bull fighting


Well-known Member
ever wonder how a bull fighter does his little trick gets the bull mad then steps aside?? this is what i have been told a bull will close his eyes before impact to protect them sounds likely . now a cow will not do that . so i'm wondering is there anybody out there willing to try this.
When I was a kid we had a old ram that would always get after smaller people . He would close his eyes just before impact but I would too , not the best defence . Dad woulg tell me to side step him but it just did nt happen . He had us up a tree several times , was glad to see him go . Dad cut me a piece of rubber hose to fight him with and I did get the best of him a few times but it just pizzed him off for the next time .
I've heard, not that I would get in there and try...

The rodeo clowns know exactly how to get the bull to run at them, but something about the bull can't turn as fast as the clown can move to the side. I think the bull has to swing his rear end first, then go forward to make a turn.

Anyway, I'll take their word for it!
Well I'm not going in with one to try it but I'm willing to take video to prove/disprove the theory if someone else is dumb enough to let a bull ram them.

In reality the bull fights in Mexico, Spain and other country are kind of rigged to enable the fighter to do that. The picks stuck in the sides of the neck limit the bulls ability to turn his head side to side. The spear from the horseback rider severs some of the bulls neck muscles limiting the bulls ability to lift his head.
Yes a bull closes his eyes just before contact. BUT in bull fights in Spain they take a little more precautions as well. If you look close to the bulls horn you will see it has been shaved about and inch or more off. A bull will always hook with the last inch of his horn. Not sure why but even if you watch 2 bulls fight(with horns not poled )they will always try to stick with the tip. So the bull gets a feel for where his horn is. Night before the fight they shave it off and the bull misses with his horn until he figures it's always short. occasionally a guy gets gored because the bull realized this trick and compensated for it.
I LOVE bullfighting and bullriding; I always root for the bull, but unfortunately they almost never win. What kind of sick person considers it sport to torment an animal? And yes, I owned cattle for almost 50 years.........thousands and thousands of 'em; it was a business, but never a sport. Actually, I don't love the above; I despise it. I say make it a true sport, where both 'sides' have an equal chance.........blindfold the bull fighter and remove the clowns from the rodeo arena.
Part of studying Spanish included bull fighting. The ranches that raise the bulls, fight the cows, too. They believe the cows pass their "experience" on to the calves which make for better fighting bulls.
Actually from what I learned in Spanish class, a bull will have a preference for hooking to the right or the left. The pricks with the lance and the sticks are placed to correct that so he charges straight.

No, I don't agree with bull fighting. I think its disgusting. The only decent thing is the meat is donated to the poor.
I always thought that the flick of the cape at the last second, was to make the bull instinctively jab that way and away from the motionless bullfighter.
As far as the 'sport'
If I was destined 100% to end up hanging on a meat hook,
I'd much prefer to go out fighting!
Those two little spears with flags on the end just behind the shoulders are put there so that the bull can't raise his head. He is the wore down by up and comming matadors so when the big gets in the pen with him it's all in his favor. I like the Portageese system they don't harm or kill the bull. The matador is on his own with a very mean fully active animal.
Tried that when I was a teenager 55yrs ago. My father worked off the farm so it was my brother's and my job to clean the barn and let the cows out for water right after school. No water buckets in the barn. We let them out cleaned the barn and the cows were waiting at the door when we finished. most of the cows came in but a few of the cows and the bull needed to be convinced so I went out to chase them in and they all came in went right to their stalls except the bull. He came right back out the door at me with his eyes like fire and wide open. He knocked me down and rolled me all around the muddy barn yard till my mother came out of the house screaming. I couldn't beat him but he knew she could so he took off. Back then we boarded a bull till all the cows were bred then he went home. Mother called the owner and told him to come and get it because the bull would be dead in the morning. He didn't want to come that night but he did. I wasn't hurt, but took advantage of the situation and didn't go to school the next day. Never should have let my brother wear my red sweatshirt when he fed the cows,I think he used to harass the bull .
I think bull fighting should be outlawed through the whole world. I don't see how anyone gets pleasure out of a animal being tortured by sticking sharp spears in his shoulder, and tormented to the pleasure of the crowd. Just my opinion on the subject of bull fighting. Stan
I agree 37Chief I went to one many years ago I didn't know that they tortured the bull to make it fight. It just made me sick I did not stay long.
"There are only three true sports: Auto Racing, Bull Fighting and Mountain Climbing. All the rest are children's games at which men play." EH
I don't like bull fighting, but do appreciate when a bull gores the matador. Serves the guy for wearing that girly outfit in public.
Agree, they know exactly where that tip is. Watched my Scottish Highlands kill horseflies several times. They tossed their head & the tip landed right on that horsefly. Was amazing. Short horned cattle prolly can't do that but 22 inch horns can reach their backsides. Or your hand on a fence rail. There are just the quick & the squashed!
I've handled alot of cattle and have owned cattle for years. I have been around a few that you had to watch when around them. Both cows and bulls. Never really had anything very bad happen. Suffered a cracked rib one time when a spookey cow wedged me in a alley. I didnt have time to get out of her way. Don't kid yourself none. Most of the worst stories I've heard of people getting torn up from handling cattle were from cows doing it and not bulls. I think bulls are more apt to fight a little, then let it go but if a cow gets mad, they are in it for the long haul and won't let up. Will hit you again and again even if your down and done.

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