Update on cutting firewood Pics.

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
Well, wnen we got up this morning, it was raining. The wifey and I decided to go to our local HF store, a 40 mile drive one way. I needed some cutoff wheals and grinding blades for my chop saw and grinders,plus a siphon pump to pull heating oil out of my tank to fuel the Kubota.
the wifey had a few garden items on here list, also. We got back at noon, and it stopped raining, so I headed to the woods. I split up all the blocks that I cut yesterday, before getting rained out. The gib pole and 12V winch that I fabed up work great, to drag and lift the heavy blocks up onto the splitter. The old swivel chair and gal, juice jug are pretty esential at my age also. LOL. I talked the wifey into helping me throw a load of wood onto the old Chebby woodgetter, before supper this evening. When we went up, we saw this hen turkey with a clutch of chicks, a couple deer, and a red fox.
Loren, the Acg.





Glad your getting something done! This weather has really sucked! It's been rain every night since Monday! I haven't been able to cut any hay, And have you had the humidity? We had 3 days over 90 here. I be glad when I get to start up my wood boiler again! Like a customer said to me yesterday, I hate summer! Lol
Started cutting first cut hay the Sunday before last, before the 3 day window that we had. The uncles cut 270 acers of alfalfa hay in that period. The custom baleing crew bailed nearly 1100. 1 Ton round bales. They baled to nearly midnight several nights. Bales were running about 65% moisture, and the fields suffered a bit where they loaded the trucks, since they couldn't drive them too far into the fields. The crop was extreamly heavy, about 4 Ton per acer. Second cut is really coming on fast with this heat and humidity.

PS I may go to Jimmy's sat.
I'm going to HF in Utica tomorrow, grandson needs a tool cabinet and I need some junk. Wife needs upholstery material for my snowmobile seat. Gonna take her for lunch, it's her birthday.
You must have had more than a couple.3000 pounds on a truck rated for 1000 pounds.Chevys break in half just behind the cab.
The Chebby was my dads. If I had a buck foir every load of wood he put on it like that, The wifey and I could buy round trip plane tickets to Hawaii. If you notice the factory springs are pretty stout and it doesn't squatt much.
like your rig for splitting the fire wood. And you have a good ad for the Chev trucks. Think you have room for couple more on there? I did notice the chair has moved into the shade! Enjoy your stories and pictures. Did spend a lot of summers on a dairy in Weedsport Ny and still have kin apple growers in around Mexico enjoyed it up there , but way to cold in the winter.
I"ve NEVER hauled a load of wood yet where there wasn't room for "One more stick"!! Reminds me of the time my brother and I hauled a load of split wood on the ton truck plus a trailer load of logs behind. We had one hill on our gravel road we "thought" we could make it up............wrong....... Alas, the logs ended up in the ditch......sad ending. And yes, alcohol was involved.

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