this year some folks celebrated a birthday on 12-12-12, it will be 88 years before another like string of numbers is celebrated: 01-01-01. most folks now on earth will not live to this date.
The international date line is in the pacific ocean and since the date travels from east to west all of the way around the world we get the new date after most other folks.
yes--there are 24 time zones around the world---each about 15 degrees wide so the total = 360 degrees---the international date line in the pacific is where each day starts and midnight takes 24 hours to circle the globe
a part of any given day is somewhere on the globe for 48 hrs.
Real early this morning I just happened to be up watching tv and they came on and said it had been 2013 for 18 minutes already somwhere down in New Zealand I believe it was. Anyway, everyone have a Happy New Year. Butch
Think about this and tell me if it is correct......

We have a clock based on 24 hrs and time zones around the world for each hour on the clock.
This would be UTC -12 to UTC +12 with UTC 0 in Western European Time Zone.

The only trouble with that is we have 25 time zones. UTC +13 and even UTC +14 when it is daylight savings time.

So actually it is the same time in UTC -12 as it is in UTC +13 but a differant day.
John, I would love to help you with this but I think I'll save doing the math for a day when doing math is more fun than watching paint dry or taking a nap.
No math involved.
Some little island country picked up some extra islands from (I think) the U.S. (maybe Britain) so it now stretched across 3 time zones.
Since it is right on the date line this made part of the country on one day and other parts on a differant day so basiclly the goverment only had 3 work days between all the islands.
By creating +13 and +14 they was able to put the entire country on the same day.

If you get down to it I think the south pole has new years first because that is where I would think the sun comes up first on a new day this time of year.
Yes, there are 25 time zones. Greenwhich Mean Time(GMT) is one,what you call UTC-0. There are 12 times zones east of GMT, +1 to +12 and 12 time zones west of GMT, -1 to -12.

Each time zone is about 15 degrees of longitude except the time zone that stradles the Internation Date Line. The date line splits it into two time zones, +12 and -12, each about 7 1/2 degrees of longitude.

There are no UTC+13 or UTC+14 time zones. When you go on DST your local time shifts to the standard time in the time zone just east of you. When you go off DST your local time goes back to the standard time in your time zone.

When it's 12 noon GMT it's 12 midnight the same day just west of the international date line (+12 zone) and 12 midnight the day before just east of the date line (-12 zone).
Ah, but here's the rub- didn't know this til youngest dau went to Bagram, Afghanistan in September.........they are 9.5 hours later than US CST! There are a few places in the world where they are a half hour off. I imagine the goats don't care!
Here is a list of all the time zones in the world all 43 of them. While I said 25 off the top of my head before it is really 27 hrs in the day for a full calander day.
-12 -11 -10 -9:30 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4:30 -4 -3:30 -3 -2:30 -2 -1 UTC +1 +2 +3 +3:30 +4 +4:30 +5 +5:30 +5:45 +6 +6:30 +7 +8 +8:45 +9 +9:45 +9:30 +10 +10:30 +11 +11:30 +12 +12:45 +13 +13:45 +14

So while it is 1325 on 12/31/12 here in CDT it is 0725 12/31/12 (UTC-12) in Baker Island, United States Minor Outlying Islands and 0925 01/01/13 (UTC +14) in Apia, Samoa for a differance of 27 hrs. This is because the date line is not straight.

Yes I had to go look it up to get it straight this time.
UTC 14
You guys been smoking that funny weed? 25 time zones? Come on, go change your muffler bearings or something at least as useful.
Yep, 2013 arrived here near Christchurch New Zealand just under 11 hours ago, today is sunny 26 deg C. Happy new year to you!

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