OT Flags at half staff

Straw Boss

Well-known Member
Was in town today and noticed some flags at half staff. Others not. I presume for Nelson Mandela. Lots of patriotic and military people on here so I'd like to ask a few questions about it from someone who knows flag edicate.

1 Can anyone fly a flag at half staff for any reason or is it called for by a government official be it local, county, state or federal?

2 Nothing against Nels. M. , just asking, but is it common to fly the the Stars and Stripes at half mast for someone who isn't even a citizen of the US ?

3 Why would some fly at half mast but not others? Personal choice or maybe they just didn't get the word to do so? Did some just decide to do so on their own accord?

Just to keep it tractor related, I was in town buying fuel filters for my loader tractor.
1.) Typically, the Flag is flown at half mast for times of National Mourning. That is usually decided by the President. It can also be flown at half mast over a cemetery during a military funeral. Aunt Mildred's passing is not National Mourning.

2.) I've never heard of Old Glory being lowered for any foreign head of state.

3.) I'm sure there are many who have differing opinions of Mandela and of external_link. Trying not to get this poofed, I'll leave it at that.

Make sure you prime those filters when you put it all back together.
The flag can be flown at half mast for foreigners.

It was for Winston Churchill . So the question should be should it be flown at half mast for these people?

IMO, no. That should be reserved for people who have given their life for our country or our head of state.

Churchill tried playing us to support England in WWII. If he had had his way the British would have been in overall command despite the fact that US forces far outnumbered our British allies by the time we committed US forces to combat in the ETO. Margret Thatcher died in Apr 13. Not only did the POTUS fail to send any representatives but we did not lower the flag and she was a staunch supporter of the US. Mandela did nothing for us. He may have been a great leader in South Africa but he did nothing here.

There's no law that says when an individual or private business may or must fly a flag at half-mast. Flags on federal government property fly at half-mast when directed to by the President; on state property it's per direction of either the President or the local governor,

It is a fact that the President ordered flags flown at half-mast December 5 through 9 to honor Nelson Mandela. He also redundantly declared they be flown half-mast on 12/7 for Pearl Harbor Day.

Here in Michigan, former Governor Granholm started the practice of honoring Michigan servicemen killed in action with half-mast declarations, a practice continued by Snyder. During the peak of the Iraq war, flags were half-mast more often than not.
IMO flying the flag at half mast, honoring, a communist terrorist is simply wrong. NM did time because of his terrorist activities. He could have walked out if he'd simply renounced terrorism. He chose not to. To see the news you'd think NM was in prison for so long simply because he was black. Completely, totally untrue. Only through revisionist history can he be made a saint.

Apartheid was wrong. So was killing innocent men, women and children in supermarket bombings.
I totally agree. From an article I read yesterday, they started flying half mast in 1961. Dag Hammershould, or however it is spelled was one. From what I understand, flying the flag at half mast is optional, so go complain to these businesses and tell them what kind of person Mandela really was. He should have spent the rest of his life in prison for his crimes.
I suppose the Founding Fathers were considered "terrorists" by the British. Pretty much a matter of perspective.

As far as communist, well, sometimes fighting for freedom often makes for strange bedfellows, especially in the 1960s. Did not the United States pretty much "create" Saddam Hussein, when we were trying to undermine Iran? We backed him for years until he turned on us.

Anyway, by all accounts after his release from prison and subsiquent Presidency, Nelson Mandela kept South Africa a democracy when he could have easily created a dictatorship, and he called for reconcilliation between whites and blacks when he could have easily encouraged violence. So, you know, pretty much a symbol for peace, even if the details of his life don't support the "perfection" of the man like the media pushes.

What would you do if you, your family, and your race had suffered something as heinous as apartheid for decades?

So as far as flying our American flag at half mast, it was a request, not a requirement, to honor a man who many, many people around the world, including in America, look to as a hero.
Whatever they do or not do for a mere mortal, NM or anyone, really didn't affect me or my family so I didn't worry about it. I did notice, however, how Pearl Harbor didn't get much press this year, maybe the snibbling PC crowd feared if they would bring it up instead of heaping praise on NM they may be called racist or something, don't know, just saying. If you have your priorities in God Family and Country what the PC crowd and pompous elitist do gooders do or do not do has little affect on your life. I choose to NOT give them any power or authority over me whatsoever, they can "kiss my grits" lol

Best wishes, God Bless and Merry Christmas

John T
I don't recall the flags flying at half staff when Saddam Hussein died.

One of the more surprising polls I've seen in a long time - a majority of people in South Africa think the country was a better place when apartheid was the law - both blacks and whites.
It"s bothered me too, to see OUR flag at half
mast for Mandela. He was put in jail for being
a terrorist...But then, in 1776, I suppose that
the British considered George Washington one.
Thousands of our best young men bled and died fighting communisium , Mandaela vas a communist.

There was a time that South Africa and Rhodesa vas the richest countrys in Africa, now they can't hardley feed them selves.
What is the difference if the fly at half staff for every one that BO thinks is great. The local Ford dealer can afford to light his showroom 24/7, but is too damn cheap to light "MY" flag that he flies 24/7 also. I refuse to do business with them on account of this, I'll drive 35 miles to another dealership!!!
I think it is wrong to fly a flag at half staff for some one other then a TRUE American and I also think it is wrong for the President and the others to be there for that funeral.
But then I did swear and oath to protect this nation form all be it foreign or domestic. NM was an enemy of the state so should not be honored in any way
I have said it toooo many times. This sure as he---l is not the country my sister and I were raised in!! We are so far down the toilet if you turn around there is no longer any light! Jeffcat
Have you told the owner of that dealership how you feel ? He might not know he is offending you and possibly other veterns.
I posted something about PH day and my post went poof before I even got a chance to look at the answers to my post. Sad how Dec 7th 1941 got lost by the way side due to some one else dieing
I spent two years in the Army, took an oath to defend the constitution. Was proud to serve if it meant keeping America free.

This will probably raise some eyebrows, but I won't salute the flag anymore. It doesn't fly over the country that I once knew.
We are a conquered nation, and most people don't know it or don't care.
I don't think we are conquered yet but if it keep on like it is we will be or there will be a civil war so we the Vet. will take back what we took an oath to defend. Just another good reason to collect fire arms and ammo
There's a house in town with a U.S. flag out front. It STAYS at half mast all the time. My guess is he's thinking like you-- and I can't disagree.
I want to thank everyone for their candid replies.

I myself will add that the pearl harbor thing doesn't make sense to me as pearl harbor was on the 7th and it was the 10th I was in town and noticed the flags so I'm thinking mandela was the reason unless pearl was getting a week long duration?????

Anyway, I learned a few things again. Thanks everyone!
I would suspect the main reason the flag was lowered for WSC was because Kennedy had him made an honorary citizen of the US sometime before his death... thus would be considered worthy of the honor...

(quoted from post at 06:01:51 12/11/13) I suppose the Founding Fathers were considered "terrorists" by the British. Pretty much a matter of perspective.

As far as communist, well, sometimes fighting for freedom often makes for strange bedfellows, especially in the 1960s. Did not the United States pretty much "create" Saddam Hussein, when we were trying to undermine Iran? We backed him for years until he turned on us.

[b:75f6584e7e]Anyway, by all accounts after his release from prison and subsiquent Presidency, Nelson Mandela kept South Africa a democracy when he could have easily created a dictatorship, and he called for reconcilliation between whites and blacks when he could have easily encouraged violence. So, you know, pretty much a symbol for peace, even if the details of his life don't support the "perfection" of the man like the media pushes.
What would you do if you, your family, and your race had suffered something as heinous as apartheid for decades?

So as far as flying our American flag at half mast, it was a request, not a requirement, to honor a man who many, many people around the world, including in America, look to as a hero.

Bud, you better start reading some more. SA under Mandela was nothing even close to a democracy. Do some reading, educate yourself. Get beyond the MSNBC headlines.

I don't recall our Founders specifically targeting civilian non-combatants and using indiscriminate bombings as a weapon to free themselves from British rule. Whats more, haven't we progressed at all in over 200 years? Public impalement used to be considered okay, raping women used to be considered part of war, wiping out entire populations was okay and so was the use of poison gas. Just because something was accepted 1000, 500, 200 or 100 years back does not justify it's use today.

As I said, apartheid was wrong, so is terrorism. 2 wrongs, etc.

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