got a nice deer

I dont hunt,I never really had time to lately, But I did hunt when I was young. Yesterday I got a call from a friend of mine who I work with. He had a deer in his freezer that he got in bow season here in nj,and he shot a buck hunting in PA. He doesnt have room for both,and asked me if I want a deer, I stopped by to pick it up,he had it in 4 quarters in 4 seperate bags in his chest freezer.I brought it home last night,and realized I have to cut it up,or it is not going to fit in our upright freezer. Believe it or not,I sliced the back legs into steaks with a sawsall with a long wood blade,(a blade with no paint on it). Then I scraped them clean of the meat and bone sawdust,They turned out real nice,we wrapped them and put them in the freezer. The 2 backstraps I sliced into steaks with a knife,I cut the shoulders into pieces with the sawsall for the crockpot,had 1 piece of shoulder tonight for dinner, The freezer is full,and I never fired a shot!
Has anyone else tried the sawsall to slice the deer up? I did not want to thaw it out,so I gave it a try,it worked pretty good!
Not on deer, but wife wanted jack-o-lanterns NOW, Pronto! Don't ask, but they appeared awful fast! Also use sawsall to trim horns on Shetland sheep when they are growing too close to their face.... My sheep shearer says she can't watch - never hurt a sheep yet, but you got to be careful when you are close to end of cut. Shearer wants to use surgical wire saw - takes a long time that way.

Congrats to you hunter friend. We donated one to a needy family after our freezers were full.
I got a Sawzall a couple years ago, and now I do not understand how I ever got along without it. I think it would do a pretty good job on frozen meat.

But its not the end of the world if you thaw frozen meat once, cut it up, then put it back in the freezer- might decrease the quality a little, but probably not enough to notice. Especially if its an old buck- it'll be gamey, no matter what you do. . .
Keep the backstraps, bone the rest out and your next trip to Pa, stop at Peter Bros or Dietrich Meats and have them make bag bologna out of the rest. I really dont care for deer meat, but some love it.
A guy I work with uses a sawzall to "slice" deer meat off the bone as they are hanging up. He has become quite good at butchering deer.
A guy I work with uses a sawzall to "slice" deer meat off the bone as they are hanging up. He has become quite good at butchering deer.
Quartered a Moose with a chainsaw. Without the oil injector of course. We go so late that we had to fly away before sunset, leaving the Moose without his guts. Next morning with a nice clean(ish) Pioneer Mr Moose was on the last great airplane ride to the butcher. Can not remember if we then thawed him and refroze or just bandsawed the whole thing into steaks and roasts
I use my Sawzall to quarter them, cut the head and legs off but they are always fresh not frozen.
You wont make hamburger so you adapt.
If I got one like you that was frozen I would do as you did. No qualms.
Cut him up small enough so you can throw chunks into the crock pot or pressure cooker.
Add lots of taters, rutabaga, carrots and onion.
Live on boiled dinners for a while.
Try to cut some chops out too to put on the grill.
You done good with the power tool.
My wife always debones all the deer roasts to save freezer space as we usually work up 8 to 10 deer a year between what I kill and what the fellows that hunt here kill that don't eat deer meat.Already have four in the freezer and the season has 5 more weeks to go.Also she grinds up a good portion for burgers and sausage.
No one ever died from eating "refrozen " meat. Movement of enzyme amd tissue damage will result in refrozen fish and puoltry. Not so much in beef.deer/elk or pork.

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