El Toro

Well-known Member
A lot of money will be spent on this. A ticket to the game if you can find one is around $3400.00. Go Ravens. Hal
Can't root for the Ravens with the criminal and thug Ray Lewis on the team,I'll have to go with the 9R'S
Ray was found not guilty. Big difference in being charged and convicted. Remember Casey Anthony and she killed her daughter. Hal
A lot of money spent on this... heard New Orleans spent $700 million getting ready. Maybe they didn't need help rebuilding after the hurricane if they have money to throw away?
700 million$? I think you heard wrong.Bobby Jindal
Gov of La was on TV this AM and said the Super Bowl is a huge plus for the state moneywise because of all the people coming in and spending Big Bucks plus Millions of $$$ in Free advertising for Tourism.
Hal,a friend of mine said to come watch the game,he said at half time there is a big parade of antique tractors to see. Is that true or is he pulling my leg! ,,, Larry
if it doesn't have motor/wheels, ain't worth watching,,,lol,, bring on the tractor super pulls,drags, indy,lol,, might watch it for the comericals.
probably going the slide in a tape of the tractors parade in stead of watching someone fake out singing to a recording,,,lol if there is beer and pizza, i would go for it..
Jindal will tell you what you want to hear.

(CNN) -- America has spent $12 billion getting ready for the big game Sunday
Thats Billion with a B.

That figure includes....
$13.2 million for New Orleans facelift projects
$330 million superdome revamp
$356 million beautification of the city-owned Louis Armstrong International Airport

Then you have to consider the $5 million payment from the state to the New Orleans Saints. They get this money every time New Orleans host the game.

All this was spent for a overall economic impact of the game on the city -- about $432 million, according to the University of New Orleans

I would say the government is paying out way more than it takes in from economic impact. They asked this question to a state spokesman the other day on a local talk show.
The answer given was that most of these projects were in the works anyway. We just expedited them in time for the game.
Me too. As far as I can find out, NASCAR race tracks don't get any taxpayer subsidies; they are probably the only sport that doesn't fleece the taxpayers.
I believe some of the corporations that own the speedways got some money from the external_link stimulus package a couple years back.
The feds paid for most of what I listed not the state.
While the money spent on the dome was for the superbowl it will pay off for years to come.
The airport was rebuilt for the game but it will pay off just like the dome.
A lot of the street upgrades were needed anyway and it was done to mostly federal highways and interstates so once again the feds paid for it.

Also they did a survey around the country. About half said they thought the city of New Orleans was either still under water from Katrina and/or water drained but area still in shambles because it was never rebuilt. Since a huge portion of the cities money comes from tourism Jindal and the mayor of the city have pushed major upgrades knowing that we would be in the worlds eye these 3 weeks with the superbowl falling right in the middle of Mardi Gras season.

So while more money was spent than the game will bring in the city will get it back over time many times over.

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