federal Income Tax? No state taxes? Don't you have to have a state to claim to belong in if you remain an American Citizen? Why would you have to pay 19% sales tax if you shop on base? You do work for the Gov't, right? You sound like you love it there a whole lot more than here, why not become a German citizen?
(quoted from post at 09:43:54 11/01/12) I spent a limited time in Germany and was PCS in Greece, a country that wasn't very U.S. friendly as well as time in Saudi Arabia during desert shield. I found Germans to be reasonably friendly IF you made some attempt to be a gracious guest, like attempting to speak German (sometimes they even laugh and get a kick out of it) and make an attempt to understand and respect their culture. This also means not complaining because Germany isn't just like America. For the most part I also found that same thing in Greece, try their language, many times after you make the attempt they'll admit to knowing English, eat their food and experience their culture and don't complain when it's not America. Of course there is also some knowledge you need to have and use discretion on where you choose to go. In the city near our detachment in Greece there were a few Tavernas, Coffee houses and restaurants whose owners and patrons were for the most part members of the KKE (Greek Communist party) we understood we weren't welcome there, don't go there and don't stir it up, there were enough other places that were tolerant of us and welcomed the money we spent. Same in Saudi Arabia, many moderate to abundant Saudi's I dealt with were glad we were over there and attempted to make our stay in their country comfortable but we had to understand that some of the rights we as Americans have the average Saudi didn't have so we needed to check our attitude at the door and not complain because we temporarily didn't have what they never have.

Gracious guest? Last time I looked our armies rolled up the German Army in 1945. We have been there ever sense. That in fact makes us an army of occupation. Every time a senior officer gave us a briefing and made the commnet that we were guests of the Germans when they ask for questions I would stand up and bring up that little overlooked detail. They never once argured that point. That was through 3 tours from 74 to 96.

I did however manage to never tell a German that until I knew they knew me and were a friend. None of them could disagree. I found the best way to become friends with a German was to A: try to speak German and B: always say something bad about the French (which for me was easy).

She is in Landstuhl or Landstuhl Regional Medical Center . She is a Sergeant First Class in the Army. She has been in the Army now for twelve years. She has been stationed in several countries.

I have talked to her and she just does not like the Germany culture/attitude.

She liked being in Japan and Hawaii.

The election will decide if she is going to go on in the Army or not. If it looks like big cuts are coming she is not going to re-enlist.
(quoted from post at 16:56:29 11/01/12) So Dave, you only pay Federal Income Tax? No state taxes? Don't you have to have a state to claim to belong in if you remain an American Citizen? Why would you have to pay 19% sales tax if you shop on base? You do work for the Gov't, right? You sound like you love it there a whole lot more than here, why not become a German citizen?

Not really any of your business what I pay, but I do pay State Tax even tho I can opt out of it... Shopping on base isn't all that you think it is and the stuff we buy isn't sold in the PX...

I Love My Country.. Just can't stand some of the people that populate it these days......
(quoted from post at 21:05:57 11/01/12) She is in Landstuhl or Landstuhl Regional Medical Center . She is a Sergeant First Class in the Army. She has been in the Army now for twelve years. She has been stationed in several countries.

I have talked to her and she just does not like the Germany culture/attitude.

She liked being in Japan and Hawaii.

The election will decide if she is going to go on in the Army or not. If it looks like big cuts are coming she is not going to re-enlist.

That's too bad... That's some of the prettiest country in Germany down there. To each their own I guess..........
Dave. DO as I Do. When asked how much I paid ,tell em $248,000.Shuts em up MOSt every time. lol. Lots of folks keep wondering how much I and Victor make in a year, Same answer $248,00 each. Now don't you believe it. LOL LOU.
(quoted from post at 00:38:45 11/02/12)
(quoted from post at 16:56:29 11/01/12) So Dave, you only pay Federal Income Tax? No state taxes? Don't you have to have a state to claim to belong in if you remain an American Citizen? Why would you have to pay 19% sales tax if you shop on base? You do work for the Gov't, right? You sound like you love it there a whole lot more than here, why not become a German citizen?

Not really any of your business what I pay, but I do pay State Tax even tho I can opt out of it... Shopping on base isn't all that you think it is and the stuff we buy isn't sold in the PX...

I Love My Country.. Just can't stand some of the people that populate it these days......

None of my business? You volunteer information and then tell people it's none of their business?

The PX isn't all I think it is eh? So what, in the 30 years since I got out it went form having just about everything to a 7-11? No way. I bet ol Davy the America hater doesn't pay much US tax at all and avoids whatever other taxes he can, all while telling us how perfect he is and how screwed up and dishonest we all are.
(quoted from post at 04:11:23 11/02/12)
(quoted from post at 00:38:45 11/02/12)
(quoted from post at 16:56:29 11/01/12) So Dave, you only pay Federal Income Tax? No state taxes? Don't you have to have a state to claim to belong in if you remain an American Citizen? Why would you have to pay 19% sales tax if you shop on base? You do work for the Gov't, right? You sound like you love it there a whole lot more than here, why not become a German citizen?

Not really any of your business what I pay, but I do pay State Tax even tho I can opt out of it... Shopping on base isn't all that you think it is and the stuff we buy isn't sold in the PX...

I Love My Country.. Just can't stand some of the people that populate it these days......

None of my business? You volunteer information and then tell people it's none of their business?

The PX isn't all I think it is eh? So what, in the 30 years since I got out it went form having just about everything to a 7-11? No way. I bet ol Davy the America hater doesn't pay much US tax at all and avoids whatever other taxes he can, all while telling us how perfect he is and how screwed up and dishonest we all are.

You're just makin an a$$ of yourself now, I'm thru with ya....
(quoted from post at 04:11:23 11/02/12)
(quoted from post at 00:38:45 11/02/12)
(quoted from post at 16:56:29 11/01/12) So Dave, you only pay Federal Income Tax? No state taxes? Don't you have to have a state to claim to belong in if you remain an American Citizen? Why would you have to pay 19% sales tax if you shop on base? You do work for the Gov't, right? You sound like you love it there a whole lot more than here, why not become a German citizen?

Not really any of your business what I pay, but I do pay State Tax even tho I can opt out of it... Shopping on base isn't all that you think it is and the stuff we buy isn't sold in the PX...

I Love My Country.. Just can't stand some of the people that populate it these days......

None of my business? You volunteer information and then tell people it's none of their business?

The PX isn't all I think it is eh? So what, in the 30 years since I got out it went form having just about everything to a 7-11? No way. I bet ol Davy the America hater doesn't pay much US tax at all and avoids whatever other taxes he can, all while telling us how perfect he is and how screwed up and dishonest we all are.

Bret actually the PX can and is beat by many down town stores in selection and PRICE. Has been for many years. Really pretty much clothing, electronics, giftware, housewares and a very small hardware section with the other little distractions like jewelery and sporting (racket ball, golf are the two big items). Most young soldiers and their families shop downtown cause it's cheaper except overseas where most don't know enough to shop downtown. Go to Ft Riley KS for example and take a look at the People in Wal Mart on paydays and then look at the people at the PX and commisary. People in the PX and commisary are senior NCO's and their families and the offices and families. The enlisted guys and their familiest are all down at the super center.

(quoted from post at 08:57:03 11/01/12)
She is German and I am American. She can't claim me on taxes and I can't claim her so we both pay at the highest rate.

That leaves me baffled Dave. as you know I lived in Germany for 6 1/2 yrs. 2 1/2 in the Army, and the rest on the economy like you. Only difference was I worked for a German comany the last 4.

But when I was drawing a US paycheck I claimed my German wife with no problem. She never could claim me on her taxes, till I took a European out, and stayed in Germany. Now if your just co-habitating that would make sense, and jive with what you said.
(quoted from post at 12:04:26 11/02/12)
(quoted from post at 08:57:03 11/01/12)
She is German and I am American. She can't claim me on taxes and I can't claim her so we both pay at the highest rate.

That leaves me baffled Dave. as you know I lived in Germany for 6 1/2 yrs. 2 1/2 in the Army, and the rest on the economy like you. Only difference was I worked for a German comany the last 4.

But when I was drawing a US paycheck I claimed my German wife with no problem. She never could claim me on her taxes, till I took a European out, and stayed in Germany. Now if your just co-habitating that would make sense, and jive with what you said.

head of household is the best deal I can get.... anything else puts her in a different class... Not higher taxes, just more hassle..... I see the tax preparer every year and ask the same ???'s. Maybe one year he'll feel sorry for me....
(quoted from post at 15:14:13 11/02/12) Maybe one year he'll feel sorry for me....

show him a pic of your wife

Another gutless wonder.......... Guess you idiots never heard of an IP address... Whatever makes ya happy....... It all comes back in the end..

Daryl in PA
10-11-2012 05:24:02

11-02-2012 15:14:13
Not really any of your business what I pay, but I do pay State Tax even
The PX isn't all I think it is eh? So what, in the 30 years since I got out it went form having just about everything to a 7-11? No way. I bet ol Davy the America hater doesn't pay much US tax at all and avoids whatever other taxes he can, all while telling us how perfect he is and how screwed up and dishonest we all are.[/quote]

Ahh yes...the KING of people kills :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Yeah, ya kinda read through the bovine excretion after some time. I don;t mind blunt and to the point, it's the elitist hogwash that gets me.
(quoted from post at 16:56:29 11/01/12)

None of my business? You volunteer information and then tell people it's none of their business?

The PX isn't all I think it is eh? So what, in the 30 years since I got out it went form having just about everything to a 7-11? No way. I bet ol Davy the America hater doesn't pay much US tax at all and avoids whatever other taxes he can, all while telling us how perfect he is and how screwed up and dishonest we all are.

You actually hit the nail on the head, weather you intended to or not. Dave has bragged for years how he avoids taxes. Right up to the infamous "I dont want to pay taxes on my german made chainsaw" thread, he had been pretty open about buying everything he could tax free dispite living in a 19% tax rate area. In short, he has boasted at how easy it is: buy on Ebay, "free" shipping (to his APO box) and no local taxes have to be paid. In fact, he has even had a few rants on here at how some Ebay sellers wont ship or wont ship "free" to APO addresses.

After the "I dont want to pay taxes on my german made chainsaw" thread, which he got a little beat up in, he has been much more low key.
(quoted from post at 19:15:52 11/03/12)
(quoted from post at 16:56:29 11/01/12)

None of my business? You volunteer information and then tell people it's none of their business?

The PX isn't all I think it is eh? So what, in the 30 years since I got out it went form having just about everything to a 7-11? No way. I bet ol Davy the America hater doesn't pay much US tax at all and avoids whatever other taxes he can, all while telling us how perfect he is and how screwed up and dishonest we all are.

You actually hit the nail on the head, weather you intended to or not. Dave has bragged for years how he avoids taxes. Right up to the infamous "I dont want to pay taxes on my german made chainsaw" thread, he had been pretty open about buying everything he could tax free dispite living in a 19% tax rate area. In short, he has boasted at how easy it is: buy on Ebay, "free" shipping (to his APO box) and no local taxes have to be paid. In fact, he has even had a few rants on here at how some Ebay sellers wont ship or wont ship "free" to APO addresses.

After the "I dont want to pay taxes on my german made chainsaw" thread, which he got a little beat up in, he has been much more low key.

Yeppers...... You clowns really put me in my place right there huh???????? Don't get the big head tho.... Like water off a ducks back..... At least you had the balls to type it under your own handle.....You boys just think what you want and
(quoted from post at 02:09:07 11/04/12)

Yeppers...... You clowns really put me in my place right there huh???????? Don't get the big head tho.... Like water off a ducks back..... At least you had the balls to type it under your own handle.....You boys just think what you want and

I dont recall me playing a part in "putting you in place" but I do remember laughing quite hard at the computer here. Not just the chainsaw thread, there have been many others with the same theme of "I want to live here but dont want to pay any of the taxes here".

I do think it bothers you though because ever since the chainsaw thread, you have been pretty mum about ripping of Germany on taxes you should be paying them. If it didnt bother you, you would still be bragging about all the things you can get sent to you at your APO box. To be fair though, you have mentioned quite a few times how you like to have things sent to your relatives in the states and THEY turn around and send it to your APO box. Hey, its one extra step but if it saves you paying German taxes, you are all for it, right?

Remember, us clowns are not making this stuff up in our minds, we are reading what you brag about. If ya dont like it that people know you are tax cheat, dont come here bragging about it.
(quoted from post at 10:00:36 11/04/12)
(quoted from post at 02:09:07 11/04/12)

Yeppers...... You clowns really put me in my place right there huh???????? Don't get the big head tho.... Like water off a ducks back..... At least you had the balls to type it under your own handle.....You boys just think what you want and

I dont recall me playing a part in "putting you in place" but I do remember laughing quite hard at the computer here. Not just the chainsaw thread, there have been many others with the same theme of "I want to live here but dont want to pay any of the taxes here".

I do think it bothers you though because ever since the chainsaw thread, you have been pretty mum about ripping of Germany on taxes you should be paying them. If it didnt bother you, you would still be bragging about all the things you can get sent to you at your APO box. To be fair though, you have mentioned quite a few times how you like to have things sent to your relatives in the states and THEY turn around and send it to your APO box. Hey, its one extra step but if it saves you paying German taxes, you are all for it, right?

Remember, us clowns are not making this stuff up in our minds, we are reading what you brag about. If ya dont like it that people know you are tax cheat, dont come here bragging about it.

Hey, I got no problem with him cheating on taxes, US or German. The less taxes a gov't gets, the less trouble they tend to cause. There's a certain amount of taxes we all need to pay to support the common defense, etc. The rest, the social programs, arts programs, pork, pork, pork is the part I can do without. If Dave can avoid some of that, good for him. Just don't try and rub someone elses face in it.
(quoted from post at 16:07:56 11/04/12) If Dave can avoid some of that, good for him. Just don't try and rub someone elses face in it.

If I gave anyone the impression that I was doing that, it wasn't intentional at all....

It's sure gonna be a looooooooooooooooooong winter... Some of you folks are already hangin your hearts on your sleeves and being cranky.. If I could reach you, I'd give ya a big hug and tell ya not to worry, uncle Dave'll make the sun shine again for ya in a few months.........
Have a good day....
(quoted from post at 23:48:02 11/04/12)
(quoted from post at 16:07:56 11/04/12) If Dave can avoid some of that, good for him. Just don't try and rub someone elses face in it.

If I gave anyone the impression that I was doing that, it wasn't intentional at all....

It's sure gonna be a looooooooooooooooooong winter... Some of you folks are already hangin your hearts on your sleeves and being cranky.. If I could reach you, I'd give ya a big hug and tell ya not to worry, uncle Dave'll make the sun shine again for ya in a few months.........
Have a good day....

If the election doesn't go their way, they will be really cranky!!!
(quoted from post at 05:03:07 11/05/12)
(quoted from post at 23:48:02 11/04/12)
(quoted from post at 16:07:56 11/04/12) If Dave can avoid some of that, good for him. Just don't try and rub someone elses face in it.

If I gave anyone the impression that I was doing that, it wasn't intentional at all....

It's sure gonna be a looooooooooooooooooong winter... Some of you folks are already hangin your hearts on your sleeves and being cranky.. If I could reach you, I'd give ya a big hug and tell ya not to worry, uncle Dave'll make the sun shine again for ya in a few months.........
Have a good day....

If the election doesn't go their way, they will be really cranky!!!

You's just a heartlrss old b@stard...................
(quoted from post at 05:10:43 11/05/12)
(quoted from post at 05:03:07 11/05/12)
(quoted from post at 23:48:02 11/04/12)
(quoted from post at 16:07:56 11/04/12) If Dave can avoid some of that, good for him. Just don't try and rub someone elses face in it.

If I gave anyone the impression that I was doing that, it wasn't intentional at all....

It's sure gonna be a looooooooooooooooooong winter... Some of you folks are already hangin your hearts on your sleeves and being cranky.. If I could reach you, I'd give ya a big hug and tell ya not to worry, uncle Dave'll make the sun shine again for ya in a few months.........
Have a good day....

If the election doesn't go their way, they will be really cranky!!!

You's just a heartlrss old b@stard...................
:) :D
(quoted from post at 05:12:04 11/05/12)
(quoted from post at 05:10:43 11/05/12)
(quoted from post at 05:03:07 11/05/12)
(quoted from post at 23:48:02 11/04/12)
(quoted from post at 16:07:56 11/04/12) If Dave can avoid some of that, good for him. Just don't try and rub someone elses face in it.

If I gave anyone the impression that I was doing that, it wasn't intentional at all....

It's sure gonna be a looooooooooooooooooong winter... Some of you folks are already hangin your hearts on your sleeves and being cranky.. If I could reach you, I'd give ya a big hug and tell ya not to worry, uncle Dave'll make the sun shine again for ya in a few months.........
Have a good day....

If the election doesn't go their way, they will be really cranky!!!

You's just a heartlrss old b@stard...................

And to show u what a pkkkk I am, I'm gonna bump this puppy!! :lol:

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