Barn fire victim identified


Well-known Member
They've identified the guy who died in a barn fire just south of town a few weeks ago.

Puts to rest the rumor around town that it was Mike Huckleberry anyway.
Barn fire victim
Have you seen him since the election?
Lot's of people around here wish he'd just disapear.

Do not really know him, my old boss knew him so I met him in his restaurant a few years back when we done work for Electrolux.

Many people in your area do share the same opinion.
Saw that, but it sure didn't make headlines - either in the local TV media, or the DAILYSNOOZE.
Had to look to find it on line. Just happened to trip over it. Apparently the modern day equivalent of a hobo? Slept around in barns? Ever find any evidence he used yours rr?
No,not in mine,but my brother has a travel trailer and an old garage up in his sand pit a mile north of me,and he caught him sleeping in the trailer. When my wife was taking care of an old guy with dementia out in the trailer park,she caught him sleeping on the old guys couch one morning.
Sounds like the kind of person that should have been in a Mental Home. Not because he was a danger to anyone but just to keep him safe. We have a lady in town that walks the streets. Waiting for it to rain. She was in a home until all the bleeding hearts had them released to the streets. With no help and no where to go.

I was working around the state hospitals when it happened. One of the saddest days of my life. Was watching theses people being kicked out of the hospitals.
There used to be many of these kind of people around. Just over on the next place east there was a old Hobo shack. There where two or three different guys that would be there over the coarse of a year. One would stay in the winter and move on north and the others would come back from the south in the spring and summer.

They all where friends with my Great Grand Mother. They would help her in her garden an she would share her produce and eggs with them. The old fellow that stayed during the winter would some times come and help with chores for some pocket money. He would be called retarded or mentally challenged today. HE would check on my Great Grand Mother every day when he was here. When it snowed he always would shovel the path to her mail box. She would give him baked goods and let him use the shower in the old milk house. It worked for them both.

Now days I would be scared to death of the crazies out there. They are nothing like the guys from years ago. Many are burnt out on drugs and will steal you blind.

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