Wash your hands.

Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
Probably most of us do that.
But probably most of us don't get to use a $4000 custom sink with $3000 worth of tile around it plus another $2000 for the labor to install it all.
Notice how the water disappears into the wall.
I estimated the tile wrong - much more wastage than I expected so was short which you can see under the sink.
Cool job though. I'm proud to get to do things like this.

I have 2 friends that would just go gaga over that, how how they wish for such....

Me, I prefer the white sink with the chrome faucets in my wash room, came with the house in 1926 or so.

Not that I do not appreciate the work you have in that, nor that I don't enjoy seeing it or the different nature of it, it certainly has a cool factor.

Just, I'm much too practical of a person, I like common things for myself. A whole lot different places I would spend that sort of money. Many of which, my two friends would shrug, and wonder why..... ;)

What do you use for a drain stopper, your T-

Very nice job, but some outfits just have way too much money to spend. Sure hope this wasn't a guvment job. . .
My Brother-in-law did something like that in his shower for his wife. Said it would be easier to serve the time for murder..

Really nice looking work.Personally way to busy for me but to each their own.

Great job,
Boss' wife just had the basement bath re-done, well over $10,000. I have to admit the guy(s) did a good job, sure wish I could get a 10¢ raise out of him though......
Very nice! you really have a talent and patience to do such a great job. If you were closer by I would hire you to do the bathroom in the cottage we are building.
Nice work Ultra! You do nice work and its probably just what they wanted.
What a PITA to clean out inside the wall!Most likely never get their hands dirty.
Hope they never drop anything they value in that sink!
The workmanship is nice, the sink and tile are hideous. Spending that much on a "sink" is just nuts.

In the old house that I live in, within five years the water would be all running to one end until I go down into the basement and jack it so that it all runs to the other end.

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