today's bunny

Dr. Walt

Well-known Member
See, ya thought it was a misprint of the title. LOL!
Got up at about 3:00am to add wood to the fire and as I walked by the side door, thought I saw a shadow. Went back for another look and sure enough there was a rabbit laying in front of the step. I knew it was around as I see fresh tracks in the snow every morning. My dog, Bandy, has a fit knowing it is around, but I try to discourage him from bothering it.


Good looking wabbit (both pics).

Wife? If that's the better half, you did alright.

Doc :>)
Sorry to disappoint you Steve but that rabbit is very much ALIVE and well.

He's a wild Cottontail that lives in my yard. I put out food & water for him, the birds, and all the other little critters. All of my neighbors have dogs and since I don't have a dog, just Bambi Goat, all of the critters consider my yard to be a SAFE YARD. This particular rabbit knows that I won't hurt him and he'll let me get within 8-10 inches from him. He won't let me touch him (I've tried) , but he will let me get real close.

Doc :>)
Shoot, I can"t even get that close to the human bunnies pictured above! Don"t matter much, Don"t know what to do if I did get closer.

If Elmer Fudd comes wabbit hunting around my yard, old Elmer is the one that's going to get shot. Won't kill him, but he'll never forget it - shotgun is loaded with Rock Salt & Mustard Seed. LOL!

Doc :>)
Got one like the top pic hopping around the house and barn. He's, or maybe it's she, has sure left a lot of tracks. I've been trimming my apple trees a bit at a time so he has something to eat, besides my wife's shrubs that is, and he leaves them white after eating all the bark. Don't think the other bunny would be very good at eating the bark off of apple tree trimmings.

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