Whew! We're still reeling from the news


Well-known Member
This afternoon Marilyn found out her sister has breast cancer. All of her sisters are special to her but this one is the sister Marilyn raised almost from the time her little sister came home from the hospital. They're from a big family and when Marilyn was 9 years old the next one born was hers to care for. Marilyn took care of her sister like she was her own child. She fed, diapered, bathed her and put her to bed every day. They became very close and still are. Now her little sister she raised has cancer and both of them are really in a funk tonight. Marilyn has already lost her daughter so this news is pretty hard for her to handle.

Her sis found a lump that a Mammogram missed. They did another mammogram and it still didn't show up so now it's on to more extensive testing. They don't know if it's spread or not. So if you could find the time to say a prayer for her sister and Marilyn too it would be very much appreciated. Thanks. Jim
You got it along with my sympathy. The wife has 5 sisters. Her favorite was diagnosed with Parkinsons a few years ago.
That's tough news to hear. Mom was diagnosed with the same type of breast cancer that killed her sister bout 15 years ago. Mom decided to bypass the Mayo Clinic (which is undoubtedly a very fine hospital) and go to John Hopkins in Houston TX, since they have one of the finest Sarcoma clinics in the country. Hers went into remission and has been for several years. Finding the right Doctor can be the biggest step. I hope it all goes well for you.
As a word of encouragement, many of those lumps that can be felt but not seen on a mammogram are not cancer! Be sure of the diagnosis before depression sets in. Jim
That's always devastating, but don't despair! Better half diagnosed Sept '11, mastectomy, reconstruction, chemo, radiation til June of '12. All tests since are clear. Meds are so much better now than years ago, especially when C is caught early. Granted, big difference in dr and hospitals. Local lady had comeback cuz dr didn't believe in removing/checking lymph nodes on mastectomy. Get to a real center with good rep!
She had three separate biopsies and all three were positive with an agressive form. Marilyn has had a couple of false alarms but regrettably this is the real thing. She's going either to Omaha or Sioux Falls for a special type of MRI that supposedly will see any cancer in the body. Jim
Wife is recovering from her bout with breast cancer. Routine mamogram showed something, follow up ultrasound was negative. Biposy was positive... Further tests, mastecomy, chemo, now one one medicine daily for the next five years. She's still recovering from the year of chemo. But they think they got it all! So it is not necessarily a life sentence. Hang in there, be strong for her. She'll need you. And there's lots of success stories over breast cancer. Prayers..
It is hard to hear. I will say a prayer for her. I found out Tuesday my FIL has bone cancer and today was told it has spread to his brain. My wife and her sister are down in KY taking care of her mom and dad and her 93 year old grandmother, She has her hands full. I pray for the best for all who need it. Bandit
Prayers are sent. As I was told ,"this too shall pass". Susan survived her near death illness. Lil sis will too. be strong and pray,so will we.Steve & Susan.
Jim, a couple years ago my PSA was 10.2. The VA scheduled a biopsy, but couldn't get me in for two months. In the mean time I got on the internet and looked up cancer cures. I started taking baking soda and when they did the biopsy they couldn't find any cancer. I believe the baking soda works. If you want you may email or call me. 712-330-8171
Time was when a lot of older children either helped or outright raised a younger sibling. My Mom pretty much raised her baby brother. He was more like an older brother to me than an uncle.
I only hope for the best for all concerned. Will remember you in my prayers.
Mom had the Sarcoma cancer. Dad gave her Flax seed ground and flax oil mixed with what ever she would eat. This was in Sept.,Oct in Jan some was gone from tests and the rest was reduced. I would try that . The flax seed can be found in any health food sales along with the flax oil. B-17 Goes with this and cod liver oil pills.
Take a loo on line for these things will give more info than I can write.
Thank you for all the supportive replies. Marilyn's sis is a bright looking person with a good outlook on life and rarely shows a tear. This has taken her spirits down. Her brother and mother both met a terrible end fighting cancer and those memories don't go away. This is a more agressive form of cancer but technology has advanced so we are keeping up our hope she will ce cured. We live close to her and we will be there for her. Thanks again. Jim
Sorry for your bad news. Cancer finally struck our family (albeit extended) for the first time a few years ago. Prayers sent. Know what you're going through.
Ron & Bernadette
Don't give up! My daughter in law had agressive breat cancer a few years ago. With surgery,chemo,radiation and a lot of PRAYER she has overcome. God will use modern medical means as we trust in Him with committment to His will. we are praying.
My wife had breast cancer. That was about 10 years ago. She went through all the treatment, had an operation, and has been clean ever since. She is 64 years old now and still going strong. It can be beat. Good luck to her and our prayers will be with her.

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