Friend robbed at gun point


Well-known Member
A good friend of mine called me this morning, waking me up, to let me know he was on his way back to our house. He works out of town alot and had stayed with us over the weekend due to a breakup with his girlfriend (ie no apartment any more). So, he leaves around 3 AM, headed to the office/shop to meet his ride to the jobsite, which is out of state. He got there about 3:45 and was in the process of making sure he had everything he needed in his bag, before the rest of the crew got there, when a man (I won't specify race....) pulled up in his car with the window down. That led to a pistol being aimed through the open window at my buddy, followed by the words, 'Gimme what you got'. Thankfully all he really had was his laptop and his wallet, so after cancelling credit cards, etc he didn't actually lose much monetarily. Even then his employeer has agreed to cover all of his loses and get him a new laptop, etc. Most importantly he escaped the incident with his life.

That all said, he just turned 21 toward the end of last year and had applied for a pistol purchase permit because his new job often puts him in situations, and bad areas, like this. By the time the sherriffs dept got his application processed, etc he didn't have but a few days to actually pick up the permits -vs- the 30 days that the signup paperwork leads you to believe. Seems it's 30 days from the time of application and not from the time they let you know they are ready for pickup. With the holidays slowing down the application process, and with him out of town so much, by the time he got off and home on a Friday to pick them up was told they had expired (although he was well within the 30 days from notification, but not from application) and they had to redo everything....a process they have still not completed for the second time. Funny how a few days basically cancels out the permitting process, when the permits issued are actually good for a full 5 years.....Sounds like a load of BS to me but that's the rules.....

My point here is that because my buddy tried to follow the rules to buy a pistol, he really got screwed. Had he actually been armed with a visible weapon (NC is a open carry state and he planned to do so)I believe the thief would have had second thoughts before brandshing his own pistol. If not the would be thief would have probably been on his way to the hospital, or morgue, for his stupidity as my buddy, even though he's young, isn't easily shaken and is a pretty good shot.

I've been debating the whole concealed carry deal and still haven't really made up my mind which way to go on it. Thing is after today I've pretty much decided I'm going to go ahead and get the permit. Wether Uncle Sam knows I have firearm or not is of no concern to me as I have several others they know about anyway. The nice thing is that with the permit I can legally carry concealed where prudent to do so, and legally carry as openly as possible when ever I possibly can. I just wish more others would get off the proverbial couch and do the same.
Son was robbed at gunpoint by 3 thugs on the beach in Brazil. Took his video camera, digital camera and wallet with travel money and credit cards. He was lucky to walk away from that one.

He had gone down to the beach alone to take pics of the sunrise - should have stayed in the hotel until his travelling companions could go with him.
My 82 year old mom woke up to someone going thru the stuff on her dresser and when she said something he took off thankfully, cops picked him up couple hours later, when he went before the judge (a friend and hunting buddy of ours) judge said "your lucky you weren't shot I know those people"). Ma grew up on the farm and helped with all chores including butchering, and has shot a few deer on her own and still helps butcher them. This is small town in NY state Catskill Mts. Perp was on welfale staying in emergency shelter with time on his hands 21 years old. Now we are still supporting him in the big house.

The delay probably saved his life. I can't imagine trying to pull out a gun when someone has theirs pointing at you. I know they do it in the movies but always in conjunction with a drop and roll which you probably have to practice quite a lot to be able to keep from dropping your gun.
I too agree that if his weapon had been out in the open, I doubt that anything would have happened. Most of the times these cowards are just opportunists.
Had that happen at a job site one time. Man got there early. Some idiot tried to rob him. Idiot failed to see the two cop cars across the road.
Got to agree, If he was wearing it out in the open, would the thief not also have stolen the gun. Might have had a chance if it was hidden and waited for theif to be leaving but then would not really have a defence in court as it would no longer be sell defence. Not sure what the answer is. BTW I imagine this is gonna go POOF very soon. Rocko.
Just got done watching the Lone Ranger on tv this morning. Everyone had a side arm back then and somebody always gets shot. Suppose it would be any different in real life? I think sometimes there is to much of the "cowboy " mentality out there.
Yeah, that's just what they said when they eased the restrictions on concealed carry in Fla. and Texas. "Oh no, people are going to be shooting each other over parking spots and silly arguements. We just can't have more people armed, that's crazy."
Well despite all the wailing and gnashing of teeth, that didn't happen. People could actually defend themselves againts the human debris out there. But we can"t have that, can we?
And I"m sure back in the days of the old west, people were just shooting each other right and left for target practice, just like YOU seen on TV. NOT.
Well I live in Texas and law or no law. Never had the desire to hurt anyone.But if you break into my house and try to harm me.You will be leaving with the police or under a sheet. Your choice.
I fully agree with you. Same thing at my house. My point was to point out what too many people have to say, when it comes to loosening gun laws. They always go on and on about how senseless shootings are going to go up, when less resrictions are put on gun access for law abiding citizens. Basically, what they are saying is that WE, the people can't be trusted.
All any body can do with this is speculate what may or may not have happened in real life had he had a gun. Yes some times the time it takes for some of this stuff is just not what it should be. But that is how it is. I know it took the navy less then 10 days to check me out and give me a top secret clearance but that is the military.
As for gun laws well you can be an armed citizen or an unarmed victim
Pretty lucky your friend didn't have his pistol- he'd have probably been dead. Unfortunately, if someone is already pointing a pistol at you, its too late to go for yours. Its called "getting the drop on you".

But at night, in your dark house (that you are much more familiar with than the bad guy), that's a different story. . .
People do over react at times. Reminds me of the Y2K panic. Everyone just knew the world was going to end. I had to baby sit the generators at a hospital in Temple Texas. Because they just knew they would fail to start after midnight. Tried to tell them. They don't have computer controls. They don't care what year or century it is. But no you have to be here. Cranked them up at 12:15. Went back to my hotel.
Remember, it's TV, not real life, so they have to ad a bit of 'excitment' to it. I don't know the stats, but if I had to make a somewhat educated guess I'd say there were no more shootings in the Wild West than there are nowdays, in proportion to the population, and proably alot less if we knew the truth. Then take into the account that a larger percentage of the population was armed, typically out of necessity since a firearm was a tool to them, and the stats get even better.

Like JackE says, look at the current statistics. When laws are passed creating extreemly restrictive possession requirements, or even worse outright bans, the crime rates go UP. When the laws on the books are enforced, and others passed to give people the right to carry and defent themselves the crime rates go DOWN.

What really gets me is that too many people can't see that firearms in the hands of honest people are a deterent to criminals. If this was not the case then why do polticians, celebrities, sucessful business people, etc have armed guards around them? Could it be because the presence of firearms owned legally for protection are in fact a deterent for criminals, or is it just because they are the "elite" and need protection from mobs of us poor underlings? In reality no one but a crazy person is going to create problems in the presence of others as well, or better armed than they are. If they are that crazy then I, for one, don't want to be standing there with nothing but a big target on my chest. Instead I want to be armed and able to protect myself and my family from crazies like that. To that end, there's absolutely no 'Cowboy mentality' behind that, it's purely an act of practicing the right to self preservation....and who wants to bring a knife, ball bat, or whatever to a gun fight??????

That said, do some online searching of the web sites with message boards similar to this and devoted to firearm related things. Read about the anti-gunners rant and rave about people who carry being a menace, or whatever because they don't possess the mental control to not just 'start shooting for no reason'. Then said anti gets in the face of someone carrying and begins their ranting and raving as they protest a gun show, etc. Based on their reasoning the gun owner would simply get upset, draw their handgun, and shoot the protester because they can't control themselves. Thing is this doesn't happen because legal, law abiding, responsible gun owners are just that, LEGAL, LAW ABIDING, AND RESPONSIBLE......enough said.....
That was TV. Actually, killings were not that common in the wild, wild west, and they weren't ignored. That's why the famous gunfights and the famous gunslingers made such headlines, and their exploits were magnified by the pulp fiction writers like Ted Buntline.

A lot of effort went into tracking down killers. A killing was regarded as a big deal. The killer Bill Longley (The Texan, Rory Calhoun)escaped into Louisiana and was working on a farm about 10 miles from where I live now. It took a couple of years, but they tracked him down and took him back to Dallas for a neck-stretching.

There were random, senseless killings then, as now. One was my paternal great-grandfather: he served in the Confederate army from the beginning to the end, fighting at places like Shiloh, Corinth, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta, Resaca, Franklin, Spanish Fort, etc. He came home to a little Louisiana town on the Texas border and in 1873 took a load of buckshot to the back while riding away from a saloon. My grandpa was two at the time. The killer crossed the river into Texas and got away. The shot-riddled shirt GGP was wearing that day was handed down to me. I might post picture of it if you guys want to see it.
My grand father(Dads Dad) died in the mid fifties at the age of 87. That made him a young man at around the latter half of the 1800s . He once told my Dad," You know, back when I was a young man people were much nicer to each other. But then, almost everyone carried a gun." I don't understand why the people that advocate the 2nd amend. are called the gun culture. If it wasn't for the gun culture we would still be speaking the Kings English with that irritating Piers Morgan accent. Also the Original Homeland Security would have pushed the invading illegal immigrants from across the pond back into the pond. Just a personal thought.
Wrong !!!! My father shot 2 guys who got the drop on him. Basically, they were ready for an unarmed guy, not somebody who had practiced drawing a weapon and was planning to go home every night.
Here in PA it takes about 20 minutes and $20 to get a concealed carrying permit. I got mine in May and it is good for 5 years. I just got my pistol the other day. I plan to carry it often but to never have to use it.
Reading this story got me thinking. I got a lifelong gun permit. I have a problem with guys running through my corn field making a big mud hole with thier trucks down by the road. I was wondering if I could catch them and hold them at gun point and call the law, would I get into any kind of trouble or if I shot their truck. Or should I just write down their plate number and give it to the cops. What would be the best thing to do.

P.s. Did not mean to robbed you story NCWayne
Not to make light of the situation, but was the robber holding the gun sideways? Glad your friend stayed safe!
They would enjoy tearing up your cornfield while you sit in jail. Kidnapping, pointing a gun at someone is pretty serious, shooting the truck ain't too good either. Block the exit, video tape them, game camera and take to court.
I am not familiar with the permit to own a pistol, but how about a shotgun, my 12 gauge coach gun fits under or between the front seats and so does my Mossberg with the riot grips. If he had a gun he probably would have been holding it in his hands when a strange vehicle approached at 0345 am unless he did not know what the other guy was driving and was surprised that way.
i carry a 9mm 24-7 and we sleep with a 380. have had my hand on it twice but never had to pull it and hope i don't but will if it comes down it it
I have lived in big big bad bad cities most of my life. If you have to live there you better develop a "bad situation" detector abiity. You know which areas to avoid, where to stay in the car, what time of the day to leave, when not to be alone and vulnerable.

Big bad guns are one solution. Common sense and street savvy is another. Even if I was carrying a gun I would use my common sense to avoid needing to use it. Shooting it out sounds easy until it actually happens.

Heck, I could find places to be in danger even in this little town where I live now....but I am smart enough to avoid those areas at the wrong times of the day.
One thing you always have to be careful of is with out a permit to conceal a weapon be it a shot gun or pistol if you do you can be in hot water fast. If you hide it in a car or truck and you get pulled over by a cop and then it is found your heading for jail with out a permit to have it in such a way. But if it is out in pan site in most states that is ok
I like to think I am smart enough to know the difference between a tv show and real life. The point I was getting at is the "cowboy mentality" out there. That is everyone should pack a pistol, shoot to kill and the world will be better off.
The 'Cowboy Mentality' is mostly a made up thing by folks at places like MSNBC.Look at Mexico strict gun laws so law abiding citizens can't protect themselves from the Bad Guys that pay off cops and and carry guns.A well armed society is a polite society.BTW I'd take my chances having the Lone Ranger around and him not shoot me(LOL)
I agree MSD . More guns , More people packing heat, only creates more bullets flying. Take someone that carrys a gun on his hip everyday for 5 plus years straight or someone that doesn't even think to carry a gun. I personally think the guy packing the heat has more of objective or paranoid pretence to let them bullets fly ,i mean it's right there ....
If your theory is correct then no cop should be able to carry a gun since you think the more they carry one the more they want to shoot someone.Prety silly theory at best.
(quoted from post at 18:34:55 01/15/13) I like to think I am smart enough to know the difference between a tv show and real life.

Oh Im sure you would like to think that but based on your statements in this thread, its clear you dont. Lone Ranger indeed.... unbelievable. :roll:
Actually, no we wouldn't. The brits sounded a lot like us up to and through the Revolutionary War. During the industrial revolution, the well-to-do folks wanted to sound more sofistikatid so they started talking like they do now, and the rest of the people eventually followed suit.
I had enough guns in Vietnam in 69 and 70. Glad I don't live in a place where I am so afraid I have to sleep with one!
(quoted from post at 22:22:01 01/15/13) I had enough guns in Vietnam in 69 and 70. Glad I don't live in a place where I am so afraid I have to sleep with one!

Well, I thank you for your service. And all the Veterans that have gone before you. That Service, has allowed me to live in a place that says I have the right to keep and bear arms and sleep with a gun if I wish. I hope our leaders see fit to let me keep those rights that so many men died for.
Just before Christmas, I got together with three guys that I used to work with. I'm the only one still left at the company were we all used to work, and every Christmas the four of us always meet for dinner.

I don't remember how it came up, but one of the guys, Rich, mentioned that he, his wife, and another couple went over and up to Wisconsin for something. A weekend? Anyway, the four of them ended in in Milwaukee I think he said it was, out on the town, and were walking down a sidewalk one couple in front of the other when some guy walked towards them, got to them, then rudely split them down the middle, walking through them. As soon as he got through them, he turned, and robbed them at gun point. That's the kind of thing that can ruin a night out on the town.

These days, its a free for all. The law abiding are under direct attack by both the bad guys and the legislators, more bad guys. Hang onto your hats.

Best of luck, you know yourself and what you are capable of. You and your families rely on it for everyone's safety and well being. You have a spouse, you have children, you have brothers and sisters, and you have parents. You love them more than any bad guy does, politician or not. Blood is thicker than many things, and should be. The family unit is very important to society and the local farm communities, as is all around safety across the boards, whether it be operating a tractor, using implements, tools, eating dinner, walking the streets.

The problem is that there are people, like my buddy, that work for companies that have businesses located in these "bad" areas. In this case the company has been in the same location for more than 20 years and has never had an incident like this happen on their property before. The only thhing by buddy was guilty of was having a good work ethic and being at the place he was supposed to be a few minutes before anyone else. Like the officers that responded all told him he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Beyond that, when you do demolition work it often puts you in places where society has gone downhill along with the buildings that need to be demolished. I've also got a customer that does demo work, on a smaller scale, and he often carries his pistol when he's working. Between the bad areas of town he's often working in, and the real possibility of the scrap in the buildings being stolen, he sees being armed as a very smart move. Think about it, how can having the means to protect both yourself, and the items that allow you to make a living, be a bad thing?
Believe it or not there are several states where cocealed carry is allowed without any type of permit.
Packing a pistol to protect yourself is only smart. The same goes with shooting to kill. Given the current state of things leaving the man wounded would only cause you more problems later on. Remember, "Dead men tell no tales". In other words there's no he said, he said, and with that being the case there's way less chance of you being accused of anything by a common criminal and becoming one yourself based your actions to protect your life and his lying to protect his skin from getting in trouble for his illegal actions.
Think of it this way then. You have a permit to carry. You are driving down the road minding your own business one night and the blue lights come on behind you. You didn't know you had a taillight out and the cop is pulling you over for it. Before he gets out of his car he radios in your tag number and finds you have a permit to carry. Thats all he knows about you and know he is about to put his life on the line walking up to an unknown person with a gun possible waiting for him. You want to bet he is a little itchy fingered approaching your vehicle. Makes life pretty tough on law enforcement. If all goes well nothing happens. In any case you will more than likely be leaning up against the vehicle while he searches it. Very thing happened to my neighbor.

How about the football player with the Kansas City Chiefs this fall. Did he really need a gun? Would his kid not be an orphan if he didn't happen to have one at the moment he lost his temper? He probably was a pretty upstanding guy too till he lost it. I'm not against having guns. I have several of my own and won't be giving them up. I'm just saying how much is to much. Carrying a gun 24/7, sleeping with one. Sure sounds like what the cowboys used to do.
Wayne, ya'll need to elect a new sheriff cause that ain't supposed to be the rules. Never heard of anyone waiting over 24 hours here for the permit.

There's a lot of folks scared now & taking the cc classes that shoulden't be. Like I told my niece a few day's ago, if you carry you have to know in your heart you would use it if necessary & you could sleep at night afterwards. Most folks doing it because they are scared could not.
NCWayne I have had my CC permit for years. I Feel that being armed has saved me a beating or worse at least twice in that time. I rarely leave the house with out my pistol.

Also here in Iowa it is a Concealed Weapons permit. That means not just guns. I can carry long bladed knives or even brass knuckles. It means many different weapons.
(quoted from post at 22:14:03 01/15/13) Think of it this way then. You have a permit to carry. You are driving down the road minding your own business one night and the blue lights come on behind you. You didn't know you had a taillight out and the cop is pulling you over for it. Before he gets out of his car he radios in your tag number and finds you have a permit to carry. Thats all he knows about you and know he is about to put his life on the line walking up to an unknown person with a gun possible waiting for him. You want to bet he is a little itchy fingered approaching your vehicle. Makes life pretty tough on law enforcement. If all goes well nothing happens. In any case you will more than likely be leaning up against the vehicle while he searches it. Very thing happened to my neighbor.

How about the football player with the Kansas City Chiefs this fall. Did he really need a gun? Would his kid not be an orphan if he didn't happen to have one at the moment he lost his temper? He probably was a pretty upstanding guy too till he lost it. I'm not against having guns. I have several of my own and won't be giving them up. I'm just saying how much is to much. Carrying a gun 24/7, sleeping with one. Sure sounds like what the cowboys used to do.

I was a Trooper for over 20 years. I don't fear people with guns and I was never "itchy". I have respect for law abiding people that take responsibility for themselves and their family and properties safety. And just to take your ridiculous story and move back to reality, EVERY car you stop may have an armed criminal in it. People like you seem to forget that criminals don't register their guns or get permits or appear on these mythical "hit lists" you people come up with.

The 2nd Amendment, all our rights in fact, are RIGHTS not privileges. You people that bargain away our rights are no more than traitors to our nation and Constitution. I doubt you do it consciously, you just aren't smart enough to see where this all leads.
When house invasions were in the news a lot I called the local sheriff and explained if that were to happen at my house just send the meat wagon to pick up the remains.

Reply was "Well sir, he just shouldn't have been there". Eloquently put and the right answer.

The thing that a lot of whining tree hugger types don't realize is that you have no idea what you are facing when someone breaks into your house and you just don't know what kind of mind you are dealing with.

You don't know if you are just facing a robber, or a killer, or rapist, or a dope head high on something, a joy seeker or what. If you let them have the upper hand then you are at their disposal and who knows where that will lead.

On the story where the lady shot the thug up in the attic access 5 times and the guy leaves the 3rd level of the house, goes out to his car and attempts to drive away with 5 ea. .38 slugs in him you can only wonder WHAT KIND OF DOPE HE WAS HIGH ON!

So, the rule at my house is if I'm your target, beware.

Texas says not in sight. The Texas Penal Code is on the www. You can read it for yourself. My sweetie packs when traveling alone and in her gun case is a copy of the state penal code in the event she is stopped and the officer had forgotten that part of it, or had never read it.

Besides, I'd rather get her out of jail than get her out of the morgue!

Actually I do have a permit to carry a concealed weapon and 1)Never have the urge to shoot someone just the opposite hope I never have to use the gun for self defense 2)I've been thru roadchecks with
with a rifle in the front seat and the only comment I ever gotten from the law is a state trooper commented how much he likes his Mini 14 too.
Why would a cop fear a law abiding person that has gone thru getting a permit that has a spotless record?
Except for the simple fact that there are now more people legally carrying than there were 20 and 40 years ago. Care to guess what the crime rates have done?
So if somebody disagrees with your opinion that makes him a
traitor? I spent time in the military and find that pretty offensive.
I never said anybody had to give up their right to own a gun. In
fact I said I wouldn't be giving up mine. My original statement
was about a cowboy mentality. To that I mean guys
thinking that just because they are caring a gun they can shoot
their way out of any bad situation and the world will be all good.
How many armed men surrounded Ronald Reagan when he went
down? How many when Robert Kennedy went down? If you feel
safe carrying one more power to you. As you said that's your
right. The thread started out if the guy would have had a gun
would he have been robbed. Was his credit cards and laptop
worth his life? Not in my opinion. Would I pull a gun to keep
mine. Don't think so.
Was his credit cards and laptop
worth his life? Not in my opinion. Would I pull a gun to keep
mine. Don't think so.

Yep! This is what the bad guy is counting on! If he thinks you are carrying, there is at least a chance he will move on to the guy who will just give him the laptop and credit cards. And he will continue to do so until he gets shot by someone who is willing to defend his own life and property.

Plus...there is no guarantee, that once the 'crazy' gets your credit cards and laptop, that he won't shoot you in the head. Hence, so you can't identify him.
I know there is an many states if it ok to walk with a side arm on you in plan sight. But many laws are different in each state so that is why I said what I did just to make sure he was legal. But as it looks many may not be legal soon unless they give there guns away and yes it would be giving since I do not think the gov will pay you for them
(quoted from post at 12:01:21 01/16/13) I know there is an many states if it ok to walk with a side arm on you in plan sight. But many laws are different in each state so that is why I said what I did just to make sure he was legal. But as it looks many may not be legal soon unless they give there guns away and yes it would be giving since I do not think the gov will pay you for them

In Texas it maybe ok but in Missouri it is not all depends on the state and how the laws are written

Old, could you expand your suggestion on whats legal or not in Missouri? I'm not sure I understand what you are saying
My understanding of Missouri law is that you can have a firearm in your car if it can be seen and unloaded or in the trunk. You can also carry a side arm if it can be seen with out having a cancel carry permit. As in a rifle in a truck gun rack is legal but a gun under the seat in such a way it can not be seen is not legal. Again this is what I know of the laws so this may or may not be 100% accurate and can also be different if you live in a city as to the country like I do

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