technology......gotta love it..


Well-known Member
decided on the new pellet boiler and solar package... Talking to the guy about maintenance/ service/repairs.... Said that I have to empty the ashes and vacuum out the heat chamber. Said he can do readings, troubleshooting and adjustments from his computer or smartphone and show up as necessary......
Sounds farfetched but I guess anything is possible........
Not trying to sound like a crazy loon or anything but given current technology, and any future advancements that make it any "worse" it won"t be long before "THEY" can unlock your doors, turn off your alarm, power, heat, water, etc, etc, etc and do it from the next state, or another country for that matter. Personally I preffer my belongings to be at least somewhat under my control and have no problem using a key to open a lock, my finger to push an on or off btton, etc, etc. Giving someone else the capability to do things remotely like that, except for nonessential things like my internet or cable connection just bothers me..........
If he's so smart mabe he can figure out how to load my Papa Bear Wood stove with his Gizmo.Thanks but no thanks I like to be in full control of heating my house.
If they did all the things that you are scared of just how long do you think that they would be in business.
I talked with a mechanic from a local JD dealer and he said that's what he does on the new JD tractors and combines.
Technicians that work on refrigeration trailers monitor them the same way. All by satellite.
Modern aircraft now are in constant communication with the maintence people. The repairman knows how the airplane is feeling long before the pilot even has an inkling that it may be feeling a bit off.
Yea, but I got out of my pickup the other day, static electricity shot from my finger to the door lock - now the doors don't lock from that panel any more.

Wait until you get any power gltich at all, and it fries the computer board, which the don't make any more after 5 years old.

Then what? Perfectly good furnace, and it makes a boat anchor, and your pipes freeze up....

It's not the manufacturers that need to be worried about, it's the government. Just think how much easier it would have been for someone like Hitler to take over Europe, and the US for that matter, if his military could have gotten ahold of technology to hack into the mfgs computer systems, or worse simply took the technology from the mfgs. In either case if a regine such as that had the ability to shut down people's heat, open their houses at will, etc, think about the consequenses..............
(quoted from post at 17:56:07 11/06/12) It's not the manufacturers that need to be worried about, it's the government. Just think how much easier it would have been for someone like Hitler to take over Europe, and the US for that matter, if his military could have gotten ahold of technology to hack into the mfgs computer systems, or worse simply took the technology from the mfgs. In either case if a regine such as that had the ability to shut down people's heat, open their houses at will, etc, think about the consequenses..............

Well, I have to agree that remote sensing and control from someone other than the owner bothers me. I believe there's one state, Calif?, where they were trying to get home heating/cooling controls that would let the gov't be able to control things. And of course On Star can unlock or even stop your car. Double edged sword, it can do good, but it can also be misused.

Dave, I imagine the heating guy is correct. All it takes is some sort of interface with a comm system and he should be able to diagnose remotely.

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