Speaking of things changing over time...


Well-known Member
I am always amazed at how when you bury a pipe or wire, then a few years later when you need to dig for something else and know where that pipe is so you don't hit it--how those things move around under the ground and are never close to where you thought it was is beyond me!

Another thing, I hauled in some barn foundation stones from the neighbors a while back and 20 years later I wanted to use them for a building project, and as I maneuvered them around I was amazed at how much weight they had gained over time...

I'm sure its not just me, is it??? :)
15 years ago I had my uncle dowse a well for me. He found a good one and I drove a metal rod in the ground so I could come back to it. I wrote down the measurements how far it was from my shed and you think I can find it now...
that's nothing - I took two sips of coffee this morning and put my mug down somewhere, answered the phone, now for the LIFE OF ME I cannot find it.

...walking around muttering "how the )#*($)# can I loose a cup of coffee"

I finally gave up and made another cup.

and it was a big mug -

I'm either losing my mind, or my eyesight.

maybe both.

... and I KNOW my wife is going to find it and yell at me for leaving it wherever I left it...
A field that I used to hay was kind of hour glass shaped, so it had two centers. Exactly in the center of the front part was a very substantial rock that was difficult to see in the standing hay but was too big to dig out. It was never a problem though, because it was in dead center so it was easy to know where it was. Then one time mowing I was getting close to the center cruising right along, when CRASH, I hit that rock. Had it moved? it turned out that the owner had moved his fence around the yard out about twelve feet, effectively moving the rock on me.
These days, if I'm working on something I never set anything down. If I do, I'll spend the next hour trying to figure out where I set it down.

We have reading glasses in several rooms so we don't have to remember where we left the glasses.

Guess that's life.
You people all make me feel better about myself. All this time I thought it was only me that had those senility problems. Joe
I hate it when things move from place to place but it's much harder on me when the grimlins steal some time. Why just last week I returned a burned out gas grill for replacement under the 1 year unconditional warranty. Some ^*#xo!#@&% changed the calander by 5 years which cost me my 1 year warranty. I bought a new one and was almost over it by the time I got home and figured out the stunt also made me much older than I was a few days ago. ,,,,,,,What were we just talking about???
I always say if I ever win the lottery I'm buying myself all new tools. My neighbor says if he wins he'll just hire somebody to find all the ones he already owns. I figure either way I win because I think he has some of my stuff.

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