Talking firewood, see if you can top this story...


Well-known Member
With the talk of firewood below, I just delivered a load to a client of mine today. I must now cut it to 18", must mostly be the inside part of the log, no bark, preferably be cherry, with a slight mix of oak or ash, and each piece hand brushed off. This winter I'm going to make a pile specifically for him, all 18" and set it aside for next winter. How about that?
I agree, charge him more for special order. There's nothing wrong with that, if he don't like it that's not your problem, it's his problem.
I'd sure figure out a price that would more than compensate for the extra work and waste. The old adage is true--"If you want good, clean, dry oats you have to pay the price--If you can use oats that have been thru the horse, it's cheaper!"
Just about. This same place has 5 acres irrigated and 7 not. I mow the 5 acres twice a week and the 7 once. Only in diagonals and striped with a striper every time. Hey, whatever they want. I'm known for doing whatever it takes. I set an outdoor wood boiler this week for another guy, made shed roofs over a shooting bench the other week and made a super husky flagpole out of a large parking lot light pole recently. Hey I'll do about anything if they are willing to pay for it!!
In 96 about 7 months after I retired from the Army my wife's cousin broke his neck in a 3 wheeler accident. Because of the hospital bills and him being unable to work my boys and I cut up several dead oaks, about 4 cords, and hauled them to his place because thier primary source of heat was wood. Now we didn't have a splitter so his father in law and one of my boys split and stacked it a few days later. They were very grateful. The following year another local guy was injured in a construction accident in the spring. Again a family who's primary source of heat was wood. I didn't really know the guy but went to his house and ask if he needed some fire wood and told him I couldn't split it. So again my boys and I cut and delivered about 3 cords. This guy got mad because we didn't split it????? Last year this same guy ask if I would cut and bale hay for him, small squares. I told him sure, 10 bucks a bale. Then he tries telling me how sorry he was for getting mad about the wood not being split.

I had delivered 3 or 4 loads of hicory to a guy in a small town . I told him I had some white oak and he said he would like to have some of it . I stacked the wood in a leanto on the side of his mini barn . When I went back with another load a few days later the oak was tossed out in a pile and he said it smelled so bad he could not have it and the neighbors were calling wanting to know if he spread manure on his garden . I unloaded the new load and reloaded the oak and sold it to the neighbor that he said was complaining , he was happy with it .
Customer Service with a smile....Go for it we need more! I was helping move art work 2 weeks ago. We used the walk behind skid steer for most of it (some of the crates were 600 + lbs.) I try to tell every customer that I appreciate their business although sometimes I have been known to omit that part.
I don't think they would be happy with a load cut now for next year. It sounds like they don't want the bark because its messy. By next year the load you saved would be dirty. I bet the 18" logs is for a wood stove that won't take full size logs.
not saying he was right however possibly was medication. recently while on strong medication my brother was a different man
Price it accordingly! I ran into someone similar years ago when I was selling some wood. I only talked to them on the phone, and I told them I didn't have any wood for them!
I guess he does not want to heat with wood then.

I know a guy that heats with wood and buys whole logs from a tree service company. They dump the logs off his driveway and he slices them up then splits them with an axe. (no log splitter for this guy cause he is broke) It depends on how cold you want to be in the winter.

Quite an article in Farming magazine this year about firewood companies. Several of the big guys cater to a bunch of these kind of customers. They've built tumblers to clean it, and some even have to be delivered on a skid and shrink wrapped.

Some of the best money can be made on good service to specialty markets.

Good on ya.
I don"t usually post to this forum, but I can understand the 18"" length somewhat. I totally heat with wood that I cut, haul, split and pile in the basement. I"m 70 years old, its plain and simple, easier on me and to load into the wood furnace. LOL
Back when I cut firewood for a living(?), I had an order for four cords of round, unsplit wood over the phone. When I brought the first load of two cords the woman said that some of the wood was too big around, they wanted all the wood to be six inch diameter. They wouldn"t accept anything larger or smaller than six inches, I explained that the forest where I cut the wood was not a factory and they should buy from someone else. I delivered that load to another customer that night.

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