Got Turfed Last Night.....


Well-known Member
Little askhole ran thru my corn, across the lawn, onto the neighbors' lawn, then the fool backed out the same way. My killer dogs never barked! But, the idiot hit a smokebush on the way out, and left a good bit of paint laying on the ground next to it. It's gonna cost him more to fix it than the damage he did to me!!!!!!!




I know the feeling. Somebody ran off the road, across a ditch, tore down 6-8 posts and wire fence, went back across the ditch and left. I hope he damaged his vehicle, but I didn't see any serious parts and no fluid leaks.

Local Amish boys were tearing down my road on a Sunday afternoon with their boom truck that they crane concrete forms with. Too clear an atv they on board, the boom was up a little too high and they hooked the 200amp tri-plex across the road. Cracked the transformer pole with three phase 8300V primaries. Broke the guide wire and pole on my side of the road.
Must have have nearly lifted the duals off the pavement. I was in the house and heard a thump-twang sound. Neighbour heard the 4-53 Detroit hit red line as be watched them beat it for home full speed past the stop sign.
Power utility didn't pursue the issue as the business has no phone number .
When I was a teenager in the late 60's I was sitting out under the carport with my dad one sunday afternoon. A thunderstorm came up and it was raining like cats and dogs. All of a sudden we saw a little green VW Beetle sliding across the front yard on its top. Evidently he had hydroplaned and ran off the road into our yard that had no ditch between it and the highway. The car slid to a stop and we saw a very fightened young dude slide out the window.
The three of us rolled the car back over on its wheels, we asked the guy if he was ok and he said yes. The beetle had a few dents and sratches in the top but otherwise was ok.
The car cranked up and he got the H#77 out of dodge.This says a lot for the old beetle.
Pop laughed about that for a long time.
Nah. But I do have a 'no passing' sign in that corner of the lawn, and have taken out close to a dozen vehicles that have tried to pass my machinery as I make a left turn into the lane. Besides, BO must like poor folks, so he's making a bunch more.....
Don, they got my sign, in March, p/u truck slid around backwards, backed itself neatly between a power pole, and curb, broke off a 4" tobacco prize screw, that I use as the upright. My fix was an old starter housing, 6 set screws, and, oh yeah, a 750LB piece of sandstone rock, to protect me from future (un)lucky drunks.
Grand-daughter had her new car parked in front of her college dorm about a month ago one night, somebody hit it about 3:00 in the morning. Cost $10,000 to fix it. Got a picture on the security camera but never caught the guy.
these poor fellers fell asleep going from right to left, crossed two ditches, then hitting our sign, the right front caught the curbing and it peiroetted like a ballet dancer, taking out the grey ranger then coming to rest where you see it, one guy was ejected, the other crawled out aginst me telling him to stay, when he came out of the window it was quite funny. they are all OK,

the next crash I witnessed wasn't so fun, lady was on some painkillers, in a hurry chasing her OD'd boyfriend who went by several hours eirler in a ambulance, and texing all at once, ran off the road from left to right, when It came to the center curbing it began rolling like I barrel, when I heard the "thunk" I looked up only to see the front of a S-10 blazer upside down and in the air, she was ejected and the s10 came to rest on top of her.
About thirty years ago a drunk came up my lane one night and flattened a woven wire fence. When I looked out the window he was headed out the lane and down the road. I grabbed the flashlight and while examining the damage I found his license plate. Called the sheriff and gave the license plate to him. Next day a sheepish looking young red headed lad came driving in and told me the sheriff will give him his license plate back if he puts up a new fence for me. After some thought I told him to pay me for a new board fence and I would put it up. The old fence was pretty well shot anyway. He paid me and I put up a new white board fence for free. I thought about making him help me put up the new fence but I'm pretty fussy about a good job so I would probably would have spent more time guiding him than I would doing it myself. Jim

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