Silver Maple Seedlings


Well-known Member
Silver Maple Seedlings are thicker than ticks on a hound here. If I could sell them for a dime a dozen I'd be into some pretty decent money.
Same thing here about a week ago. Not just the silver maple trees but all the trees in our yards that drop seeds. Mother nature is trying to tell us something.
Those trees are sure a pain when they drop their seeds, and they are not easy to rake up. On the bright side Silver Maples grow quickly and burn real nice in the fireplace. The down side, that quick growth makes them prone to wind damage. You ever been near a cottonwood tree when they go to seed? The ground looks like it is covered with dusty snow. But at least the wind blows those seeds away unlike those pesky silver maple seeds.
I have dug them up in the creek bottom, hauled them home in a 5 gal bucket and transplanted them when I was hard up for shade around a shed or farrowing house.

I have some that are near 35 years old and 30+ feet tall.

Not the best tree, but better than no shade.

I think we're talkin the same, as I call 'em silver poplar trees. Brought some from my Dad's when we moved here in 1963. Beautiful trees, but a real mess in the fall AND the spring to clean up after.
We bought our first place in '72, from an old couple- they reserved 5 acres in the opposite corner and put in a mobile.

There was a silver maple in our new yard, and I hated that tree- suckers all over the place, lots of cleanup all the time.

The seller came by, and said his wife really missed the silver maple, and could he have a cutting? Sure, take the whole dang thing, I was thinking, but kept my mouth shut. He said just mow around one of the suckers a couple of times, and he'd come dig it out. He did, and took about a foot of root on each side of the sucker. It was a smooth root, about inch in diameter, and I told him I couldn't believe it would live. But live it did, for several years, until he died, his widow sold the place, and sure enough, within a year the new owner took it out.

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