YouTube for SweetFeet

Awesome video! Bookmarked it and will have to look at others when it is a civil time of day.

Just loved the, (quote) "Art Deco Tractor". It is the rusty version of that 1925 Fordson we recently saw at a machinist's shop...only better because it is rusty! Neat little tool boxes built into its fenders (though missing the covers). When we saw the restored one, I wished I had my camera along. Then I thought, I wish it was all rusty and parked outside - then it would be a great photo op.

Also like her terminology for a junkyard... repository.

Have walked through many junkyards this way with our kids - but never had a video cam. Thanks for posting!
I was afraid the little boy would get into wasps. I have done that several times, The first was when I was about that size and was looking at an old Durant car.

Be kind to that boy. You will be meeting him here on 20 years
60 acre,

I learned about wasps this summer. Opened a tool box on a rusty 10-20. Got swarmed, but not stung. Husband came and shot them out of the air around me with a can of something - maybe WD40. It was kind of comical, after the fact. (I open toolboxes with a long branch now.)
(quoted from post at 07:21:21 12/08/12)
Be kind to that boy. You will be meeting him here on 20 years
I thought he was a pretty typical little boy.
Inquisitive and adventurous.
Its hard to hear him at the beginning, but he says "Mysteries are there
to solve." same as the title of the video.

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