Good old simple lunch!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
Wife is not feeling well today so I get to be the chef for lunch. LOL We watch the youngest two grand daughters on the days their Mom works. She is a registered nurse so she actually stayed over last night so she would be there today. She is a real nice level headed young mother.

So I made fried egg,ham and cheese sandwiches on wheat toast. I cut them up into quarters and they thought that made them great. Hand full of chips and a glass of milk for each of us to drink. Desert was an apple sliced up with a little brown maple sugar on them in a bowl.

I know I more than likely broke about all the "new" health food rules but we all liked the meal. I grew up eating a lot of fried egg sandwiches. We had chickens and flour so you made do.
yup, we ate a lot of "unhealthy stuff" too growing up. early sunday dad would make fried eggs with fried baloney on was that a treat!!!. then if mom baked pork chops on a cookie sheet, we would dip white bread in the hot grease , a little salt and pepper...woo- hoo!!! swmbo nowadays has a fit when my daughter and i have eggs fried in bacon grease on toast for breakfast. funny think tho, we all survived!!!
The wife wasn't home yet,so I fried up a couple of hot dogs,one for me,one for the dog. Some potato salad,cottage cheese,chips,ice tea. I'm full and ready for a nap.
I guess I have a problem, I eat my hens eggs everyday, either fried, scrambled, or on a breakfast sandwhich with either bacon, sausage,,,,,, maybe I should cut back on the pork! Lol
Personally I don"t think it much matters what u eat its what you do throughout the day that matters. Sit on the couch a big nono high stress office job bad as well. Good old fashioned physical work is where it"s at work hard but at your own pace is the ticket IMO
Nothin' wrong with that. We had a lot of fried egg and Spam (c) sandwiches growing up- good stuff. Kids probably need more protein and energy than they get from the healthy foods advocates.

Comedian said "All those health food nuts are going to be pretty upset when they get to their 80's, and they're all lyin' around dyin' of nothin'."

And of course, the age-old question- "Will eating healthy make you live longer?" "Dunno, but I do know one thing, it will sure SEEM longer."
We"re batchin" today cause school is out for Christmas Holiday. PBJ, with chips, cheese slice and grapes. Holding on dessert til after supper.
Rainy and around 50 here in WNC. Waiting for the big windy day they are promising for tomorrow. Maybe then we"ll have chilli, with saltines and grated cheese, or maybe grilled cheese sandwich. Maybe Both. Always a big glass of milk to wash it all down.
Deer summer sausage sandwich.

BTW, I think it's in the genes.

My mother would fry bacon, then fry eggs in the bacon fat, and scarf the whole works. When she died at age 94 her cholesterol was 168.
sad thing is you probably broke forty eleven child welfare laws these days by giving them something they would eat. went out to eat a few nights ago and the family thought i was crazy when i ordered a fried baloney sandwich.i think health wise what you do makes more difference than what you eat. back when we were kids theres was no reason to stay inside, these days you drive down the streets of a neighborhood and it looks like a ghost town.
Big bowl of fresh pheasant noodle soup, oyster crackers, and a big glass of milk. And my cholesteral dips below 250 on ocassion. :)
It ain't what you eat, it's how much you eat and whether or not you work it off...

Look up the definition of the word WRONG in the health encyclopedia. You will find my picture.
Nothing wrong with that, That was what I was going to make till I found I still had some of last nights chili. I tend to make it alittle on the spicy side so I heated up a small bowl got a glass of milk got the crackers out and made a half a peanut butter samage and enjoyed it. I think it was a well rounded lunch and there aint nothing wrong with that! Rats! were is the GAS-X! Bandit
A special meal isn't about what you ate, but that you ate it with someone special.

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