Is it a conspiracy?


Well-known Member
The neighbor here in NJ ,gave me this book for Christmas,,,why does rveryone wnat to convert me from Ford to JD? ,,,lol
Im gonna read the book and post trivia questions to you guys,,,
Maybe he got it last year and didn't ;like it?
Maybe he doesn't like you?
Maybe he doesn't know any difference?
Maybe he doesn't like blue tractors?
Just gald he didn't send it to me!
My John Deere driver neighbor agrees with you, it should be Ford because Ford IS history! I still farm with Fords.
Like it or not it's an expen$ive book. If it's the one i think it is, don't miss the chapter in it that describes how AC beat JD in bringing a rear engine, front mounted cultivator tractor to market before JD ever got it through R&D! You can always sell it on the green forum...
But,Sam they are still in business where your brand hasn't been but a part of someone else's company after their numerous bankruptcys.
you need some blue amongts all that red,,,question,,,isnt this ad around the time that Henry Ford no longer neede Harry Ferguson? (dont get mad) lol
She only did that to remind you why you have Fords! Lol, I'm just kidding, I have this John Deere book, it's just interesting to learn about the companys and equipment. I also have Ford and IH books too!



Thats too funny, I grew up with the Ford vs John Deere debate! We owned a long time Ford dealership, largest in the area for quite some time, and at one point Deere had their largest dealer in the vicinity on the other side of the hill so to speak. My long time neighbor farmer and dear friend, when I was a kid would always humor me about it, good clean fun, as he ran mostly JD, well tractors, some equipment, not all, he had a Case 300 round nose, and other brands of implements or equipment. He always conceded that Ford did build a good tractor, thousand series, and I remember him taking one on demonstration one spring, was so odd to see him in blue out in the field !

We did have an IH dealer in the area too, but those were the 3, rarely saw an Oliver, Case, or A/C, I will admit, I aspire to have a Case 300 round nose, just because of the memory, when I was a kid, that was the odd ball tractor, the color, the styling, at some point it was parked over here, they used to tow wagons with it, and I was able to get up close and look at it, first Case I ever saw or knew about, never forgot the company JI Case Racine Racine,Wisconsin, now if I could have remembered things that easy in school LOL !
Just don't believe everything in those books as many are full of errors. Not familar with that one though.
Seems to be a common mistake. "Here,I know you like tractors". Seems to be some connection among the non educated between tractors and Deere. As if there WAS any connection. lol
Like giving somebody who rides a Harley something that says Honda on it just because they ride.
Anyone that is trying to convert anyone from a Ford to a John Deere never owned a Ford. Until ford sold out to Fiat you rarely ever saw a John Deere where I live, and even today the Fords still out number everything else 2 to 1. One dairy farm I work for has 7 Fords, 2 Kubotas and 1 John Deere. I have been there hundreds of times and the Fords are always working and the others are sitting in the shed.
Ya,but when they're real good,you only need a few. Got one I call the Big Book Of Oliver. Has everything from the history to serial numbers.
maybe they are keeping the JD clean to take it to a show or parade? Remember I went to a fair this summer,a whole tent full of JDs on display,a FORD hooked up to a spreader at the cow tent proud to be working!
Larry, if ya look at the front of the book, it says "A history of the Tractor'--- It doesn't say anything about your
Well Lets see Weldingman:

I started out with a Ford 6000 and a JD "G". The JD "G" was a 1947 model. I could go to my local dealer in the late 1970s and buy just about any part I needed for the 30 year old tractor.

The Ford 6000 was a 1964 model. So it was just about fifteen years old. The local Ford dealer could maybe get half the parts I needed to keep it going. Even then it was wait for 3-4 days for parts. I finally had to buy another "parts" tractor to keep it going. Plus a whole bunch of fabricating of stuff to keep it going. I know it was not one of Fords better tractors but the parts support was the break point for me.

If I am willing to pay the extra shipping I can get just about any part from JD the next day. So $20 of freight when your planter tractor is broke down in the spring is a small price to pay.

The Fords are a fine tractor if your doing mostly three point work. Their remote hydraulics are not great and never really got better until the 1990s. Then Fords over 100 HP tractors where not that good for years. The Genesis series was the first models that where truly a pretty good larger tractor.

The three cylinder Ford 3000 and the 4000&5000 where rugged tractors. Clumsy but rugged.
they didnt make any clumsy JDs ?? A ford 4000? I always heard they were nimble and handy? (please explain that one) This is getting good! ( I still like you) lol
Larry it is where the controls are located and how the tractor handles. I don't like reaching under the seat to hunt for the SCV levers. Also the hydraulic pressure and flow where not the best. Try to hook up a hydraulic motor on a Ford 4000. You will find it does not work the best. Fords power steering on some models just does not turn real easy. It is more of a power assist than a full power steering.

So it is just a lot of little things that just are not handy on Fords or MF either. They really did not redesign their tractors since the 1960s until the 1990s.

JD has had some lemons like the JD 2010 but most of them since then handle pretty good. I have a 150 HP tractor on my snow blower it will turn just about as short as a tractor half the size.
If it really was the "History of the Tractor" it would be about Hart Parr/Oliver since they were the first to use the term "tractor" in their literature and advertising. Everybody else built and sold "traction engines".
I will admit that a Ford 6000 was probably one of the worst tractors that anyone built,not just Ford,but JD had a few lemons in their basket too.I am not bashing the John Deeres, I work on all of them, they all had their little problems,but I will stick to my guns that a Ford,was the best"Poor Mans" tractor ever made.John Deere green paint has just always been a little too expensive for the little farmers in my area.
Funny how back in the day Fords and Massey's always outsold the JD's world wide. I think JD was number 4 or 5 in sales.
Larry, I have always favored Fords, and Fergusons, but I actually broke down and ordered a book about JDs about a year ago. It's titled, "John Deere Classics". It wasn't what I really expected, but interesting. It covers thirty different models of what the publishers considered "classic" models.
If I was buying a tractor back in the 1950s for the average farm then, I would have boughten something other than a JD too.

The hand clutch and lack of a three point just about broke JD.

If I had to chose between a JD 530 or a Ford 861 to go plow with the Ford would win hands down.

If you notice I do not brag about JD two cylinders much. They where rugged but they had many issues. The major one to me was how hard they where on the operator. Not much was easy when operating one of them.
If you want a book for a day like today, get The Agricultural Tractor 1855 - 1950 by R. B. Gray printed in 1954. It is 150 pages.
Just rember that Harold Brock, lead engineer for the Ford 9-N , after leaving Ford went to John deere and helped to convert JDs from the 2 cylinders. His 2 favorite tractors were the 9-N and the 4020.
Yep, a horse farm I worked on had 3 fords, 1 zetor, a long, a farmall 460 and a JD 5103 or something, I dident care for the JD, long or zetor, but the fords I liked, not just because I'm a ford man either, starter using this one in 1993, tried to buy it last year, now that farm is closed, but estate won't sell it. Lol

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