Know What Bugs Me?


Well-known Member
Besides people crushing tractors just to prove a point...windshield washer fluid reservoirs that don't hold a full gallon.
People that breath, instead of breathe. Or sale something they're trying to sell. I also don't understand, 'needs repaired'. Instead of 'it needs to be repaired'. Regional colloquialism or just poor English teachers?
I mess those words up ALOT.

On the window wash topic, the people who make it are to blame for selling it in gallons.

Now if you really think about it some cars hold more than a gallon so you need part of a second gallon to fill it and you still have some left so I guess it doesn't really matter.
What bugs me, is when someone reads what you posted, and totally turns around what your thoughts were, and the original intention of your post. Stan
What bugs me is people who get "bugged" when someone else doesn't do everything in their perfect image of themselves. Let it go people. Once you achieve personal perfection, then you can be critical. Until such a time, remember, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
On here it is the fact that to often the messenger turns into the point of discussion rather than the message that is being given. I always figured if you have a valid argument to make, you shouldn't have to be running down the person expressing his opinion.
Going into places of business and encountering people who have a know-it-all attitude, attitude no body can do it better than they or they are the lynch pin to the American economy, or their physical appearance makes them automatically superior. I've encountered a lot of that lately. Excuse me while I call someone to help me open a can of soup with the pop top.
Dummy, it is 'your write'. Sheez.

Now, I'm probably the worst speller on here, and kinda opinionated, and now I got a iPad which tries to correct my spelling... And my spelling is so bad the poor thing doesn't know which way to go, and then changes the few words I managed to get rite....... Can't hardly even stand to right to myself any more......

Ah well. I have gone throw a lot of washer fluid in the past couple of weeks. Haven't crushed any tractors tho.


You messed up ALOT too. It is "a lot". Just giving you a little razzing. Don't take it seriously. I wouldnt normally do that, but its going along with the post.

I look past people if they mess up. I am just as guilty as the next person. I get in a hurry, or may not use spellcheck, fat finger a key.

What bugs me is people that attack another persons picture or post, bring nothing positive to the conversation, yet are too chicken to post using their own name.

I may not agree with some ones post, but I will keep the disagreement civil and we both are entitled to our opinions. We can agree to disagree without name calling.


You messed up ALOT too. It is "a lot". Just giving you a little razzing. Don't take it seriously. I wouldnt normally do that, but its going along with the post.

I look past people if they mess up. I am just as guilty as the next person. I get in a hurry, or may not use spellcheck, fat finger a key.

What bugs me is people that attack another persons picture or post, bring nothing positive to the conversation, yet are too chicken to post using their own name.

I may not agree with some ones post, but I will keep the disagreement civil and we both are entitled to our opinions. We can agree to disagree without name calling.

I was glad the wifes didn't last week. Mine needed some too. I filled hers and put the rest in mine.
As a coincidence I knew a guy who had the job of designing the coolant tank on a car. 1st design job out of school. He had to redesign the thing several times, because changes to other components under the hood made it's shape or location untenable. FWIW.
Getting up at night to go to the bathroom, then you go back to bed, and the stool keeps running!!! Have to get up again and shake the handle...that bugs me!! Cmore
In my younger days went to my friends annual birthday/Christmas garbage bucket party. Everybody brings a bottle of something to add to the punch bowl....

One guy came dashing in, said man he forgot about the party, when he got here he looked through the trunk and found this to add. And he whips up a blue bottle of windshield washer fluid, and dumps it in before anyone can say anything.

Of course, he got a vinegar bottle, put in that blue liquor, and even got a label from a windshield washer fluid bottle to put on the vinegar bottle.

Pretty good show. We all knew he was kidding, but there was that moment when you wondered if he just ruined the whole batch.....

Wife's car does hold the full gallon. We were on a trip and picked up a jug while in a store because the washer was empty. Dumped it in, threw away the empty jug, and tried to wash the windshield. Nothing. The hose had come apart inside the fender where I couldn't get at to fix easily. Could have used some left in the jug to wash the window with a rag lol. Other than that adventure I agree it is nice to be able to empty the jug and be done with it.
Guys, Drivers who Do Not have the vaguest understanding of the term MERGE as it refers to the On-Ramp when getting on the Interstate! they hit 45 to 50 and them stop in the middle of the ON-Ramp. Dannn-it!,,, when the Interstate is making 65++++ in the Slow Lane!....Either get your foot in the Carb, or get the Thunder off the Freeway!!!!!
They will get somebody hurt or killed!!!
John A.
Both the Dodges hold a gallon. Down side is, that blasted "low windshield washer fluid" light and bell. Along with seat belts not fastened bell, turn signal left on bell, dome light left on bell, etc... a ride with me sounds like the opening music to the Exorcist. And a few miles down the highway with all that blasted ringing in my ears and I'm about ready for an exorcism.

Wifey's car holds about 2/3rds of a gallon. I spill almost all the rest.

All things equal, I have more important things to be upset about than having some washer fluid left over. Like that incessant ringing....
How about those that don't know the differance between a motor and an engine !

I can't say I have ever heard anyone in NASCAR use it correctly !!!! No wonder they always blow their "motors" up they should of taken them to an engine rebuilder !
I like to refill it before it gets empty, so I don't end up needing to wash my windshield and have an empty tank. So the size of the bottle doesn't matter, I'll always have some left over.
I thought engines are a type of motor. All engines are motors but not all motors are engines.
I thought engines are a type of motor. All engines are motors but not all motors are engines.
Well who wants to read about bugs! This is a tractor forum and unless you are spraying them on a crop I could care less. :) (well said 37)
I hear you, Dalet. My biggest pet peeve is when someone says "would of". That doesn't even make sense. It is "would've" which is short for would have". Off of soapbox now. Mike
(quoted from post at 11:51:12 02/11/13) I dont have a clue where to put anything on my profile ?
Click on "modern view", there is a red outlined box on the upper right, click on "profile"
I just fill my reservoir up and if there is some left in the jug, I just sit the jug besides the fuel pumps. Maybe somebody else can use it.
People who stop before making a turn,even when there is no traffic coming. And thats a left or right turn.
And then there are those who have no idea what a right turn lane is for, they turn on the signal, slow to almost a stop and then switch over to the turn lane.

And yes they are all usually on the cell phone.
Ah gotcha. Bad thing about the internet or texting is you can never read someones body language in the way they say or deliver something.

Back in the "day" when the neighbor gal got mad cause I looked down her blouse when she bent over but next day see her getting a tan in the front yard with almost nothing "bikini" on and everyone driving by to see. Dem Wimens! Glad I'm "old" now and don't have to deal with all that crap.
Bad spelling or bad grammar in posts here don't bother me, so long as I can make out what the person is saying. I recognize that writing is not everyone's strength. I do get bugged, however, by long posts that aren't broken into paragraphs, that don't have capital letters at the start of each new sentence, and have no periods or other punctuation. It's not that I'm tight-a$$ed about it, it's just that such posts are so dang hard to read, and I like to know what every poster has on his/her mind.
Randy, are you talking a right turn on red?
In New York State its the law: you stop and then make your turn.
Or... are you talking about STOP signs?
Well, either way, Mississippi might be different!!
Sounds like you are the impatient youngun" type. Or the crotchety ol' impatient type?
Wha pzzs me off is those that don"t abide by the law!
" course those that talk or worse yet text while driving pzzz me off more!!
In my experience, women are the biggest offenders here!!
What bugs me? People that don't have their priorities in order, and don't have any thing of substance to worry about. Such as the country is bankrupt to the tune of about 20 trillion dollars and we are at war somewhere in the world ever year, high fuel prices, unemployment, illegals coming across the borders, government attacking Christian principles, etc. etc.
When someone says "you're doing that wrong" but doesn't have anything to say on how to do it right. Next people that get mad about winshield washer fluid tanks :) jk
Mr. John, that right there really burns my biscuits too. Texarkana is the worst place I have ever been for bad drivers. Here, they will STOP in the on ramp and wait for an opening in traffic on the Interstate. And forget about turn signals for lane changes. They're just rude. Steve in Texarkana.
Won't be long before they will sell windshield washer fluid in pint bottles for the same price as a gallon is now and that will solve the problem.
I agree about the windsield washer fluid!
In 35 yrs of driving I have not had a vehicle that would hold a gallon.
But what really bugs Me is the drivers that don't seem to have a speedometer of their own.
So they drive 10' off My bumper, no matter how fast or slow I drive. Just can't shake them off My tail!!

Steve A W
(quoted from post at 20:17:23 02/11/13) I agree about the windsield washer fluid!
In 35 yrs of driving I have not had a vehicle that would hold a gallon.
But what really bugs Me is the drivers that don't seem to have a speedometer of their own.
So they drive 10' off My bumper, no matter how fast or slow I drive. Just can't shake them off My tail!!

Steve Next time you get a driver tight on your bumper, watch your rearview mirror and drop your shifter down to 2nd gear then your brake lights do not alert them you are slowing down. About the time there eyeballs look the size of golf balls this will coincide with there sphincter getting tighter than a guitar string, shift back into drive and step on the gas, they tend to follow at a safer distance after that.
(quoted from post at 20:40:41 02/11/13) I'd better run to the kitchen and check the fridge. Might have used the last one last night. Jim

The last beer is the most expensive and worthy one of the whole bunch!
An engine uses a mechanical method to create motion where a motor uses electricity to create the same motion is how I have always looked at it. Plus I can buy a gas or diesel engine and an electric motor but it doesn'tsound quite righ to to me to buy a gas /diesel motor or an electric engine.?
My apologies, Randy; I see what you're saying now.
Along those lines, one of my biggest peeves is when I am driving down the road and someone coming in the opposite direction is slowing to make a right turn.
Seems like the guy in the car behind him thinks its his God given right to swing over into my lane to pass him rather than wait a couple of seconds.
And then there's those people who ride my azz no matter what speed we're travelling.
Not finding an interesting thread I want to post to, until its on about the third page back, and nobody is reading it anymore.
(quoted from post at 13:54:25 02/12/13) Not finding an interesting thread I want to post to, until its on about the third page back, and nobody is reading it anymore.

If you use modern view when you reply in an older thread it comes right back to the top.

Classic view bugs me.
One day can change everything! I'm old too, but I remember her throwing rocks at me for three weeks, then following me around like a puppy for the fourth. She caught you looking one day too soon!
Hypocrites bug me.

The ones that foam at the mouth when someone isn't using perfect English, then bluster and blubber when you point out their complete inability to use English properly...

"But I wasn't no good at all that book learnin' stuff in school! Who cares as long as the point gets across?"

Just wait a minute there... You just said that poor language skills were a sign of the downfall of our society! Now it's, "who cares as long as the point gets across?"

Typical attitude from people who claim to be of a particular political persuasion. Whatever is in their best interest at the time...


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