More on electric line over farm yard

So, i had electric Co. come measure high line across my farm yard. height. 21 ft. They say their code min. is 18.5 ft.Nothing they will do about it without charging me $8,000. I say it's not safe as my combine clears it by a couple of feet.Seems there should be something I can do to encourage them to cheapen the cost. Any ideas?
Have you checked with your state utility commision or other regulatory agency? Seems there would be a requirement that the line be higher. The power company has an easement over my property and the line is at least 30ft up. There may be something in the original easement on your property that gives more specifics on any highline.
reminds me of an old joke.
Farmer bought a mule from another farmer and brought it home.
He could not get the mule into the shed because his ears were too long.
The farmer complained to the other farmer.
The other farmer told him to dig out a trench so the mule can walk under the shed.
The first farmer sternly replied, "His feet arn't too long, I said his ears are too long!"
Park the combine under it and call them out. Standing at the top of the ladder how close is it? If it is close enough to touch ask them to put their response in writing. Tell them you want proof of their take on it so that your wife doesn't have any questions to answer when the life insurance company investigates. There has to be something there that will nnalert lines that encroach due to machinery size. If those stretch due to weather or something it can be a problem. I am guilty of not looking very closely. If the combine always fit under the line I never think about it when I go under - I keep my eyes on the grain table.

I had a similar situation with a line by the house. When they came to read the meter I happened to be stopping the tractor there. I was chatting with the guy and made some comment about my tractor stack doing the limbo if their line sagged any more. They were out PRONTO with a bucket truck tightening that. Granted, it didn't involve a new pole, but the thought of liability scares the jeebers out of them. Mine was from the public pole onto the property. Those wires are so tight now you could strum a tune on them.
What type of combine is it that it is that tall, at anything being close on the wires it would have had to have been shipped dismatled and assembled on the farm as they are 4 foot higher than any highway bridge.
Do you know the voltage of the line? The clearance requirements depend on the voltage. Is it a distribution line or a transmission line? No way to know safe distance without this info. Also need to know length of span. For example, on our transmission system (69,000 volts), with a 450-ft span, a line can sag up to 10 feet under heavy load and high temps.

No combines have hit yet, but we've caught a couple of spray rigs. Fortunately no fatalities, but the repairs get quite expensive.
Leroy, WHY do you think they ship them flat down on the trailer with the wheel and tires removed, and the hopper extensions and grain tank auger folder????
What length of wire do you want them to raise? 50 feet across a driveway or 1/2 mile across a field?
About 150 ft. Needs taller polls. Actually want it buried At their cost minus the cost to put in new taller poles.they want money to replace poles & alot more to bury it.

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