Light Stroke recovery time????

Old Iowa

Well I am getting the wheels ready to go to AZ. Serviced the RV completely and put some new window vents covers on the car. Using nephew's heated shop but the glue that holds the vents on is drying real slow. So wasting some time on the NET.

Right at 5 degrees right now. I should have left this week rather than after Thanksgiving. The meal will help keep me warm. LOL

Now for my question. A good friend had a "light" stroke five weeks ago. Left side was effected. Face and speech mainly. Some weakness in left leg and arm. Left hand will not grip very tight.

Got to the Doctor a little too late for the wonder drugs. (Felt bad at bedtime waited until morning to go to Hospital) So if your feeling off go get checked ASAP!!!!

Few weeks of physical therapy and now exercises to help regain grip/motion on arm.

The "YOUNG" Doctor keeps telling my friend how it was a real "light" stroke and that he/she was "LUCKY" It really POs my friend when the Doc tells him/her that.

Thing did get better the first week or so. Now it seems like that improvement has slowed or even stopped.

Have any of you had a "light" stroke???? Did you mostly recover after some time or do you still have issues????

My friend can not drive or get up steps very well still. It makes life difficult in the country to not be able to drive yourself to town. Also not many old homes really are real friendly to mobility issues. Too many levels/steps.

My friend's family is helping out for now but they may need to "hire" extra help if the recovery is limited to what it is now.

The thought of a major stroke kind of scares the crap out of me. To be fully aware but not able to do much would be he!! for me.

Need to get south before I freeze up here in the north. LAMO
I sincerely hope this person does recover, stroke is an extremely dangerous health problem, it ruined my grandfather, he got brave and went off his BP meds, and of course he was a prime candidate, by virtue of how he lived. We know so much more today. Playing chicken with that train cost him his life, it just took years for it to end, spending much of it in a VA hospital, nursing homes etc.

While in the cardio vascular doctors office I noticed the one thing that they push, is that time is of the essence, as any of these problems need to be treated immediately, and I mean immediately, thats where this person made a huge mistake. The have all these informative posters on the walls, it does instill that getting immediate medical attention is the single most important thing you can do, in addition to educating ones self on symptoms.

Obviously, this subject is best left to medical professionals, but there is a lot a person can do themselves, especially how they live, and being aware of the symptoms so they can take immediate action.

My father recently had what the doctor called a mini stroke, very slight or what have you, with no side effects, but he does know the value of not putting any of this off, its saved his life repeatedly in the last few years, and at this point, he is thankful for being remarkably improved, like a complete turn around. A year ago it was almost time for his last rites. His situation was asthma and related problems, but it puts a huge strain on your heart and vascular system when things go wrong, put it off, might as well just call the funeral director first, as you won't make it to the hospital.
Mine was 11 years ago. After about a month I was functional. After a year the improvements were done. Still have some balance issues and a few puzzlers with words and such. You wouldn't know I had one if you were looking at speech and mobility. They said I was lucky as well. I tend to agree.

Odd fact: since that stroke I cannot play dice games. The dots don't mean anything to me anymore and I have to count the larger numbers each time. Also, when I spell something out loud to someone I have to be very careful with J and G. I can't always tell them apart. Just after I had it my memory was so bad I would make a plate of dinner and lose it before I sat down to eat it. That happened more than once.
different strokes for different folks. no; not trying to be funny but there are different types of strokes occurring in different parts of the brain and they affect different folks in different ways. no expert but from experience. 1. blockage stroke, typically recoverable but with lasting and varying affects. 2. bleeding stroke on the artery side (high pressure side), typically death occurs. 3. bleeding stroke on the vein side (low pressure side); recoverable but with lasting and varying affects if bleeding stops and is not putting undue pressure on the brain stem. mine was #3, recoverable and with lasting affects. now different folks handle things differently. as for me, a man all my life, it left me a crying bedridden, baby like person for a couple of months until I decided: get up, do something about it and I did. function on my own with wife's great help, built a new house on our land complete with huge yard, garden and hay fields with which I use my tractor. affected my newly retired life but i just deal with it. good luck!
We live 10-15 miles from a doctor. Neighbor lady had a stroke & her husband gave her a hand full of asprins. The doc said that may have saved her. She is doing ok with a slight speech slur.
As the others have said, there are just too many variables to make any kind of generalization as to recovery, either time or extent.

I had a slight stroke in January (doc said a 2 on a 1 to 40 scale). Weakness and tingling on right side- fell when I put my weight on right leg, writing was almost illegible. Mrs. (WA) took me to the E-room pronto, they wheeled me right by all the wheezers and sneezers who had been waiting for hours. I would estimate 20 minutes between onset of symptoms and a gang of folks working on me. I was fine by 10 o'clock the next morning. Had to stay in horsepistol an extra day so they could do more tests.

I have no residual symptoms, later tests came out fine. Am now on first meds of my life (age 65)- Plavix and weak blood pressure med.
Son of older fellow who worked for me years past had serious stroke. He got to hospital in time for shot to prevent much damage. Only have one hour for this treatment. My son , his doctor, told him not to skip monthly appointments so he could monitor. Son explained likely have another serious stroke if not closely monitored. Fellow never kept one followup appoiment. One year later he was dead of another massive stroke. Myself I have had 4 TIA's which is a very light stroke. Son had serious talk with me that each TIA damaged millions of brain cells. I do most of what I wish. However often times I just cannot put words together or complete thoughts. One must learn to just stop on bad days. If driving and get confused just STOP get cup of coffee , rest an hour or so.

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