jon f mn

Well-known Member
Got a speed ticket in san antonio tx on friday. City cop said I was going 68 in a 60 zone. I knew I wasn't but didn't argue. Today I down loaded the gps and truck ecm and both say my max speed for the 15 minutes before the ticket was 58 mph. So now I get to go to tx twice to fight this, once to plead and once for trial. With the new CSA laws I can't let it go either. So even if the judghe is honest and it gets dismissed I'll still be out several hundred dollars. This used to be just be like another tax and I would just pay it and move on but now you can't do that anymore.
That sucks! Can you get a report somehow from the GPS? Dumb question, I know. Just wondering? Anything to help prove you are innocent.
Kow Farmer (Kurt)
I would send a copy of your GPS to the court they might just drop it right there to save the money it cast for thr trial that are going to ask for if they don't.

I recieved a paring ticket from SD, CA I lived around 500 miles north of there and they thought that I would just pay the fee. Not so. As the liscence number that they used was never on the car. I had ordered personal plates and just put them on the shelf.
My wife sent a letter to the Governor and they call the city and told them to the rib off.
Ps next time a cop accuses you of speeding show him your GPS and say you want to argue with that thing in court.
Most jurisdictions will allow you to contest a speeding ticket by mail, if you request it (and your distance would certainly justify it). Call the court clerk and talk to her, tell her what you have. She may refer you to the prosecutor. But a sworn statement and the electronic record you have should get it dismissed, without the two trips.
I did show him the gps, he just shrugged and grinned and kept writing. He knows the judge will find me guilty almost no matter what. It's a money maker for them. Getting so bad some states have passed laws making it hard for city and county officers to ticket commercial vehicles.
Says right on the ticket you can't take care of it by phone, if you want to contest you have to show up.
Call anyway. I'm thinking you can work something out, especially when you have hard evidence exonerating you, and aren't just trying to B S your way out of it. As I said, if you don't have any luck with the court clerk, try the prosecutor.
If you do have to come back to fight it, you may want to peel off the old bumper stickers might give you a fighting chance.
(quoted from post at 16:20:49 11/05/12) Got a speed ticket in san antonio tx on friday. City cop said I was going 68 in a 60 zone. I knew I wasn't but didn't argue. Today I down loaded the gps and truck ecm and both say my max speed for the 15 minutes before the ticket was 58 mph. So now I get to go to tx twice to fight this, once to plead and once for trial. With the new CSA laws I can't let it go either. So even if the judghe is honest and it gets dismissed I'll still be out several hundred dollars. This used to be just be like another tax and I would just pay it and move on but now you can't do that anymore.
robably still rip you over chain-of-custody concerning your evidence.
I know the feeling. I got pulled a couple years ago way out in the country, asked the cop how he got me (I knew my radar detect. never went off). He said he matched my speed, some miles back. I knew right then it was going to be a BS, crooked, shakedown kind of ticket. I just smiled and said that he was doing an outstanding job. Gave it to my lawyer, he knocked it down to some broken taillight type of ticket and I paid the fine with no points. Sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches in life. This happened on my birthday, that's why I remember it so well. :wink:
Our local Vol. Fire Company got a parking ticket from
Philadelphia, PA., for our water tanker. It had never been there while we owned it. It was bought new! A B-60 Mack that held 2,130 gallons of water, and would hardly get out of its own way, much less be driven from the Pittsburgh, PA. area!
I wish you luck but IMHO "electronic" evidence will be thrown out because it can be "electronically manipulated" (my words). Like a digital photo can be altered. It doesn't matter where you are you will lose unless you have a lawyer.
I got a speeding back in March of this year by a state trooper tried to tell me I was do 75 in a 40 took it to court and the ticket was dismissed the judge to the state boy and the other troopers he was tired of them stopping the hard working people of the county for no reason and the next time he saw him there he better have a real law breaker there.
I got 3 parking tickets back in the 1980's in California. One from a city cop, one from the sheriff and one from a Chip. All three within an hour of each other. It was amazing because you could tell the last two (Sheriff and Chippie) just copied the first one. ALL THREE had the SAME mistake on them - one number from my plate wrong. The one from the Sheriff contained a summons to appear - which I ignored. When they finally came looking for me, my SgtMajor took care of it. They had the right guy, but OBVIOUSLY not my car.

They weren't amused, but nothing they could do.
We have a big problem over here in Northern Ireland, where truckers 'steal' our tractor registration numbers and use them on their trailers (I think you call them semi-trailers?) Usually when a bit of (hush!) drug smuggling is going on! My mate has a truck company beside him and every new tractor he gets,about 2 weeks later he gets a ticket for an offence in England,. Once got a ticket for doing over 70 on the Motorway in England , (our trucks are limited to 65mph) that was on a New Holland TM165 top speed 40km/hr. this same scenario happened at least 4 times, then there was the time he got a new self propelled silage chopper....A few weeks later he got a ticket for illegal parking near to Buckingham Palace in London. He got away with them all as he had proof they were the regs of tractors and could not possibly have been in England at the time, but it is happening too often and he is afraid of being linked to a crime some day.
Your best chance is to hire a lawyer from San Antonio. You don't need to be there, but usually just the threat of a lawyer asking questions they don't want asked is enough to be it dismissed.
I agree with you, you have no choice but fight it, no tickets with a cdl, and no tickets in a truck.
Unless the cop was pacing him with his vehicle (which probably had a 'electronic' speedometer), the radar is also an electronic device.... That said based on what I have been told by several buddies that work on vehicles, the saved information on the ECM in a vehicle can be read, and usually erased, but not changed. This because it is registered only from the vehicles sensors, and doesn't have the capability to be 'programmed' from a 'test tool'.
If you can provide some sort of documentation attesting to the accuracy of the GPS and ECM and present that you could beat the ticket. How you could do that I don't know. Police cars have "certified" speedometers which means they get checked on a regular basis against a properly working and tested radar under controlled conditions. Any variation is recorded and figured in to a paced speed. Police officers are also supposed to be trained how to pace another car. You could ask for the PO's training records showing he was properly instructed in pacing and the sheets indicating his accuracy at the time of training.

I've been through a lot of this stuff. I hear some incredible stories from people that got caught, I don't know what to believe anymore.

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