
Im new on here and having difficulty figuring out why you all refer to your wives/girlfriends as SWMBO? Id like to know what it stands for. Thanks, and please excuse my newbie ignorance.
I knew it had to be something simple! And youre correct J Hikemper, im not married. but i do live with my girlfriend, and im not hen pecked at all!
So, all you long time married guys, how long does it take to become hen pecked? Does it start with the wedding vows, or gradually grow into a full blown case of hen peckedness as youre married for a few years?
I don't refer to my girlfriend as someone who has to be obeyed. I prefer to keep her happy and busy doing things so she isn't apt to make me do things for her. 8)
how to tell if you are henpecked: when you get up in the middle to the night to go to the bathroom and you put your foot in the commode and let the pee run down your leg so it won"t wake the wife.
I may appear henpecked, but after the first couple of years of being married I found it was easier to hold up a white flag.We now get along just fine.Jim
So you are not married which means no kids,Do you have a house and a lot of other joint assets? You will understand exactly what we mean if you ever get married..It can all come unglued in a hear beat if you continue to act like you are single when you are married.


I agree that it is due to an ingredient in the wedding cake. I understand that there is another ingredient that has a related effect.
It's not as bad as these guys are makeing it sound, Gets easy the older ya get and your hearing starts to go, 50% of the time I just act like she not even around, Therefore I only have to obey her 50% of the time. I just say sorry dear didn't hear ya. Helps if Ya walk round talking to yourself when you see her comeing.
Vito, i dont act like im single, mainly because im not. I guess i dont understand what you say will come unglued when i do get married. We dont have joint financial assets, if thats what you mean. My truck is mine, she pays her car payment and bills, and i pay the rent and utilities. So please enlighten me to what it is that you forsee coming unglued.
Only thing driffent bout a short leash and a long one is that you can run faster with a long one till you get to the end of it, then it only hurts more. lol.
The term comes from an old British TV show called "Rumpole of the Bailey". The main character, Rumpole, is an English barrister (criminal lawyer) who secretly refers to his wife as "She Who Must Be Obeyed".

I suspect most of the people on here who use it actually consider it a term of endearment.
She Who Must Be Obeyed, from an old Britsh TV comedy,Rumpole of the Bailywick(sp) we old guys watched it on educational TV before we had internet and our wives told us we needed the culture. I think that was why I watched it or I was waiting for Red Green.
When my wife was alive. I learned never to argue with her. No since fighting a battle you are going to lose anyway. Just played with my toys and did what she told me.
AScheele, For The Record, I Do NOT use that term ever when I have referred to my wife. I Personally think it is Rude, Crude And Socially Unacceptable!
Run it past your wife and judge from her response it it is Derogatory or not.
It Shows how little Respect one has for their wife, if that is how one refers to your Help Meet whom so many say has been their partner for many, many yrs. IMO use "My Wife" or her given Name!
John A
Maybe this will help.
John A., I agree with you. Im not married, but i live with my girlfriend. Neither of us is "the boss" or must be obeyed. Neither of us tries to control the other etc. I didnt mean to offend anyone, i was just curious what the acronym meant. For being young (im 26 and shes 23) i think we get along pretty well, and do just fine sharing a house. i dont act like im a single man free to do whatever i want, and she does the same. In an earlier post it was said that it will all come "unglued". Im not sure what he means by that, but im not terribly worried about the strength of adhesives.
"that it will all come "unglued". Im not sure what he means by that".

Once you make it past the Honeymoon, you will slowly get the phrase SWMBO. There are varying reasons / causes for the name. It may or may not happen all at once, but it will seem like it. There is only one way to prevent 100% being married to a "SWMBO" and that's not get married. The other possibilities go down from there. There are good relationships between married couples that work hard at it. Most just say that's too much work and get a divorce. A sure fire way to get a SWMBO, is to send her to work where there are alot of other SWMBO'ds. They sit or stand around all day thinking and talking about who has the most control at home.

Finally, do not under any circumstance, get in the habit of doing something she wants done just so date night will go good. It is that noose around the neck, so to speak. This eventually sinks in to SWMBO'ds brain, and the light bulb goes off. Now your choices are, do as your told, or pay through the nose after the divorce hearing.

To find a good woman. All you have to do is tell her to pack her crap and get out the first time she trys to be SWMBO. She'll either stay and treat you like an equal or leave. Either way you are a winner!!!!!

Why is a woman all smiles on her wedding day?

Because she knows it's the last time she'll have to do anything. Unless she just absolutely wants to.

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