Le Seuer Mn Swap meet


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Does anyone know how much snow is on the ground there??? what are the yard conditions?? Are they going to loose venders do to the conditions???
I doubt the vendors will shy away.
Everyone knows it goes on rain or shine, or this year it's snow or shine.
I'm about 50 miles N of there and the snow is melting fast.
I doubt there will be much left by Friday.
It will be a muddy mess this year. Wont stop me from going on Saturday. Wear boots.
Agree with Ultradog, people go rain or shine. We have attended many times - only one year that I remember a lot of vendors pulling out early. That was on a Saturday - had rained for two days prior and was raining fairly heavily that day.

We just wear boots and take extra footwear to change into afterward. We dress in layers and take rain gear, gloves, stocking hats - then shed them as the day warms up and toss undeeded gear into a backpack.

And the price is right... no admission charged to get in. Wear comfy shoes - by the time you cover all the rows, you will have walked for miles! It's big. Should take a pedometer some year.
The vendors are coming in like crazy, some getting stuck and some not in the staging lot. The grounds are wet and will get muddy when the vendors start coming into the grounds Thurs. morning. The snow will mostly be gone after today, and is gone in most of the open areas. With the temps forecasted in the mid 60's this weekend, lots of folks will be there. I'm sure some vendors will stay home and I can't blame them under these wet conditions. But the show must go on.
MnDave, do you know if Charlie Schleve is still
among the living? I used to talk to him years ago
at some MM meetings and when I wood go to LeSeure to
the Green Giant plant.

Do you know Scherel Rueber from Hector, Mn ?
He goes to LeSuere every year.
Harvey, We swap Christmas cards with Charlie and Jerry every year and he was living last Christmas.
As far as we know he is still around. They are living in St.Peter,Mn. clint
I went to Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, on Tuesday
morning, and hit snow about 10 miles East of
Rochester. Cars and Semi's coming from the North
and West had 6 inch's or more of snow on the roofs
oleclint" Thanks for the reply about Charlie, he probably doesn't remember me, as I haven't been to a MM meeting in aboot 25 years. I have been retired from the road since 1993. I drove for Pillsbury Co. and they owned Green Giant.
(quoted from post at 03:33:09 04/24/13) I doubt the vendors will shy away.
Everyone knows it goes on rain or shine, or this year it's snow or shine.
I'm about 50 miles N of there and the snow is melting fast.
I doubt there will be much left by Friday.
It will be a muddy mess this year. Wont stop me from going on Saturday. Wear boots.
I am gonna go on Fri-- I think-- if my plans change to Sat {and they might) would like to meet you---Ill let you know

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