Hazardous material charge on oxygen


Well-known Member
I exchanged two bottles of oxygen today. After looking at the rceipt I was charged a hazardous materials charge of 4.72. I wonder why I am charged on a couple bottles of oxygen? When I buy oil from a dealer, they charge me a fee also. Sounds like a money grab to me. Stan
Long arm of the EPA. Even if you use yer old drain oil to spray stored equipment or flatracks, they are getting their $ up front!
Stan I agree. I buy hundreds of dollars of welding supplys every month, and I rent my cylinders by the month, all 16 of them. I asked the store manager the other day how in the H___ can a hazardous material charge be placed on a rental invoice? Nothing has changed hands but paper and money. The only answer I got was, company policy. I'm looking in to changing companies!!
I bought a jar of some kind of paste to keep the tip of mig from collecting splatters. Got a Hazardous material charge too. Just another form of a tax IMHO.
Don't know about a hazmat charge on oxygen,but I bought a gallon of paint from TSC two weeks ago and had to show them my drivers license to buy that.
MN started that years ago with a $2 charge per oxy or acet tank.....supposed to go towards promoting correct transport of tanks. Subsequent legislation raised it to about $3.95 per tank. Haven"t seen any change in transport. Just more money for the State. Poured concrete today....driver had a catch basin and pump to recycle chute wash water, etc back to truck. Driver says MN and CA the only two States to require that. Cost is $20 per load.
Out here in NE Pa. too, couple days ago bought two smaller spray cans of Rust-oleum black paint and had to show my DL as well, I asked the sales girl- what, are kids using this to get high now?
Yes Oxygen is a Hazardous material per DOT rules. Has a UN number of 1072; is classified as a non flammable gas and has a MSDS sheet. All containers must be labeled and must be placard for loads over 1001 lbs so that means you need a haz mat CDL to haul it in loads of that size.

The reason is.......
If there is a fire; compressed oxygen can promote spread of said fire at a greater rate than normal.
Well, sure, oxygen is hazardous material to transport. But there's no law that says they can't eat the cost themselves. The trend is for companies to pass on regulatory costs as separate charges. Not only does this expose those costs to the consumer, it also gives businesses a way to quote a price much lower than the real cost. You see this, for example, with cell phone service and rental cars.
It is kind of a money grab but it applies to everything from grinding wheels to welding rods. What's really strange is that it is the same whether you have one cylinder or 100 cylinders. It's a flat fee.
My college chemistry professor got a cigarette from someone in class, soaked it in liquid oxygen in a ziplock bag, and then lit it. It burned completely in a few seconds and almost as bright as a welding rod.

So yes, concentrated oxygen is hazardous.
(quoted from post at 14:55:42 09/30/13) By the way since when is Oxygen a hazarded material. I better quit breathing that darn stuff in.

A cylinder of pure oxygen at 3000PSI sure as heck is hazardous material.
I was wondering about that hazmat charge. A couple weeks ago bought 2 torch tips and noticed that charge.
Thought it was a mistake and I was going to take the receipt back next time I was there. Guess I just might as well file it.
(quoted from post at 18:32:06 09/30/13) Well, sure, oxygen is hazardous material to transport. But there's no law that says they can't eat the cost themselves. The trend is for companies to pass on regulatory costs as separate charges. Not only does this [b:a28c2f1e69]expose those costs to the consumer, [/b:a28c2f1e69]it also gives businesses a way to quote a price much lower than the real cost. You see this, for example, with cell phone service and rental cars.

I'm kind of in favor of exposing all the regulatory and tax costs to the consumer. I would bet that if every item we bought could somehow be labeled with ALL the taxes and costs associated with it there would be a lot more PO'd consumers leaning on Congress and their State legislatures to trim the fat!!! That would be a good thing in my opinion.

I would very much like to see a sign at every gas pump in NY announcing that NYS and the Feds get 70 cents of every gallon sold, 75 for diesel! That should wake some people up to just who is raping whom!
(quoted from post at 23:11:24 09/30/13) Milk spills have been judged as hazardous waste.

Smell from a big grocer's local bakery has been deemed air pollution. When are we going to rise up and take back our country from the EPA and the abundant tree huggers??

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