Back when I was young. OT

When I was growing up in the 60s we would do this thing where you grabbed hold of a car bumper on a snowy or icy road and you would skid on your shoes from stop lite to stop lite. Of course you could not get caught because it was illegal. I have been trying to remember what we called that and I think it was called ozarking. If in fact that is what we called it here in so. Mn. What did those living in the ozark mountains call it?
When I was real young I was bad to catch my Pop's bumper when he pulled in the yard. I was spanked several times but didn't pay attention. So one day when he turned in the dirt driveway, I caught the bumper and tripped up. He saw me in the mirror but kept on slow for 20 or 30 feet. I got up with both knees skinned and then got my butt blistered and explained to me again why It was dangerous. I finally learned that time. Now my two youngest are so much like I was it worries me. Tommy
We called it "hooking cars" When I was a kid they never used any salt so the city streets were usually covered with packed snow from Dec to March.
It meant you could go to houses of girls WAY on the other side of town.
It was going on when I was a kid, since I did not see what it was referred to around here, seem to recall it was "Skitzing" or something like that, I thought it was risky and foolish, teenage fad that came and went, there were more interesting things, like girls LOL !!!
Not to mention scooting your kids around on the icy roads/streets on an old car hood towed behind a vehicle.

There was more than one death when the brakes were applied and the "sled"/kids went under/into the rear bumper, or the rope got caught on a tire during cornering.

Yet, MOST of us survived!
Called skijoring(sp). Did it many times every winter growing up on the lane at the farm and for training on ski's behind a sus-v in Alaska when I was in the Army.

Used to be common to grab onto the bumper of the bus when it left the bus stop. Remember once when the bus driver suspected it and stopped and backed up. Imagine if one of the kids wasn't paying attention and the bus backed over him? As reckless as it is, I think it was even more dangerous for the bus driver to back up!
We called it hopping a ride. Not sure where that term came from.
Bus drivers hated when you hopped a ride on their bumper! Some would give you a wild ride hoping it would discourage you from doing it again but that tactic usually had the opposite effect.
As long as the tow vehicle wasn't going too fast, and their were no spots of bare pavement it wasn't really that dangerous.
We called it ski jogging. I only tried it once and the car I was holding onto accelerated much faster than I expected it to, and went way faster. When I finally let go, I slid into the ditch, where luckily there was soft snow because I landed in a heap. It scared the heck out of me and I never tried it again. About 7th or 8th grade, if my memory is correct.

I believe that a driver who knowingly allows persons to ski jog behind his vehicle can be charged with reckless driving in my state. The same for pulling sleds or a car hood behind a vehicle on the public road.

Neither is a good practice, and could lead to huge legal problems, possibly criminal, but certainly civil.

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