Tonight's Feature Your Favorite Smell Growing Up

John B.

Well-known Member
What was your favorite smell when you were growing up but seldom smell today?

Mine was more than one.

1. The old coal Furnace
2. Mom baking coffee cake
3. The day dad hung the summer sausage in the basement after getting it in from the smoke house
4. Fresh Cut Alfalfa
5. The wagon loads of fresh peaches on the wagons when we brought them in from the orchards.
6. Thanksgiving Day Meal, I still get a chance to smell this one!
Good list John B, the coal furnace was a surprise to me(thought I was the only one) I'll add a warm morning rain.
A barn with cows

Wolverine World Wide's tannery--Not!! In February it would knock your sox off.

Anything Mom baked or made for dinner

English Leather, Brute, Canoe, British Sterling--in large quatities. If a little is good, a lot must be better.

to the coal furnace, I'll add hogs. Loved the smell working on the hog farm, especilly after spreading the manure on the fields. Also enjoyed watching people driving by holding their noses.
Freshly plowed fields, the dust while combining, the old seed shop, that musky, moldy farm truck smell, and Dads Vitalis, and Gramps Old Spice on Sunday mornings......
Ham and sausage curing in the smoke house.
The dairy barn, the cows.
Fresh cut silage and the cured silage too.
I like the hay fields but i still smell that yearly.
Chicken houses, the big ones on a poultry farm.
Fresh plowed ground.
The smell of a growing corn field.
Cotton fields.
Just to name a few.
It was kind of a combination of the smell of the old electric mixer and flour when Ma was making a cake on Sundays.
Fresh cut red clover. (or white or sweet clover, or alfalfa)
Fresh chopped corn, especially if it's still a bit wet for the silo.
Freshly plowed ground.
Not unique, I see. Lucky that I get to smell these every year.
1. freshly baked homemade bread.
2. coffee on the wood range
3. a thunderstorm after it has been dry a while
4. a new baby (who doesn"t need his diaper changed)
5. milk cows
6. the garden plot just after plowing
7. home
8. Grandma"s house
I was going to put the smell of newly tilled soil in the garden but I was afraid everyone would picture me down on all fours sniffing the ground like a dog...LOL
Yes the smell of dirt and fresh dug potatoes is on my list too!
I remember being at my parents house and my mom's cooking was the best. I can still remember the meals mom cooked, Hmmm.....Yummy. I sure miss living at my parents house. My wife is nothing like my mom or even her own mom.
Other best smells, Fresh cut grass, lawnmower exhaust--reminds me of being a kid.
Fresh cut hay (any kind)
The milk house
The smell of mom cooking when we came in from a cold day.
Tobacco curing in the barn
The Smell of Bacon cooking meant I was at My Grandmothers house. The smell of the old Galion motor grader plowing the road with a Detroit engine.
Seldom (never) smell today. . .

This'll sound wierd to you, but when I was young I liked the smell of the fur buyer's yard in Baldwin, Illinois (Zander's?). A skunky smell, on the border of being too strong, but not quite strong enough to make your eyes water, and yet still pleasant in a fascinating way.

My smeller doesn't work anymore, but I can still remember what stuff smelled like. We'll be riding along and my wife will grab her nose and ask me if I can smell that skunk. Nope. . .
Bacon is my favorite food smell. As far as farm smells, I would hop a moving freight train to smell some sileage. I loved that smell growing up. I also really like the smell of the inside of the grain truck/old combine. It must be the combination of dust, wheat chaff, and long days. I still have a flashback of my youth every time I slide into the seat of the old grain truck.
The smells I remember and miss are my mom's homemade baking. She baked everything from scratch. Bread, buns, cookies, donuts, cinnamon rolls, and especially those pies! The wood stove definitely had a smell of it's own too.
Kow Farmer (Kurt)
And my older brother's Harley. He kept it spotless, and he musta used some kind of cleaner or wax that made a neat smell when it got hot.
Too late, I already thought of that plus the fresh cut hay and the plowed ground.
What about hai karate? The commercial said youll have to fight the girls off! I splashed it on,they never fought over me, I wished they had!
Thought I had a chance one time,good looking girl said come on over tonight,there will be nobody home, I thought she meant her parents,so I went over to her house that night,and sure enough,there was nobody home,not even her!
like a lot of you frash cut grass or just turned garden spot and cooking from mom or granma but also a strange mixture of aqua velva and lucky strikes reminds me of my dad
LOLOL that is quite funny...

I miss the freshly burnt powder smell from my older brothers cap and ball muzzle loaders while target practicing.

Also the silage smells while walking on the top layer of it and forking it down the chute of the old silo.
My daughter just told me that "Sense of Smell" triggers the most memories.

I met an old friend yesterday morning at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant for Breakfast at 9:30.
When we got out of our cars in the parking lot we cold smell the smoke from the wood burning in their fire place. The cool air kept the smell low and it lit up everyone's eyes and they all commented while walking into the restaurant. I immediately began to think of where I was when I smelled that before.
I always remember the smell of taking the shell out of the old single shot 12ga after shooting a big rooster.
Also plowing down sweet clover.
Most everything already posted I like, a few more I'll add to the list.

1. Nitromethane.
2. Tire smoke.
3. Wood stove.

As an adult, the smell of a nice woman. ha ha.

1 My mothers turkey and dressing.
2 Fresh Blackberry Cobbler.
3 The fields just after a rain.
4 Wood Burning
5 The cotton spray.
6 Clothes dried in the sun.
7 Laying in the hay on a cold day. With the sun keeping you warm.
Pretty much everything already listed, and one weird one:

The smell of whatever material it was they used to cover the steering wheel on Farmall letter series tractors. Had a very distinct smell on hot summer days and I remember it so well I can almost taste it.
Oddly enough, the creasote on Railroad ties. There is a railroad along the Lower Deschutes river- where I have spent some of my best days. I can be in a lumber yard in october, smell the smell off the used ties and am instantly transported back there.
Second would be fresh cut grass hay. Then maybe the parfume of some young thing...
Maybe not in that order;-)

Two I never smell any more.

Silly Putty
Bazuka bubble gum

Some that I still smell.

Fresh mowed lawns.
Baby pigs.
Fresh mowed hay.
Baby powder on babies.
Sliding the door open on a barn the morning after you put fresh hay in the mow the day before.
Bacon frying.
Bread baking.
Pop Corn in a movie theater.
Wintergreen Mints.

1. aqua velva, I wear it now just because it reminds me of grandpa
2. fresh brome in the barn
3.cows, yep the smell of manure
4. grandma's cooking
5. Grandpa's boat, diesel powered, so when the hatch was opened up it smelled of sunscreen, diesel and murphys oil soap.
I can remember the smell of apples in the cold storage on my grandfather's/uncle's farm. Walked into a friends cold storage a few years ago and was pleasantly reminded of my childhood. Funny how a smell can trigger memories. Picture of my uncle in the cold storage probably 1960's.
Driving by the Old Home bakery in Sioux city when the wind was right. A few years ago the EPA decided that smell was pollution so they cleaned it up, though I thought I smelled it a week ago when I went past there. Jim
Fired paper shotgun shells
Smell of the lake water, especially with a hint of cigar
Fresh pine shavings in the chicken house
Wooden produce crates
Meat department at the grocery store

All of these bring back memories of my grandpa. My smeller doesnt work as good as it used to, like most things, but of all I miss the smells the most.
My Grandma's kitchen. That stove rarely got a chance to cool off.

Fresh cut hay/grass.

Ciara perfume, still gets to me.

Fresh, hot veggies being passed around the table, with fresh cornbread.
The smell of saw dust covering ice in the ice house of my granddads country store
cured tobacco
red furniture polish my mother used
Many,One that sticks out was the inside of the milkman's red b-61 mack.I would run to the neighbor's farm just to ride with him to our's.
As a lot of you have said, plowed ground and hay drying, and I'll add corn when it's pollenating. I'll always remember that smell and hearing it "pop" on a hot summer night.
My grandpa's basement where he processed honey. Everytime we spin honey now I can remember his place instantly.
16:1 2-stroke exhaust. I loved the smell of Dad's old boat motor. Mix in the smell of a catfish or some sun johnies, and I'm intoxicated.

Though it wasn't among my favorites back then, today I long to smell the innards of a cottontail rabbit.
Fresh plowed dirt in the spring, fresh cut hay. I also like Dalet I remember the smell of Treflan, I ran the spray truck a couple of years, 1000 gallon tank of a F700 chassis, ran it between the disc and do-all. Also the smell of cotton defoliant. Smells of a long ago time when I was young, get a whiff of them every once in a while now and it takes me back.
my earliest smell memories was my mother baking bread, my older brother and i got to sample it before the sisters got home from school, my sister was a yr younger and she was in the cradle next to the wood cook stove ,so that puts me younger than 3,mom played the radio for us and we sang along , she hung the clothes around the kitchen in the winter time,, those clothes had a nice secure aroma as they dried ,seeemed like mom was always cooking something that smelled good on the stove in the wintertime , come summer, we would be out in the creeks, woods and fields explorin .we would pik wild flowers for mom to put on the supper table , bells, henbit,, queen anns lace was not allowedon the table ,, but mom oohed and awed over them for us just the same as roses .My Mom was Dads Cheerleader too in Those Days ..always liked the smell of the farm each evening after comin home from school ,it changed with the season ,,winter has sweet manure ammonia odor from haulin out the barns, spring has the smell of fresh tilled dirt ,coupled with the smell of hot tractor grease after the tractor shut down at noon from tillin,,. my dads place had sows along the gravel county road ..on those hotdry summer nites , the hog dust would blend with the gravel rd odor ,hay always smells good ,.i always liked the smell of silage and hi moisture corn comin out of those harvestores
oh yeah,,. it gets even better when her prettyred tushy must have noxzema,from serveral hours of coupled bi b le study up in the meadow behind the pine thicket ,, never did get past the story of Adam and EVE ,,we always got distracted ...
(quoted from post at 21:58:02 02/23/13) Driving by the Old Home bakery in Sioux city when the wind was right. A few years ago the EPA decided that smell was pollution so they cleaned it up, though I thought I smelled it a week ago when I went past there. Jim
ame thing happened in Dallas at Mrs. Bairds bread bakery! How darn stupid can government agencies get??!!! Now the company belongs to Mexico.
Used to love the smell of hot oil and gravel road refinishing. They don"t do that anymore around here at least. And my grandparent"s front 2 acres were covered with wild strawberry plants. Every spring that was an incredible smell. My dad used to take our car to the local mechanic for oil changes. No lifts, but rather a pit you drove over. There must have been 50 years of oil and engine smells in that old garage.
(quoted from post at 00:06:25 02/24/13) oh yeah,,. it gets even better when her prettyred tushy must have noxzema,from serveral hours of coupled bi b le study up in the meadow behind the pine thicket ,, never did get past the story of Adam and EVE ,,we always got distracted ...
can relate to that! Aaahhhhaaa the aroma! :) But there are many others, most of those already mentioned for sure & a couple of favorites are sun dried bed sheets........just not like those coming out of the dryer. Mom ironed sheets, too & that added another aroma.........oh for the days gone by! Fresh baked bread is hard to beat. Just wish sinus surgery had not made all these only memories......& it didn't help a darn thing either!!!!!! :cry:
The smell of the hay as the cows were munching on the stuff just before I shut the lights off and headed in for supper

Freshly chopped corn silage

That basket of apples hanging in the cellar
The smell of the wild plum blossoms in the spring, creosote bush in the desert, the smell of the new Honda trail 90 as it warmed up, smell of the oil in that thing...silage, baby pigs, diesel smoke on a cold morning, coffee (in the can, not perked), the smell of the old 62 Chevy pickup with the heater going on a cold day - previous owner had been a smoker so it had a peculiar smell to me....
You guys sure bring back some great memories-can close my eyes and almost smell those aromas.
In addition to those listed: the smell of a good sun ripened old time tomatoe right off the vine, the smell of that first fresh roastin' ear (sweetcorn) coated with real butter, a freshly cut wheel of Swiss cheese. H'mmm must be close to supper time.

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