How do you know when it's time?

jon f mn

Well-known Member
We're trying to figure out if it's time to take our dog for her last trip to the vet. She's nearly 15 years old and has trouble getting around, she refuses to go out for bathroom unless you take her on a leash and walk her. She stumbles on the steps and sometime has trouble getting up also. So how do you decide when it's time?
When the quality of her life is such that she is not happy when you are not paying attention to her. If that is now, it is time. Jim
That is a tough decision to make, age and health being a major factor. Has the vet seen her lately or have you talked to the vet. Is she in obvious pain? We don't want to see them go, but it isn't right to let them suffer either.
We had to make that decision less than a month ago. The daughters dog was diagnosed with early signs of kidney failure about a year ago, but he was still healthy. About two months ago he began showing signs of worsening and then in about a 48 hour period became so sick he could hardly walk. Daughter woke me up about 3:00 o'clock one morning and said, "Dad, I think it's time." He was in such pain that he just lay there and you could tell it in his eyes. As hard as it was, we said our goodbyes, knowing that he would be better off. Best wishes to you. Lowell
Did that about a year ago with ours. He was bad in the hips and knees but was eating and happy (as happy as he could be, the old grouch). When his eating tapered way off and he was spending most of his time in the dog house I knew it was time. I guess it should be easier on the farm with animals that come and go, but there's just something about a dog.
My black lab was in worse shape than that at a year younger, I managed to hold on to him untill his stomach flipped, that was the sign for me, I still miss him after about four years.
She will let you know. We had our Lab for almost 14 years. Started passing blood in her urine. Does your vet make house calls? He came to the house to put Molly down. Our beagle is around 11 and displays some of your dogs symptoms. She needs help getting on the couch; she still moves pretty fast if there's food involved. It's a tough decision. I've had to do it twice, once with a young dog that developed blood issues.

You will know when it's time. Ours layed in it's own urine, and cried in pain all night long. Another one gasped for air all the time. The vet said he couldn't do any more for him.It got worse over time. He became sick looking. His eyes begged for relief. It was time. I'd say if your dog is happy, and not in pain, it's not time.
I'm not sure the best way to tell when you should make that last trip but please dont let your dog suffer too long before you make that last trip.I have had to call on the vet to put to sleep a few of my dogs over the years and it is probably the most peaceful way to put a suffering animal down that I have ever seen.The first time I had it done I was so nervous that my dog would suffer from the procedure itself but that was far from the case.One simple injection and the dog will basically go to sleep within a matter of seconds and all the suffering is gone.My vet has always let me stay with them talking to them and rubbing them as they went on thier last journey.
A few years ago my Elkhound had cancer and I kept her alive about three weeks too long because I couldn't stand to let her go. It still weighs heavily on my mind when I remember how she would look at me with so much pain and sadness in her eyes. Please don't wait too long. TDF
As a vet I tell people to look at four things:
Mobility, Continence, Appetite, and Interaction (with the owner/people). Sometimes one of those areas can be dealt with by itself; when two or more start becoming noticeable I think it is a good guage for the quality of life.
Jon as others here have said she will tell you things,but you will know too.
One thing in my lifetime of Labs, we have done is called the Vet and had her come to the house,and gave her 2 shots,yes 2.It makes sure they pass quickly. For me I cant take them and leave them or do it at the vet.My last lab he was in congestive heart failure.(The night before him my wife and I went for a drive in his favorte old pickup where he sat between us,like there was nothing wrong)
(quoted from post at 20:32:36 10/13/13) We're trying to figure out if it's time to take our dog for her last trip to the vet. She's nearly 15 years old and has trouble getting around, she refuses to go out for bathroom unless you take her on a leash and walk her. She stumbles on the steps and sometime has trouble getting up also. So how do you decide when it's time?

That is a tough decision. I lost my old dog of 12 years last Oct. I didn't have the heart to take her in. My wife did. The dog was in pain and she hung out with me until the very end. I felt like she wanted me to fix her. The day they put her down I was angry with my wife, but I knew inside that what she did was the best. She did it while I was at work and that hurt. If you are seeing the kind of pain you are describing , it is time to say goodby.
jon, I can tell you for sure you are so very close. As other have said "You will just know when it is time" The Problem is on the First time you have to make this decision you are Just not sure! What are some hard thing to grab on to to make such a decision.. You have loved and cared for your dog a long while.
For me...1, Is you old friend In pain a large %age of the time? crys a lot moving!
2,Does she need assistance in doing the most basic of things!
3, Coat has has become rough
4, Trouble at poop time.
Your dog will do something totally out of character that will help you know.
My First time , So many emotions, I kept asking anyone, & everyone who would stop long enough for me to ask how They Knew! the Stock Patent Answer is You will know......But when you haven't done this before and you are asking for guidance and the answers you get, just really do not help!
Until you go through this the first time you are in u-charted territory!
You have as much to do with this equation as you old Friend. You are laying ground work for friends to come later!
My old Blue Heeler My Best friend for years was always just outside the door when I stepped out Every Day I knew the time was close, The morning I went out and He wasn't there. We called, and called,..... a little while later a neighbor called and said My old Friend was at their House.....I Knew THEN that He had gone Off to Die.
I hope this helps!
John A.
Is he in pain, can't move, can't eat, can get up after peeing, etc?

Both my Mastiffs got to that point, I hoped they would wander away and die on their own, they didn't, they hung right around. Truly mans best friend. It was a hard day each time. Honestly, the next day I felt a lot better, cause I knew it was the right thing. At the moment they are injecting them, you feel you are the meanest person in the world, especially with two younger kids crying with dogs they have known their whole life.

With 150+ pounders, we had the vet come to the house.

Same answer, "you will know when its time" the lump in your throat will tell you.

I had to make this decision August 27th of this year. My Cocker Spaniel was 15 yr. old and seemed in pretty good shape at the time, but an ear infection that I had been watching closely and he was treated for got out of hand. Like the others have said, is the quality of life.
It was the toughest decision I ever made. But I could not let my personal feelings to try and make my dog better over ride the fact that he was truly ill and it was his time to go. Do I miss him? You bet I do,and I always will miss him,..but I know he is better off and no longer in pain. Let the memories you shared with your dog get you through this difficult time. It is never easy as I can attest to. Just know that what you are doing is the right thing and be happy you had all these years with her.
For me, I couldn't stand to see my dog in so much pain and discomfort. I had taken her to the vet because she started wetting herself in her sleep. Vet gave her a prescription and said watch her for a day or two. I left her outside (so she wouldn't pee in the house) and it started to rain and she just sat there and got soaked. She couldn't get up and go in the dog house. I have never felt so terrible. I couldn't get home quick enough when it started raining. It had been nice in the morning and she had seemed to be doing better when I left for work. Took her back to the vet and he couldn't really do anything else for her. I couldn't afford to spend thousands on MRI's and the like. As much as it hurt to watch her go, it still hurt less than watching her suffer. Sounds selfish when it is put that way, but it is the truth.
I had a Black Lab for 16 years. Outside dog. The last 2 years he had trouble getting around. He was not tied up and would stay in his coup when cold. This spring he was laying in the yard washing himself and a hour later he had wondered off and I never did find him.
When he's in pain I just put down 12 1/2 yr old sheperd mutt he was having trouble walking and getting up but when he started crying whimpering and moaning I knew it was time. He is missed
You don't decide, take her to the vet and they will guide you, let you know the best thing to do. March of 2012 my cat was breathing heavy, wouldent eat, stopped half way up the cellar steps for a rest, ect. i knew something was not right. The next morning I took her to the vet, I knew she wouldent be coming back, and it really hurt. Vet said he could do tests ect, but dident come out and say to put her down, I thought about it and said to my cat sorry to do this to you, the vet said your not doing it to her but for her. I knew it was the unavoidable, but right thing to do to ease the suffering of the cat. It's always hard. I wish you the best.
Jon, It becomes a terrible time to say good by, but to let a friend and family member suffer, is so justly unfair.We just went through your situation a couple months ago. Putting a friend to sleep is hard on the vet who loves animals as well. My heart felt sympathy is with you and yours. Warmest regards LOU .
It's never easy but that girl has always trusted you to do right by her. This is no different. They are put here to work, play and be a faithful companion. When they can't anymore their eyes and tail will tell you they now need your help. We've had many many dogs through the years. Out of all of them, only two died "naturally" so to speak and trust me , that is NOT a good way for it to happen. Euthenasia is harder on the owner but is undoubtedly the best for the dog. We just helped out our 13 yr old Chihuahua 3 weeks ago. Lots of tears but very peaceful for her. Just put yourself in their paws for a day. It's time. Just make sure and hold her the whole time. Don't be the one to set in the waiting room while the Vet does it. Your dog knows. The first time I had to do this , I made the Vet come out to the car while she slept in my arms. They are priceless. RB

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