Biggest reality show plant ever


Well-known Member
Came across some fake reality show this morning that I'd never seen before. Barn Auctions or some fool thing like that. The premise is that some broker brings in four or five auctions on a farm,gives them 20 minutes to go through everything and give the owner an estimate of what they think they can get out of the stuff. The owner picks an auctioneer,they have an auction and if the stuff doesn't bring at least what they estimate,they don't get their commission.

So they're in this barn in rural Pennsylvania,open up a box,and there,all wrapped in bubble wrap is a framed painting. Some dandy in a suit,who is more of an apraiser than an auctioneer gets the auction,claims he'll get them at least $30,000. He spends the whole sale insulting people,telling every one of'me that they stole it no matter what they buy,he's selling things for as little as $5 that the other auctioneers had apraised for $300,$400,then he gets to the painting,last thing on the sale and it brings $25,500. Yea right! Guess I'd better go out and start digging through junk looking for bubble wrap.
I cannot imagine why people watch reality TV, especially now that everybody knows it is entirely fake. I listen to the radio so I can work at the same time.
I saw a show like that not long ago -- called ""Money Barn"" or something, pure crapsterpiece theatre.
I did watch Black Gold with some oil field guys I know. They all said. Those guys wouldn't last five minutes on a real rig. But it is good for a laugh.

I watch the learning channels. Don't care for the rest.
I cant watch TV anymore it is Sooooooo damn stupid, the Pawn stars, the red jacket firearms gun show--super stupid. The doomsday prepper show too. My wife watches this show where these women try to make cupcakes for these judges in suits and then they win something, I cant stomach it. If the networks want to do something intelligent for the masses then teach us how to farm or be a carpenter and make a kitchen table, or roof a house, put in a new bathroom sink. The stupidity of the shows just proves the lame brain mentality of the audience, WTF?
at first i thought the black gold show might be interesting to watch thought i might learn something about the drilling process.but all it amounts to is them all a talking and fighting with one another what a joke .
i agree, im recording daytime westerns shows on the western station so i can watch them at night, i didnt think it was possible for a network to program 500 channels of nothing for prime time viewing, but i see they can now i started some of these so called reality shows, but i have some background in mining, and work in a gravel plant which produces the products they sell, hence we get to comply with MSHA seeing some of these so called shows, jeez! that place would be shut down in a second if those inspectors saw somebody running a machine like those guys do
DIY channel does a pretty good job of showing home building and remodling One show in perticular, "Homes on Homes" does real well at showing by examples on how Not to build or remodel and then shows the correct way. "This New House", is informative, The "Crasher" shows are questionable, and I have noticed some less than smart construction practices, and code violations, in my opinion. All in all these shows don't have the drama, that Discovery TV puts forth in their shows, but They don't produce "soap opras" like Disc. TV. I do get a kick out of "World's Dumbest" on TRU TV though.
Loren, the Acg.
That's exactly what I've told my wife about those logging shows. OSHA would shut'em down in less than a heartbeat.
(quoted from post at 14:19:06 01/01/13) I cant watch TV anymore it is Sooooooo damn stupid, the Pawn stars, the red jacket firearms gun show--super stupid. The doomsday prepper show too. My wife watches this show where these women try to make cupcakes for these judges in suits and then they win something, I cant stomach it. If the networks want to do something intelligent for the masses then teach us how to farm or be a carpenter and make a kitchen table, or roof a house, put in a new bathroom sink. The stupidity of the shows just proves the lame brain mentality of the audience, WTF?
Since the rabbit has been jumped,may as well give it a run. I'm in total aggreement as far as lack of educational programing. Taking it a step farthur,why do we see scholarships for higer learning given to students who barely made it thru high school? Why doesn't public school offer more activities such as debate,fine arts and mock trial? Large, well funded schools offer a few of these opertunities but smaller ones don't although 90% offer football,basketball or golf. The only reason I can give is because parents and tax payers would rather watch thier kid play sports than compete in afore said activities which prepare the kid for real life and possiably a career. I believe society would be much better served if scolarship recipents had to demonstrate exceptional accadimic skill to recieve an athletic award. I ask,how does it differ from when Romans used young strong men for intertainment until they couldn't compete then cast them in the street to beg for sustenance because they had no marketable skill? To have been blessed with such wonderful mind,mankind sure uses it weird.
Started picking up a new NBC channel. Cozy TV they call it. Seen some good westerns from the past today.
I moved from urbania to rural America and kids attended local
public school. Daughter excelled in school and we went to the
UIL (University Inter Scholastic League I think it was called)
awards. Basically it was awards for scholarly excellence.

We were in the Gym where they had the stage and metal chairs
put up and all. Probably 100 total folks. That was on Thursday
night. On Friday night the stands at the football game were

You nailed it.

Wrong priorities and that was 30 years ago. It's only gotten

Agree 100%. Wife and I were watching a movie the other night and there were at least 4 commercials for NEW reality shows starting up in January. Every one of them made us laugh and roll our eyes at the idiocy of them. The fact that they're on the Discovery Channel or Learning channel is an oxymoron (heavy on the "moron" part). Can't remember all the stupid premises of them.

But guess what? The reason they put this stuff on is BECAUSE PEOPLE WATCH IT. I agree with another poster. I can surf thru the 100+ channels I get on my basic cable package and find absolutely nothing of interest unless I hit on an old movie on TMC.
How drunk do you think the TV Brass was when they came up with Pit bulls and Parolees? Show about ex con midgets rescuing pit bulls??


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