Cold night!


Well-known Member
We have 7 degrees here in eastern NY, weatherman said we will get below zero for the first time since 2/11/11! It's about time the weather gets back to normal. He said the winter of 2012 was the warmest since recording began in 1828! Lol
2011 was a warm winter here and of course winter of 2012 was at least the first part of it. But would you believe that the average for Dec 2011 and Dec 2012 that 2012 was warmer then 11 was. Last winter we had almost no snow but the winter before we got 2 foot which is a lot for us here at any one time
It's 2F here now, 45 miles west of you ,Wind chill at 2, Barometer @30.21 and humidity @81%, and wind @0mph from the SW when it stopped. Data from my Davis weather station, linked to my compuker.
Loren, the Acg.
Same here old, winter 2011 was very cold, January threw march, only 3 days above freezing! 2012 was mild and no snow! Lol, strange weather.
Still remember one year back in the mid 70s say around 76 or so where I lived in New London CT and ALL the state roads where shut down due to heavy snow. Only people that where to be out where those helping others. Well I was out after we found my Dodge Van. It was in a snow drift and so deep that the 2-3 foot antennas where under the snow but we drove it out of that drift and on to more places after
Wasn't nobody around my area to take measurements in 1828 cept a few injuns and they didn't mind the cold. Easier to pick up buffalo chips if they're frozen. Wonder what the inside of those teepees smelled like after a long winter of turd burnin?
old. Winter of 2010 was heavy snow year here. Story about your van reminded me about a spot up the road that always difts up bad, under the side of a cut away hill. Anyway 2010 a car got stuck when drift wasn't to bad yet. Driver left it there and walked away. Kept drifting more all night. They found the car the next day with a snow plow. Wasn't pretty. Wish I had taken pictures. I'm assuming you had to dig your Van out first. No? Rocko.
-6F here in on NY's Candian border about 6 miles south of Ottawa. It's not bad when the air is still. A slight breeze just takes the cold into your bones.

It was -5 here in southern NH. I don't have an outdoor thermometer anymore, but one of my hay customers has a weather station about two miles away that reports in to underground weather, so I can get all of my conditions on line.
The ole meter read, -5 early this am, no wind so it did not seem it, sunny too, boy you could see the steam rise off both chimney's, especially the one with the wood stove when I lit it up first thing, kind of neat to watch when the sun first comes up. You can tell its cold once its been burning awhile and still doing that.
Low was -8 here, froze a water line in an unheated basement between 3 AM when I got up to put wood in the boiler and 6:30 AM when I found out it was frozen. I knew where the trouble usually is, 20 minutes of the salamander and a propane torch and everything was back up and running.
Got word a former neighbour who moved to his sheep farm years ago abandoned his car in a drift a mile from home and was found frozen on his front step the next day.

The winds were 30-50 mph and -17 C, which is about 0 F. He was a nice eccentric old fellow. He had lost his wife a year or two ago and had just taken his kids and grand kids to the airport.
Where I had parked it was between two hills that had a house on each side. I lived in one who know who was in the other. You could almost walk from house to house with out going down hill much of any. Took a broom out to find the van roof as in the handles in the snow. Figured out where each corner was then dug down and got the drives door open. Crawled under it and put on chains on the tires. Started it up and let it run for about 30 minutes. Then 5 or 6 of use climbed in by way of the driver door and took off. We did not dig it out just pushed the snow forward and out of the way. That van was a custom thing and scaled out just under 6000lbs so with the chains and knowledge of how to drive snow drove all over and it was 2 wheel drive

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