which bermuda variety


New User
Got an old field that is mostly johnsongrass I"m wanting to kill off and sprigg bermuda. I can"t decide what variety to plant. I sell hay to horse customers and do small squares and 4x5 round bales. I need one that the horses will love and that makes a nice looking package that the customer will love. Seems if you ask 10 different people you will get 10 different answers as to what to plant. So what do you guys think is the best? Also anybody got any tips on planting bermuda?
Does timothy do well in that area? Talk to ASCS office. Watch C/L for hay ads in your area. Do some research on the market. Do a business plan. Asking here is just the tip of the iceberg.
Look/ask what people are producing locally. Some grasses produce better in some areas than others.

On planting get fields very smooth. If planting by yourself borrow a manure spreader and sling springs. Then lightly disk in or if you have a "do-all" run over field with it. Then if you have loaded roller or packer run over field with that. Then pray for warm weather and some rain.
I seeded the yard to blackjack Bermuda this spring. It is like fescue - it is supposed to do both lawn and baling duty. I would highly recommend it. The seed wasn't too cheap but it took hold well and has really done awesome. The seed is very small so it may not broadcast too well in the field but even if it is spotty it will fill in fast. There are spots in the barnyard I have never seen anything but dirt. It had filled in solid within two months.

I ordered it online and had it shipped. It was half the price of local which did not have this variety. It was penkoted. I would say it was probably 80% germination or higher.

Almost forgot - I did broadcast mine but ran a light harrow over it.
How are you going to kill the Johnsongrass? Not too easy where I live. Glyphosate will kill it down for a year. It really has some roots. My dad has been fighting it for 60 years.

Looked up Pastora, kills everything but Bermuda, interesting. Would you just kill the whole field down with something first and then get the Bermuda established, then use the Pastora every year? Most Bermuda around here is in the eastern part of NC. How fast does it propagate after a field is 'sprigged'?

My dad says there are two ways to get rid of Bermuda in a yard: move or die.

I do pretty well with a Orchard grass/ alfalfa mix. gross about $800 per acre in ssb hays sales. Net near $680. You have seen my numbers on "crop talk". Just made my third cut Sat. Half to horse people and half to bottle calf small scale beef producers. I sell about 4000 bales a year. Could sell 8000 if I had a little more land.
What does your local seed dealer say about variety for your area and have you had the soil tested pretty important to know before buying seed.
You might consider <a href="http://www.tifton.uga.edu/fat/tifton85.htm">Tifton 85</a>.

We are "sprigging" a few small areas in one of our fields.

This was "sprigged" on July 4th weekend.

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This photo was taken last Saturday.

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Good luck with your Bermudagrass hay.
+1 on the Tifton 85.

But my answer is for N. TX. James is over in E. TX. in sandy loam soil. I am over West of him in Houston Black Clay, alkaline soil, but T-85 is still the BM grass of choice.

Eastern NC huh? You may not be very far from me.
NCWayne. I am about 30 miles from Myrtle Beach SC.

If I was going to establish Bermuda in a field that had Johnson
grass I would treat with pastoral now and sprig in the spring.

I have had excellent results using pastoral on Johnson grass
and Bahia in established Bermuda fields. When using it it will
"yellow" the field for several weeks but I have not noticed any
yield loss. If you have any questions let me know.

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