Bad day,Found my best draft horse dead


Greeted me at the gate this morning as usual. Good appetite. Had him out Sunday no issues. Not lame, no colic. Went out back in the afternoon and he was down and already gone. No Truama or injuries. Tracks in mud indictes he standing still, laid down and died. Heart maybe, was in his 20s. Best one i ever had the pleasure to work with. Always ready to please and great attitude. We did alot of programs at schools the kids just loved him but I think he loved them even more. We traveled many miles together. At 18 hands and 2100 lbs he was a big boy. Good speed Frosty. You will be missed buddy.
They can be like pets for sure. Mine have personalities like a good dog. The draft horse is a gentle creature for sure. Sorry for your loss. Did he have a team mate?
Sorry to hear of your loss! When you work together with some one or an animal they are deeply missed but never forgotten when they're gone.
Losing those special animals is always a tough one, kinda like losing a loved one. It won't be long and you will have a special thought of something the 2 of you did together and you will smile.... the healing process has began. God Bless
Sorry you lost the ol" guy.Sounds like he didn"t suffer. You can take comfort in that. It was just his time to cross the Rainbow Bridge.
Bad deal for sure. I have lost two horses. Both on memorial day four years apart. Don't like it at all. Both times I bought another within a few days.
Thank you for the support. I scaled back and found his team mate a home last year. He was a knuckle head. I still have one more who is smaller and is a driver. He is going to miss Frosty big time. Frosty was a real special one. Real easy to work with. didn't use the reins most of the time he would respond to just your voice commands. He even modeled a halter for a catalog once.
That is really sad to hear. Wrether it be a large horse, or a small cat. We sure get attached to these critters. Like someone else said he probably didn't suffer. Sorry for your loss. Stan
Look for an electrical leak/shock problem. Years ago I remember the San Diego mountrd police had three horses drop dead while an officer was on them. They were standing still. Turned out a tiny bit of electricity from the trolley killed them. They are so sensitive to electricity that the ridrs never felt a thing.
Sorry to hear that, prolly a heart attack, iv got 3 thoroughbreds 2 are 29 one is 31, I know they won't be around long, I love taking care of them every day, have done so since 1990! Iv been very blessed to have been with them for so long.
When I lost my big bull I couldn't give him up I had his head mounted and he hangs on the wall over the dining table.
He's stil at home in the old house here he grew up.
Sorry to hear about Frosty. Here is a pic of my Percheron; she is the love of my life. I can't wait to spend time with her. My oldest daughter rides her saddleseat and hunt seat; I work her in harness. She is 15yrs old, and I wish I could stop time. Funny how attached you get to them.
About four years ago, I went out one fall morning to feed the draft horses and my old mare, standing in the corner of the corral, looked at me, shuddered, and dropped over dead. I was so shocked, I almost did the same thing. I had raised her and trained her from a weanling. Guess she just wanted to wait to tell me goodbye that morning. Every time I pass her grave, I remember what a good horse she was and tell her so. Time passes and you get others, but they are never replaced. Enjoy the memories and hopefully photos.
Losing a good horse is always hard. We had one we found dead in the pasture. Not a mark on him. He was supposed to be 11-12 years old but I wondered if he wasn't a lot older.

Nice Perch Ron. Not all leg like the hitchy horses.

Suffolk, do you also have Suffolks?
I love draft horses! My grandpa farmed withhorses--didn't everyone's? That's about the only reason I go to the fair--that and smoked drumsticks. I trapped a farn where the farmer had two Belgians. So sorry for your loss.

Many years ago when James' girls were young, we took them to Owens Spring Creek Farm.

We got to be around one of their drafts. A perch I think named Mike. Being a horse person, I was very impressed. He was very much the "gentle giant". He seemed to know how big he was and how easily one of us could get hurt. He was very gentle and careful and really liked the attention.

Its very hard when you lose a special one like that.
The drafts are enjoying a comeback as saddle horses.

When I was looking for a horse, I almost bought a Clyde.

I've seen a few among my horse friends and have never heard a bad word about them.
Yes, I have several Suffolks that I work in harness. The horse that dropped dead was my first Suffolk mare. You working horses too?
Sorry for your loss.

We have riding horses now, but I grew up working on a farm that had draft horses. Something about all the time you spend with them harnessing and ground working. They really do grow on you. I used to enjoy that as much as driving them.
20 years sure is a long time to build a relationship with an animal like that. Sorry for your loss, but I guess the silver lining is it sounds like he didn't suffer.

A friend of mine just lost his two horses recently. He's amish, and certainly knows his way around a horse, but he thinks he worked them too hard. Guess he was out plowing one morning, later in the day they were both dead on the ground.

He treated them very well and never abused them -was shocked by what happened. The guilt of being at fault really ate him up.
you got any other horses? one sure fired thing you better check,make sure you dont have any medicated cattle feed where they can get to it! some of it is so toxic to horses that even if you put feed in a old sack theres enough to kill them in just a very short time. happened to me once,old horse was scratching hisself on the shed we kept feed in and somehow got the door open. he literally dropped dead in fifteen minutes. seems like its always the good ones, one of those you cant do anything with will live to be 40 years old.
So sorry for your loss. I have horses too that I'm quite fond of. Never easy to lose a friend. As animal owners we are quite aware of the cycle of life and death, but it doesn't make it any easier.
My Ellie was on a trailer heading for the meat pens in Canada. She had been on an Amish farm til she was 9, then bounced around to many owners over three years til I got her. I have had her three years; I don't know what I will do when I loose her.

When I am home, I close the front gate, and let her out as you would your dog. When it is time to put the horses away, all I have to do is call her name and she brings the herd in.
(quoted from post at 08:03:05 01/31/13) Yes, I have several Suffolks that I work in harness. The horse that dropped dead was my first Suffolk mare. You working horses too?

Yup, sorta anyway. I had some older mares I was working, didn't take time to train their foals, old ones died. Now I have green horses that are a lot older than any green horse should be.

Always liked Suffolks. Hard to find around here.

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