It took five people and a tractor to pull this weekend's bea


This is the next county down and across the river from me. I see bear here from time to time but nothing over 400 pounds so far. Anyway this one is large for this area. Wonder if they been feeding honey buns to get them that big. LOL
728 pounds
I agree but we have a season on them now because the population has risen. It's legal. Sure don't want them over populated like deer. Every car I've seen that's hit a bear is totaled. They also do damage to corn and livestock at times. Once they start eating calves or pigs they won't stop.
RM,From one VA person to another{x va} I now live in WVA,In the Charles Town area,congratulation.My brother lives in Madison co VA and sees several bear each year.I have a friend that hunts Sleepy Creek in WV and has killed several.I cant imange pulling this thing out of the woods

The bear population here in VA has exploded in the last 20 years a fair number of them is fine but too many like we have now and they can be a real problem.I've had bears kill livestock,dogs and tear corn fields to pieces.They tear up trash cans,tear into to buildings for things like dog food.This year since there is no Acorn crop they're really coming out of places like the Shenandoah National Park to find food which means lots of damage.So good for the fellows that kill a few of them and bear meat isn't my favorite but its pretty good if cooked correctly.
Nice looking bear. Friend of mine hunts them regularly- had four hanging in the shed one day a few years ago when we passed through. They can damage more corn in one evening than a herd of deer in a year.,,,,
Don't you know this young man was feeling a rush after shooting the bear. Especially after emptying the gun and had no ammo with to reload.

Few year back before we knew we had bear among us a man at Scottsburg Va. raised pigs to sell to folks that wanted to raise then for food. He kept losing a baby pig each night. He got a game camera set up and saw it was a bear. Called Va. game warden and they gave the ok to kill that bear.
I lost a calf and found part of it in the pasture in 1999. Calf weighed about 100 pounds. I knew something large had gotten the calf because it was being moved from cover to out in the field behind my house. Front shoulder and all the hide was off the rib cage. Called animal control and they told me it was a bear. That was one of those severe drought years here and bears had little to eat in summer and nothing in the fall. I never saw that bear. Guess he moved on.

That's a big one. Hunting it would make my hands sweat. Hunting season is for a reason. Up here they put a hunting season on wolves, now you got all the do gooders wanting to shut down the wolf season. Should make them pay for a the damage the wolves do.
I'd bet that bear has been camped out in a cornfield all Fall with lots of fat on it.The fat can be cooked down into Bear Grease or Lard and is good for waterproofing and conditioning leather.
That bear looks like it's been getting the EBT card payments, and lots of gummint cheese! Was he wearin trousers that scraped the ground?
Do you live near Scottsburg? I am from Boydton. Before retiring in 2001, I was the Wildlife Biologist at John H. Kerr Reservoir. I could tell some tales about feral hogs down on lowgrounds of Banister and Dan Rivers, ravaging leased Corps land planted in corn. OK by me if bear control feral pigs, bear are native, pigs are not!! ( but then hogs don"t eat calves , do they).
You feed it then.

The government wants all these protected game animals but makes land owners cough up the feed for them.

Talked to my older brother the other day - 62 deer killed this harvest - a few less than last year.
I live just off Rt. 40 near Cody. NW corner of the county.
Wild hogs are alive and well in Charlotte co. Couple of guys there went south on a hog hunt and brought one back. No telling how many there are now. That one crossed with domestic hogs and away they went. Bear may be eating some of those.

Last year I read several people had been caught down there baiting bear with honey buns. That's why I wonder about that bear being that big.
Owner/Manager of large Game Farm in Southern Halifax Co. (I"m sure you know of whom I am speaking)..... I was riding with him on his Jeep several years ago, showing me his game food plots. We came upon a small corn field in middle of the woods. Upon close inspection, I observed lots of down corn an hog tracts. I said "Get your gun Tom, you got hogs!" Tom got real serious and said "Don"t mess with my pigs, John, I can get $600 from a guy from Virginia Beach to shoot "wild boar""!!

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