
So the wife is on the facebook all time talking to old and current friends, I however have never been on it in my life and have no intention of ever doing so. A lot of my friends that are on it get a kick out of it when I call it "The Bookface!" Just kind of got me wandering how many of you are on it and if I really am the last holdout like I have been told?
Not on it and don't intend to start. I do have an address but never check it and delete all the "your friends are looking for you" messages.

It does seem strange that we hear so much about the govt NSA snooping and reading our messages, and we get upset.

Then people go on FB and volunteerily spill every secret about themselves. The logic of that is baffling. Don't want big brother to know, but willing to tell the world?
Wife is very sociable, me "not so much". She opened a Facebook account, but doesn't go on it much, except when one of our kids posts yet another adorable grandchild picture. Her main gripe- friends of friends that she doesn't even know posting endlessly, clogging up the works (our computer is old, and just kind of limps along).

She was on her email the other night, said "I've got 24 friend requests and 4 pokes. Don't know what a poke is, hope it isn't like Lonesome Dove." LOL
You're not the last one. I'll never get on the site from h3ll. I lost that kind of mentality after about the eighth grade.

It amazes me why people chose to go on the internet via Facebook to "hang their laundry"!!!!!!!! NOT FOR ME!!!!! I have a daughter that chooses to do just that.
I'm on it and like it. You can set your own
security settings and control who can see and
contact you. I had my kids help me get it set
right. I have several friends there that are also
on here. It allows a bit more freedom to chat
about what ever you like. I got started as a way
to stay connected to my family and grandkids since
I'm away on the road a lot. I then added some of
my old school friends and then some folks from
here and other tractor sites. I enjoy it, but then
I'm alone a lot so it's my main contact with the
We use it all the time to stay in contact with friends and family at a distance. Without it they would be just names and strangers.
Really allows us to be part of the family from a long ways away.
Like most things, it is what you put into it and what you expect back.
In addition to this and a couple of other tractor boards I often post on news sites where you can comment on the article.
Many, if not most sites allow you to log in with a 'Fece' Book account.
So I set up an account there with absolutely no info other than a name(fake), age(wrong, location(also wrong) and gender(F).
One name and password to remember instead of many. My only photo there is of a tractor.

But guys!! Where else can you go to learn things about your friends and relatives. Things that you really would prefer to not ever know?
I use it and enjoy it. If I don't wont to read
someones post I don't. Don't post very often but do
when I get an engine up and running or catch some
nice fish. It is just another tool. Don' tweat or
tweet whatever it is and never will. I set up a
Facebook page for our tractor club and it has turned
out real well. We post a (what is it or what is it
used for)every week. The name of the page is
Yea...it's basically a big waste of time. Nice to keep in touch with some old friends, and for us single guys, a great way to get in touch with old(or new...) girlfriends >;-)

Ya I'd heard that.

I was watching the Pilot episode of Big Bang Theory the other night and Sheldon was talking about how many friends he had on My Space. That one sure went away quick didn't it? Before that everything was AOL. Bookface,Twitface,whatever you want to call it,will crash and burn just like every other fad.
You"re not the last holdout. I"ve never been on it and don"t intend to.

James uses it to keep up with one of his daughters. Otherwise, he wouldn"t be on it.
I don't use it and never plan too. My wife and kids live there I swear. I've seen so much trash on there, so I wouldn't waste my time on it. I know it's all what you do with it, but from what I seen, most of it is worthless info. Just my 2 cents worth.
Kow Farmer Kurt
Got forced into it by my daughters who opened an
account for our farm business... so wife can show
her wool and knitted products. But daughters keep
track of that one, so no problems for me.
And then they opened one in wife's name so she
could keep up with intimate friends and family.
Small list at this time. But guess what - wife is
barely computer literate, so I have to help her
along on it. I got dragged into it kicking and
screaming. (Is neat to see some pictures of great
nephews, though. They live a long ways away, and
this at least gives some contact with them.)
I use it, I have found old friends and can keep in touch with them and other friends and family I don't see every day or week. Yes, there are some who post waaaaay too much information, but if you don't want it, don't read it. If you do read it and complain about that, it's your problem, not theirs.

It's like any other tool - if you don't use it with a little common sense it's probably not going to work for you and you won't be happy with it.
I use it, I resisted it until two of my best friends both posted all their wedding pictures on there. I break it down into a a few catagories. Friends who are actual friends, family people I know but don't really talk to, peopel from school who I never really talked to in school, and don't know why I would talk to them now, and tractor people (largest group). All of the groups get their own settings for what they can see, I don't have a real address or phone number in it either. Its good for hosting pics and following some interesting groups and people. Theres some real annoying folks on there, but its easy enough to mute them. I refuse so far to let it link to anything else, and I don't trust it with anything I woudln't want published in a newspaper or online.
Have heard the young folks (who are the engine for all social network trends) are already bailing out of Facebook for the Next Big Thing (Twitter and Instagram, I think).

But I don't think that Facebook will fade away, will just level off. Because so many adults are on it, it works fine for them, AND US OLDSTERS DON'T LIKE CHANGE. So they won't switch, just stay with Facebook. Adults hadn't caught on to social networking when My Space came out, so virtually all its customers were kids, who moved on when Facebook alertly came up with something that got rid of all the shortcomings of MySpace.
I was going to do it.........But....I spend enough time on this fricken puter anyways. I use email, no Bookface.
My computer expert advised me to stay off of the social media sites. They open you to all kinds of problems, such as identity theft, direct theft from your bank account, home, etc.

I've viewed it a few times; I can't believe that people, especially young people, will post so much private information for the whole world to see. Why would they give so much information to strangers and crooks waiting for such info?

One woman posted that she was going on a trip; she came home to find her house ransacked by burglars.
(quoted from post at 09:08:12 11/20/13) So the wife is on the facebook all time talking to old and current friends, I however have never been on it in my life and have no intention of ever doing so. A lot of my friends that are on it get a kick out of it when I call it "The Bookface!" Just kind of got me wandering how many of you are on it and if I really am the last holdout like I have been told?
My wife and I both have our own personal account and we have our family business account (check us out, AC Starr Farms). It is absolutely great for our business as my wife makes daily updates and pictures during our produce season. It is quick and easy for updates, whereas our website is a PITA to change something. It keeps our customers informed on what we have available so it keeps them happy also. Facebook and Craigslist made our small business grow, as we could not afford to pay for the amount of advertising we get out of it.

As for the personal side, I have "unfriended" people for having "posting diarrhea" as I call it...but it is nice to keep track of friends and family ( I have 13 brothers and sisters spread across the country). Simple posts now and then keep us all informed.
I'm always amazed at the attitude toward Facebook. Oh yeah I forgot, Bookface for the thousandth time.

Everything that's griped about is exactly what I can read on every one of the forums on this site.

I know what folks eat for meals, where they live, where they work, how they're feeling, when they're going in for an operation, when there's a death in their family (just in case I want to burgle them while they're attending the funeral,) in many cases where they live, what they look like, who their minor child neighbors are and they even include pictures of them.

I know what they drive, and on occasion where they work.

Folks, this is the beta version of social networking. It's just that Miss Kim beat them to the idea.

Don't be afraid of what you're already doing.

If you notice I repeated several things, it's because some of this information comes up adnauseum.
Not me and I aint got no cell phone on my hip either. My wife is a different story she has a cell phone and a face book act.Now when we go on vacation to camp the computer comes and the cell phone.I can't win em all.
I am on it and like it! I like to post photos and see others photos the best! I also track some small bands that otherwise are obscure!
Got a real gripe about facebook. When I try to scroll down the page, it stalls my computer for several seconds to minute or more. Can"t even slide off to anoter page like YTMAG, while it"s getting around to scrolling down. If I could do that, I would at least have something interesting to do while I wait!
Based on the posts thus far, and I will parrot some of them, your absolutely no the last holdout. Personally I set up an account about a year ago because I was curious to find someone I used to know. Twenty years ago the guy was a computer whiz and I felt sure he would be there, but no dice. Beyond that I have no idea how to do anything on there, but sure get emails on regular occasion asking me if I know so-and-so who went to the same school as me 25 years later.

That said I've got a buddy who spends a lot of time on there and he uses it a lot for finding 'good stuff cheap' on some of the pages devoted to people selling this or that.

Phone wise I like the fact mine has a flashlight and camera on it for those times when either is needed, or just nice to have. Otherwise I don't do text or email, or anything else on it. I figure if someone want's to say something to me or just call me a SOB, they can either speak it to me over the phone, or say it to my face....
I got on it because the kids 4H leader uses it to make the announcements and such and to keep in touch with people I know. I hate it. It's useless outside of passing a little info along AFAIC. Most of it is self absorbed people announcing to the world what they had for supper, what they watched on TV, what they wore to work. It's stupid for the most part.
I don"t know why I am responding to this post.
I don"t like to gab! I don"t have facebook!
On the tractor end more down to business parts and fixen. Don"t need to know what you had for diner! From what my kids tell me of other people on facebook, people put to much person info on there. You must have alot of free time to sit and read about others lives. I have to much work that needs to get done. I don"t care to tell people of my good or bad days. oldiron29
Don't like lima beans? Don't eat 'em.

Don't like gay marriage? Don't have one.

Don't like abortion? Don't get one.

Don't like Facebook? Don't join Facebook.

Solutions are pretty simple to come up with, for certain things.
Never have, never will and no smart phone either. My phone will only make and recieve calls, no voice mail. No text.
Facebook is a thing. Just like any other thing you have, it can be useful if used well or destroying if abused or used to extreme. Like paper can be used to print Bibles or Playboy, it's just a thing that people use to be who they are. If you look back in time you see the same attitude of "I'll never do that" or "It's a tool of the Devil" with the introduction of new technologies such as telephones, television, and computers.

As for myself, I have no need for facebook, the wife is on a lot and spends (wastes) a lot of time with it. I heard recently that one out of every seven people on earth has a facebook account.
You are not alone. I used it for a few weeks and never found anything so boring. Had a cousin whose only use was, Can someone send me a pig or whatever for some farm game she was playing on facebook. Maybe just me. But, there is hope. Just read, more people are dropping it than are now signing up. Kids moving to new social

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