Pictures of farms

Harvey 2

I enjoy the pictures of farms that people send in.
I would like for the people to say what state they are in. It would be more interesting.
I have been in about every state in the union, and might reconize some of the scenes.
That is just my opinion, others might see otherwise.
Thanks for reading my rant.
May the Allmighty bless us all. We need it.
We are in western Colorado(south east of Delta).This pic was taken in October after a rare rainstorm.

Thank you; We went through Colorado a few years ago and thought it was pretty, the mountains and valleys farms
DeltaRed- Morning news has warmest/coldest spots in the country every morning. Lately, coldest is always in Colorado, usually 30 something below. Is that in your area?
A customer gave me a CD of pics that her son took of my farm. The main farm is at the top of this pic, our second farm is across the road, on the lower left of this pic.

Another pic of the main farm. We grow veggies and sell direct via an enclosed trailer on the corner (lower left in this pic)

Fall plowing, looking south.
Nice pictures, especially the trees covered in the frost! I think you left your fencer unpluged, that black cow has the wire right across her neck, and maybe nose? Lol..,.;)
No electric fences. 5 strand barbed. The black one though,has the cable in the feed bunk across his neck.
Here are a few pics of Central KS. The Wife took a couple of the horses a couple days ago with the heavy frost. Also a couple pics of bean harvest, and one last one of my 620 at a plow day I had this year. Bob






Hey Bob, looks like you swiped my truck! Did you notice my skillet faced outfit in the one pic? Mine is a 76, 361 with an allison. Yours looks a couple years older?
Mine is a 1977 with a 361 4x2. It is a sweet truck to get into tight places. I really like it. I had noticed yours as well. Bob

My dads farm which was homesteaded by his great grandfather in the 1850's. We are located in central MO.

Dad cutting hay on his place.

My farm, J dog relaxin for a bit.

Feeding my cattle this winter.

Plowing with my 50. Uncle Roy stopping by to give me some advice.
Believe it or not,we were down there a dozen years or so ago and looked at a few farms that were for sale around Thayer.
The contour farming prevents erosion of the topsoil.......Before the contour farming practices were used, some of the fields resembled moonscapes from all the erosion....

We still have to maintain the grass waterways or you will lose the soil in heavy rains..


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