That's why I hate to borrow


Well-known Member
I hardly never borrow anything from anyone. I had some branches I trimmed from a job I did. There wasen't enough to justify hauling my chipper to chip up a pile of limbs. I borrowed a dump trailer from the gardener who stayes at our place. I hauled the limbs to my chipper. I forget to tie the doors back. when I lifted the bed, I pulled foreward and tore one door off. About 5 hours later I had the door hinges welded back on, and refit the door. What a waste of time, for a stupid mistake. What did you break today? Hope nothing. Stan
Fixed the hyd valve on my tractor only to find the pump was also bad. Then smashed a finger changing some blades on the disc. Then broke the lift on the grain drill backing up, I know you can't back with that drill. Total lost time bout the same. lol
I quit borrowing stuff years ago. My pick up was down for a reason I can't remember so I borrowed My cousins slant 6 Dodge to go get a fridge cuz ours went out. Only had to go about 3 miles. Had to pay for a new engine when the slant 6 threw a rod about 3 blocks from my house. I don't even borrow tools. If I need something I don't have I buy it or do without.
I'm the opposite. I'm the one people are always asking if they can borrow something. I've to the point that I don't lend out anything.

I"ve seen those trailers and always wondered if that would happen.

The swinging endgate on those riprap semi-trailers will swat you like a fly if you don"t pin them in the open position.
Granted, you borrowed something. You broke it. The respectable thing is that you FIXED it!!! Too many in this society don"t see the need to do that. Re the post about driving 3 miles and an engine, he doesn"t owe a new engine to the owner. I wouldn"t expect it from someone I loaned a car to.
I figure the secound time you need to borrow somthing,it's time to buy one. Many friends and family don't believe in such. I tried something about 5 years ago and like what it revealed. Someone asks to borrow,ok but it needs a new _____ first or,sure but you will need to change oil first. Those who pass and go try somebody else are easier to turn down next time after telling them that if they agree to loan me thier things I will sell mine and cheerfuly help maintain and repair thiers. Those who fix it,use it,return it and say thanks earns right to borrow another day.
If a person stops to consider the liability, they would not lend anything to anyone. That's why there are professional rental businesses that are insured to cover liability. Send the borrower to a place where they can rent whatever they need.
I was digging up footings and was trying to break off a piece when I swung it to far and it hit a tire on the dump trailer and punctured the side. Ruined a good 24.5 Michelin.
My uncle had s philosophy about lending -

"If a person can"t afford to buy his own, or rent one, then he likely won"t be able to afford the cost of repairing or replacing when he breaks mine".

Of course, the other side of that coin was he never hesitated to ask for free labor help or construction advice from his friends. I once asked him if he was gonna be able to afford repairing my back if I broke it while helping him!
I had a good buddy borrow my weed eater that had blades on it, when he brought it back it was in pieces. Then he proceeded to tell me my weed eater was junk! Worked fine before he had it and he never offered to fix it. I don't lend anything anymore.
Here's the sign posted in my shop.
"Few things are as dear to me in this life
as the tools of my trade and the dear little wife
so if you dont ask to borrow my tools
I wont ask to borrow your wife"
Needed a ladder rack one time. My BIL had one so I asked to borrow. It didn"t fit on my truck so he said just to take his and leave mine so I did.
I was gone about 5 hours and came back to a totaled truck. He had gone into town and someone t boned him. His ladder rack was in good shape.
Broke one of the freont gang axles on the big disc today. Found most of the stuff, but missing some of the parts. Have to get a new axle, and a few disc blades, spools and spacers. Last week, the G-son broke the spreader chain. Bent a slat on a sapling, tnen ran it long enf to trash it. CNH price for a new one- $1743. Glad there's some aftermarket places to get them.
Had a near miss today with neighbors Hesston ,, was loaqding lime spreader and went over hump with loader ,, caused chaine to slip on bar with the hitch aimed rite for grill ,, I droppedthe spreader just in time , no harm to either
Wife loaned a single axle cargo trailer to girlfriend to move a few of her father's things from his estate - probably a hundred miles away. Trailer came back with one of the fenders flapping in the wind, soaking wet inside, and one of the dome roof vents completely missing. Also, I don't know how, but wiring for lighting cord was corroded. Oh, and a hole through the inner plywood sidewall. Seems trailer took side trip to and across a neighboring state, to deliver goods to the son, and was being pulled at 70mph on freeway most of that distance. Donno if it went through a saltwater bath somehow, but wiring looked like it. Had cleaning and grounding issues to deal with afterward. He did give my wife some cash to cover repairs, but I had to do the work. Not impressed. Figger if I borrow it, it better go back in as good or better condition.
I usta have a neighbor who borrowed everything
off of me. He had just moved in, having sold
his farm lot stock & barrel didn"t have many
of his items replaced.. Being kind I let him
borrow.. One day I came home from work, he has
6 kids of his own & 2 of my girls went to his
house to play. He was mowing the yard, himself
& 7 of the children that were there riding the
mower with him... I stopped, got my kids off the
mower, gave them Strick instructions to NEVER
do that again.. He appoligised, later he asked
if he could borrow my chain saw, I said No, I
don"t lend out chain saws, not mine away...
Relucktenly he went home.. Later the same month
he ran over his son"s foot with the riding mower
his stupidity cost his son 1/2 his foot...
He never borrowed from me again.
I don't lend primarily because no one cares more about my stuff than I do and when someone wants to borrow something they may not be experienced with it so the chance of tearing it up are excellent.

Years ago a good friend wanted to borrow my rotary cutter. It took him forever to bring it back and every time I asked him I had this or that excuse.

As it turned out, he turned his kid loose on his Ford Jubilee and the kid sucks up the lift and breaks off the PTO drive coupling before he even did any mowing. The coupling cost $135 as I recall and he didn't have the money to replace it.

That was the end of that.

Family is the worst. My brother in law borrows and uses everything of mine. While he is out wining and dining, I am sitting at home because I can't afford to go out because I bought all the stuff I need to use. He wouldn't be able to go out either if he would buy his own. Told my wife I feel like I supply the neighborhood with things to use, but at my expense of purchasing them.

Good thing is most items come back to me like they left. Sometimes I have to go hunt them up though.
Neighbor' baler jumped time and baled up his needles, wanted to borrow my baler (I was done, they were almost done). They brought it back in good shape.

Few months later I asked to borrow his backhoe for a 2 hour job. He said he never loans out anything. Really? You certainly didn't seem reluctant to borrow my baler. Well, says he, I would have understood if you had turned me down. I'll bet.
I came home one afternoon and my almost new stock trailer was gone. Wife came out to meet me I ask where my trailer was and she told me one of my uncles had came and got it told her I knew about it he had talked to my brother who does not have anything to do with my operation at all . I had hauled a few goats with it the evening before and had got home after dark and had not washed it out. When he brought it back a few days later he told he he had hauled a horse with it to vet and to his sons house. Trailer was missing a tail light and had scratches where paint had been rubbed off the rear door he said it was like that when he picked it up. Still had lots of goat crap in floor mashed flat like something was loaded on top of it but no horse crap at all so I knew it had not been washed out I know he did not haul a horse in it ......a few months later he called I had it locked after that... he had come to get it again and found it locked and wanted to haul the horse again . I told him that I would come and haul horse but I did not loan out my trailer....he did not neeed horse hauled then
I quit borrowing equipment cause it always needed fixing before i could use it or it get returned broken.
I borrowed once a baler with the tractor it was hooked to from a guy that borrowed from me on a regular basis
I pointed out to him that the innertube on one of the tractors frontwheels peeked trough a tear in the sidewall,he said don't worry,.. its been like that for 2 years.
Sure as heck the moment i turned in my field the tire blew.
I phoned the guy if he had a spare,..he said i got no spare and broke it you fix it.
I told him were his tractor and baler was and to come get it.
On an other occasion i loaned a swather( i had just renewed all the guards and the knife)to a neighbor to cut 25 acre oats, he brought the swather back a week later when i wasn't home,when i wanted to use it a week or so later i seen it had broken guards and sections and a bend knife to boot.
Then i found out later this guy had gone and do some custom swathing for an other neighbor with a rocky field with my swather.
My neighbor gladly lends me things because I always manage to break it somehow but I return it fixed to better shape than it was in before, or he might even get a new one. It's not a bad deal for him to lend out something old and used and get a brand new one back! The last one was a high dollar cordless drill fell off the scaffold from WAY up there. Ouch! If I could read his mind he'd probably be thinking about what the new one will look like. Jim
Its always a possibility, something goes wrong that either costs you time and money, and is why before I even consider a borrow, I try to reason with myself is it worth it? Many things I have obtained over the years, say like small engine power equipment, I have waited for an opportunity to buy, in some cases years, most often from CL ads or similar, the occasional new item if its really needed and there are no other options. In that respect I take as best care of these things that I can, I enjoy doing so, and the benefit is having equipment that saves hand labor, and for that I am very thankful. After awhile people know you have equipment, tools and so on, I am fortunate I do not have many "borrowers" there are a few, yet there are some things I just will not loan, well unless I really trust or know the person. I will accompany said borrowed item, to help the other person and insure whatever they have of mine is used in a good manner. I lent my 1 owner troy bilt tiller on sunday, to a friend whom has a small garden, soft composted organic matter and soils, much less abusive than my rocky patches, took the time to explain whatI needed to about its useage, he's experienced with these, so it was no big deal and I am glad to help a person who appreciates it, he's fought a prostate cancer and I figure its a nice gesture for him and his family to put some good quality food on the table.

Many things I have are older, maybe 1 owner, low hours or old school good quality, I have an appreciation for items like this and know the value of maintaining them, properly, even my old Jackson wheel barrows of the 50's era. I don't like loaning hard to replace items that took time to find or get, looking back its take some time to get the pieces of the puzzle that makes things work around here, can make me money or what have you, don't take much for some ignorant person to wreck something, or have it stolen etc, so I am apprehensive, not selfish about lending things like that, and for good reason.

I have another friend whom has acquired things, and lets say similar to things I need and use, but was able to do so, much sooner than I. Now we've known each other a long time, since about birth or the earliest years before school. I used to borrow a chain saw or power tools, generator and or trash pumps which are the bread and butter of his pool service business. Each item, small engine, or whatever it was, would get an oil change, lube, sharpen, cleaned, what have you depending on what it is, prior to return, small engines I would put a blue tape tag and list what was serviced, oil type, brand, quantity, date, etc. just like I do with my own, and between us there is nothing we would not share if necessary, because each knows how the other is, and most no me to be a little, A..retentive with taking care of things, I do try, and will treat yours the same. I would borrow a trash pump all winter for making ice rinks on the pond for saturday hockey games, and in the spring that pump was freshly serviced, fueled up and waiting to get put back in his truck and go to work.

Some years back we bought hay from a farmer about 10 miles down the road, he had one sort of beat up steel kicker wagon, we would use to haul 200 bales, and towards the end I noticed a bearing going out, one of the side doors, was coming off, rust or welds, etc. My father was going to send it back like that, was his dealing and I don't even think it would have made it down the road again. I did the bearing job, lubed and got all the fittings taking grease, welded the door up, was not a good weld job, but it worked, I made sure it was returned in the condition it was in the beginning, well some time shortly after, a tie rod broke and the front wheels did a splay on him, he came around looking at me at first, in a nice way, I don't think he was all that happy, thought someone at the place sabotaged it, I said not that I know of, and I said to him, "Bob" we speak the same language, I told him of the repairs, and I think he appreciated that, had I not been around, with the help my father had at this place, this could have been an overturned expensive load of hay on a 2 lane state road, I went and bought my old F600, just for this purpose, I hate borrowing things and avoid it as much as possible, rather do without or tough out the hand work. If I do, I rather enjoy servicing, repairing, sharpening, cleaning or what have you, people really appreciate that, and I like the reaction I get, most times its inexpensive, trivial little things, that get the most appreciation. One has to consider the higher cost of something going wrong while you have it, I would hate to borrow a baler and have something get out of time and have to eat the repairs, but if you got hay down that you need badly, thats a tough call, we used to let someone borrow our hay equipment, a mechanic who owned a shop, few minor odds and ends but you knew it would be right when it came back, not all are like that.

I find exhibiting this attitude and care towards all equipment in the presence of the owner, or even a rental house is always highly beneficial, once people know how you are, it opens doors and can gain you access to something you might need, in a pinch or say a straight up longer term rental. I used to rent dozers and backhoes quite often, had a real good deal going on that, and I enjoyed the work I did, wish I could have kept doing it, the owner knew how I was, grease, check fluids, not an abusive operator, cleaned and vacuumed the cab, clean the glass etc. If there were no other problems, most times he could send out anything I had on a job when returned without going back to the shop first, it was greased and ready to go when I was done. I would always hose off the tracks on the dozer, no mess on the trailer. I could get things on a half day rental or quickly in a pinch, only because I did the extra work, I do not understand those who are not thankful for and appreciate expensive equipment that saves so much hard labor. I rented a dozer from him one time, it came from the dealer to the job, was brand new, he would normally bring something like that to the shop first, I made sure to grease it up and check it out and keep an eye out for any "bugs" to work out, I did get to break it in, second one I've ever had new, painted tracks and all that I got to break in, I highly appreciated that trust, it goes a long way.

Farmer I used to help, had always told me if I needed to borrow one of his tractors, no problem, he knew how I was, I'd never do it though, only if I got stuck, quick one time deal, last time he came over and I'd rather it that way, get to BS a bit anyway, Its not a perfect "Ozzie and Harriet" world when it comes to this stuff, but its those I do not understand, people don't even make an effort to do whats right and just don't have the same aptitude for taking proper care of things and understand and abide by the limitations which all these things have..
back in my youth 3 local farmers , my dad included would swap specilaized equipment. Never was any problems. When dad bought a new double disc rubber tired grain drill one joked this commounity really needs a good drill. This was in the day of a 15 acre wheat alottment per farm. one of the farmers had an international mounted picker which openedup all the corn fields. This was before corn heads on combines. Another had a true bush hog ( not just rotary cutter) which was hooked to an older IH model H. The H was named Freddie. You didn't ask to borrow the bush hog , you asked for Freddie.We had a John Deere baler which I did much coustom work with. The other 2 farmers used the baler at a reduced rete and paid for their wire.
My family had to borrow sometimes,the rule we were taught was "goes back as good or better shape" The guy that helped you shouldn't be set back by doing this. Usually not funny but when my brother's manure spreader broke,and time was important. A neighbour lent his,great shape,AND spotless ??? Well worked great,and after another brother spent the afternoon with a pressure washer,JUST AS SPOTLESS!!. Well bro said they looked at him funny when he took it back,seems they had just bought it and hadn't used it yet. And I can get a chuckle just by offering the right guys a spreader for the afternoon. :eek:)
This happens more often than you think.I have borrowed items and done minor repairs.I worked for a poultry farm.The owner had 4 different farms.Jokers borrowed the FarmAll M that had one new rear tire on it.They punched a hole in the new tire.I told them they should have ruined the bald tire.Owner was planning to sell out so he bought just one tire.The old M had no muffler,the owner put 2 quarts of oil down the exhaust pipe.The old man made big bucks selling chicks but he was dangerous around machines.

My brother taught me why it's not a good idea to lend things. A former neighbor of ours growing up in the city was a bum and a loser, but part time painter, a job his drunken father did when he could put down the bottle. My brother being a nice guy and feeling sorry for him let him borrow the big extension ladders that my dad gave my brother when he sold the farm. The guy finished his job and SOLD THE LADDERS. My brother never could find him after he told him he'd sold them, to either beat his a$$ or file charges on him for theft (knowing my bro he would have done both!). I just don't lend anything. I did borrow a trailer a few years back to haul hay and had to fix two flat tires on it, so I'm done borrowing too.

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