Saluting the WOMEN that help us through life!!!!!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
Down below Eric KS is talking about how his wife has learned about farming to help him around the farm. I am willing to bet that there are a large majority of the men on here that have a good partner that happens to be a woman helping them be a success.

Here are a few of the memories I have of TWO GREAT Women that have blessed my life.

My first wife and I grew up together. I do literally mean that too. Even after we married as young as we did we continued to grow the rest of her life.

After she had done all of the work that is involved in making a house a home for a family she was always there to "help" me do whatever needed to be done. Many times that was just plain old hard work.

There where many an evening that the only time we would see each other would be in the cab of a combine or tractor. She would put the kids to bed and my Grand Mother would watch over the kids while my wife came out to be with me. We talked and planned when/how we where going to do things. Many times she just rode next to me leaning against me just so we would be close.

She learned how to plow,disk,plant and harvest. In the last few years I was in the service I was state side. I planned my passes around trying to farm some. If I could not be there she and my Grand Father did the few crops we had at that time.

She told me years later about how she was running the tractor picking corn one time in Dec. It was bitter cold but she could get this field done if she kept at it. She was so cold by the time she was done she had to drive the tractor to the house for my Grand Father to help her get off the tractor. Her legs where so cold she could not move them well enough to get off by herself. She would have only been 28-29 years old then.

Me second wife is another woman that was a force of nature before her health failed her.

We where still baling a lot of small square bales of hay when we where first married. She would drive the tractor pulling the baler while I stacked the bales on the wagon. She would be there in the hay mow helping me stack the hay in the barn. My sons where still little enought they could not lift the hay bales but could roll them down into the hay elevator. So she helped me stack in the hot hay mow.

She has been right there beside me when we had cows calve early in the snow. She once kept a calf in the utility room for two days feeding it every few hours until it could stand to go back out in the cold with its Momma. She also was milking the Mother for the milk.

These are just the women that have helped me directly. So I can only THANK them with all of my heartfelt devotion. I would not be much at all with out their partnership/help/love over the years.

I know many on here are not farmers but I bet that your wives have helped you be a success just in different ways.

So share a few stories about those GREAT Ladies.
I have a Great one also. Next week it will be 43 years married. I can only imagine what I may have become without her, not so good. The Keeper of the Stars arranged this one, as I surely did not derserve such a good women. gobble
My wife of 7 years this past June has been right by my side, since long before we got married. We were both 21 when we married, and had dated for about 6.5 years before that, non stop. She works cattle with me, works ground, raked and baled hay; both running the baler and handling bales. She even has been known to strap on a tool belt and do electrical work. The last hog barn we wired, she put in all the light fixtures and wired them......and made hot ham & cheese sandwiches in a PVC hot box (pvc pipe bender) Been trough thick and thin....more thin than thick, but we are a team.....and work well together.

It has been said behind every successful man stands a good woman. I wouldn't know what that is like. My wife stands shoulder to shoulder with me, taking on life challenges with me.
Mom always told dad "if you wanted a horse you should have married one" Not that she didnt do a fabulous job with her own job, the family and the house, she wasnt working outside and dad wasnt going to work inside. must have worked out for them they made it 55 years.
I met my wife when she was 14. Married her when she was 17. Tuesday we celebrated our 47th aniversery by burying a fellow friend and customer in the morning and attending two heated town meetings fighting newbee's to the town, who think they should control our future. Yesterday we hopped into the PU and went to the local fair. We were exibuters there since the early 70's, up to two years ago. There was always a huge presents from the Ag comunity. Two fairs, (the midway, and the Ag fair).We ran into some old friends there and spent the day. Out of field tractor pulls during the day, and super stock and farm, plus the
The mods. in the evening. It was also senior citizens day, so we got free parking and a $2 buck disc. HeHe.
The wifey and I have been side by side all of our adult lives.
Loren, the Acg.
I have had had the same wife for over 57 years and I am waiting to see how this works out. She raised 5 kids and has worked out to help with the family finances.

When we retired from our jobs we stated to work our farm, first as a hobby and then we got crazy and expanded to the point where we are farming over 300 acres. Mostly hay and corn but with a few beef cows.

Now understand, it is only my wife and I who do most of the farming and she does more than her share of the work. She gets on any tractor we have and does field work, mowing, raking and baling as needed right along with me. She does most of the disking and is right there when I am planting to help the seed hoppers and the fertilizer bins full. She also keeps the farm records and sees that the bills are paid.

When we got married we were very poor and I am happy to report that our finances haven't gotten any worse. Have to admit that it has been one hell-uv-a great ride and I am one lucky man.

May you all be so blessed.
My wife and I met in our teens,and though from very diffrent back grounds, we where well suited to each other.When we got married , we had almost nothing, and have had to work hard to get ahead.The Mrs. has worked out all but 5 of the 30 plus years we have been married. Raised 3 boys, and goes to the barn to help with morning chores. She can bake and cook like a pro, keeps the books, and keeps me on the straight and narrow too. Always supportive, and a active partner in work and play.And only 4'13" tall and 100lb with her boots on, she is a real power house.Bruce


Mine was great also, right with me every step of the way. I guess I just couldn't imagine what a huge impact she made in my life until I lost he 4 years ago after 47 years together. I miss her every minute of every day!
Adn I am just home from your great Country with my soul-mate and best friend, Christine. We were celebrating 20 years since we married but we have been best friends and companions since 1981
Chris only drives tractors when she has to but will help in any way she can....and laugh a lot when doing it!!!!!
My wife grew up on a dairy farm. When she left home she was done. She has horses yet but has no interest in anything with my beef cows, field work, or heaven forbid the 'm' word, milking.

Our kids don't know her as a dairy farm girl, that was up until her mom got hurt and was in surgery.

Our boys(11 and 13 at the time) and her went to the farm to start chores. I was coming right after work to milk. She said the look on their faces was priceless, when after 15 yrs of not being in the dairy barn she walked in, set up the milk room, then started feeding cows. She was in full on commander in chief mode when I arrived. She had started milking and had the boys set about doing other chores. I just stood in the alley laughing as she was standing between two cows telling the boys what to feed and where and how much. When she saw me, she said, "what? did you think I forgot how to milk a cow?"

My oldest boy came in the barn and asked me how the heck does mom know what she is doing. None of it surprised me, but she sure won some respect points from all her boys that day.

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