Viral Myocarditis or Endocarditis


Well-known Member
Anybody had a run in with either of these ? Apparently anybody can pick these infections up die while being otherwise healthy and no other cardio problems.
Take the symptoms of a heart attack serious. You can be just as dead from myocarditis or endocarditis as if your coronary arteries were blocked via a clot.
Viral Myocarditis just about got me this past Tuesday afternoon. Just seen the test results at my physician"s office and confirmed the white blood cells were fighting a virus and zero heart tissue damage.
Roads were closed and delayed trip to hospital but was there quicker than those people who deny heart troubles for hours or days. Made the difference by being in the ER sooner rather than later.
Lotsa things that quick action helps- had a mild stroke about a year ago, off to E-room very quickly, they were stuffing blood thinners in me before the gurney even stopped rolling. Result- no residual effects of any kind.
(quoted from post at 18:46:25 01/10/14) What are the symptoms we should look for?

Classic heart attack symptoms. Mine was mostly weakness, blacking out, grey skin colour, slow pulse, low blood pressure, shakes/tremors. Modest pressure felling on Center of chest.
ambulance and the plough truck were stuck on the way. FD command van was busting through drifts and could not see out the windshield . They were looking out the side windows.
I feel some awful guilty causing the crews such risk. Serious damage to the ego too for being laid low.
I'm surprised you're up and around if you were diagnosed Tuesday. The wife had endocarditis about 15 years ago. She was hospitalized for several days. If memory serves me right,hers started with an abcessed tooth.
I'm glad you caught it in time and pulled through it. I'm sure the emergency guys were just doing their job. If you truly need their services they were glad to do it. You cant choose the times in which you become ill and they know that.

I'm betting your broken ego will heal almost as quickly as your body :) It does remind a guy that he isn't in control and that he cant make his heart beat even one more time.
Good thing you got care right away. Take it easy for a while. I had it many years ago- not quite 30 years old at the time. It started with a really bad case of the scours. Was just getting over it when i woke up in the night with a constant cough of light fluid coming up and a feeling of a heavy weight on my chest, thought it was pnuemonia. After milking, the wife made me call for a Doctor's appointment. Went in, the doc listened to my chest a moment, called a code and had me in intensive care in a flash. The cardiologist told me that i was very lucky, myocarditis can turn your heart muscle into mush, today a transplant could save you, but probably not back then. It took about a year before i felt recovered. Take care of yourself- it is serious business!
(quoted from post at 13:22:05 01/10/14) Anybody had a run in with either of these ? Apparently anybody can pick these infections up die while being otherwise healthy and no other cardio problems.
Take the symptoms of a heart attack serious. You can be just as dead from myocarditis or endocarditis as if your coronary arteries were blocked via a clot.
I had endocarditis in 1997. Had to have a aortic valve replacement.
Vasectomy? If you had one, say no more. That is most likely the cause and I don't give a rip what any "medical authority" says. Do some research. Also see the post about abscessed tooth. Same general direction. I can tell you more about this.

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