deer repellant


Well-known Member
the post on page 2 got me to thinking, anybody got something that keeps deer away from trees in a populated area? me and bambi are having quite a argument over these trees which are young i just planted them about 2 months ago there about 10 to 12 feet tall and were kind of expensive but i didnt pick 'em, i just planted them and water them, now the background on the area there in for info its a high end gated community common area about 13 acres, but surrounded by homes and people, and its in forested mountains, prime deer and elk habitat, local law is do not feed the wild critters, as if they hang around, the critters that eat these critters also hang around primarily big cats. these are getting thick around here i know of 7 individual lions within a 50 mile circle but not all at the same time, got 4 seen here on the place in game cameras,[ mother and 3 cubs] of course the population of this subdivision is wealthy out of state people who probably never saw any wild critter bigger than a rabbit or rattlesnake before, so they feed the deer so they can watch the cute thing... bambi has it figured out and is active day and night and is represented in huge numbers but the whole town is the same more deer in town than in the woods , ive put up 2x4 rectangular fencing around the trees about 5 foot out, but the deer dont seem too impressed , ive replaced several of these with 2 strand fence wire and solid posts like barbed wire without the barbs, [ little kids are in the area, so barbed wire isnt going to happen. i obviously cant use one of those timed propane cannons or a strobe lite, lol but it has occurred to me lol [ would cost me the job] ive used several kinds of spray, but bambi just isnt impressed with them either, im wondering about hunting masks like coyote or bear sent, any ideas
I pee around my garden when wife is not watching. That seems to work the best. I would recommend putting a fence a few feet around each tree.
We put 4 foot tall fence around every tree that we planted. Have to have it about 5 feet away from the trees also. Other wise the deer just reach across it. I have heard human hair sprinkled around them works. Haven't tried that. My 7mm Mag worked pretty well, until the freezer got full.
We also have a quit a problem, for white pine the only solution seems to be a cage 3 feet in diameter 6 feet high. That's what they use in Lake Bemidji state park. For a few years we have been spraying natural regrowth with pretty good luck, but this spring they were extra hungry and ate a bunch of 2-4 foot white pine. The best spry is Plantskydd, recommended by the USDA, and can be bought from them.

Michigan Outdoors (Public TV hunting show) did a study a few years back where they peed and dumped human urine in set locations. It actually attracted the bucks. They figured the bucks seen it at competition in their area.

The study was originally set up on the belief that human urine scared deer away, i.e. dont pee around your hunting blind. They found out the opposite.

Only sure repellent I know is lead, or maybe an 8 foot fence.

I sprinkle blood meal on garden plants that the deer like - beans for instance. Blood meal is sold as a rose food in garden supply stores. Or you could talk to your local butcher for scrapings off the slaughter floor. I put it in a plastic bottle like parmesan cheese comes in - with the holes in the lid. Sprinkle it over the plants. Like to do it when the dew is on, so it sticks better. Resprinkle about weekly and after every rain.
Put a two strand electric fence around them, tie an aluminum pie plate between the strands and smear peanut butter on the pie plate. Deere love peanut butter. When the long old tongue reaches out to lick it the electric fence will light them up--no more deer problem.
Don't know of a repellant, but you might make the trees unpleasant tasting.

Take 6 or 8 of the hottest peppers you can find - preferably hablanos, but jalapenos will do. (fresh, not canned). Chop(wear rubber gloves) and put in a large pot with about a gallon of water. Add 1/4 cup garlic, 1/4 cayenne pepper and simmer for about an hour.

Strain and put in a garden sprayer. Spray foliage. Won't hurt the foliage, but the deer and anything else that takes a bite, won't like it.
Several years ago,I remember a product advertized called "Deer be gone"(?).I think it was in 'Farm Show'.It was supposed to be SUPER bad tasting/bitter,said to repel deer was was nontoxic.Dont know if it's still available or not. Steve
A neighbor has used a repellent called Milorganite successfully. He swears it keeps them out of his tree plantings. He suspends a handfull in a sack or container on the outside limbs of trees every 25-30 ft or so and they dislike the smell, spooks them. He gets his at garden dept of W-M 40 lb bags. Wear gloves.
Neighbor didn't believe me until he tried it, but, hang a few old CD's or computer discs around, suspended from some fishing monofiliament. It reflects any light and flashes at different intervals in almost any air movement. It really seems to unnerve them, and they stay clear.
Our garden was a favorite eating joint for deer. I started wrapping moth balls in a piece of cloth to make a sack, and tie some on stakes around the garden. We have not had a problem with deer since, and it worked for rabbits and ground hogs.
Make your own - rotten egg whites, boiled garlic cloves (Keep the water from the boil) and hot sauce. Mix together and spread. Strain it if you want to spray it. DO NOT GET IT ON YOU!!
I rent a small plot 2 to 4 acres to the local septage hauler. Even though he incorporates the septage, there is some odor, and the deer tend to avoid the area. Smells something sour like sauerkraut.

The Denver zoo was collecting and selling mtn. lion pee to spray around and keep deer away - don't know if they still do or how it would affect resident lions :?:
I would recommend the Bear scent, preferably from a Grizzly bear. It will keep the deer away, but also the mountain lions. The last thing that a mountain lion wants is a confrontation with a Grizzly bear. This also makes it a lot safer for any small children or pets in the community.
Run an orange plastic rope around the garden about 3 or 4 feet off the ground. Now move in about 5 or 6 feet closer to the garden, and run another rope 6 or 7 feet off the ground. Deer will not try to jump this, because it messes up their depth perception. If you can,t find bright colored nylon rope, tie some orange survey ribbon ever so often on white rope.

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