kids that just dont care


one of my neighbor kids,thinks he owns the earth,he drives his tractor all over the place.three of his other neighbors got problems long as its nice out I don't mind him,but when its muddy he makes ruts everywhere for us to now he goes to get a round bale,he does go around the roadway-lane good,but on his way back its like he tries to go thru the deepest snow,runs my well over and breaks the top off it,then drives within 30 ft of my house right thru the front yard,i got a feeling someones gonna have to get some tires next time,ok im done ranting.he knows were all the driving lanes are,but just doesn't give a dam...
Time to do what I told my brother he needed to do to another neighbor. The guy bought a Farmall C for some reason and went for a joy ride on it all over my brother's land,running over some new tree seedlings.
I told him it was time to walk right up to the tractor right in front of him,take out a pair of Vise Grips and snap the valve stems off,then walk away without saying a word.
Sounds like some of my neighbors usually running on grandpas money with the idea whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine.had one wouldnt back off took a lawyer the town board and the district attorney to do it and what gets me is the hunters that come in packs think they can go anywhere they want and you tell them i bought and paid for the land then they till you there going to sue you for interfering with there hunters rights
I've heard that lecture. Once when the guy had built a tree stand into a tree on the edge of my pasture. I didn't notice the tree stand right away, I noticed the empty beer bottles in my pasture, right where my horses walked. It gets old. Btw, that guy went to jail after being caught selling crack and meth.
I'll weigh in. My neighbor's 17 year old has never helped anyone ever including his parents. One time when 2 other neighbor boys and I were helping this kids father cut and chip brush, he went into the house and hid in a kitchen cabinet to avoid having to work. One summer day when it was well into the 90's, his father and I were working in the field and his mother was working the garden. I went in to get more drinking water and discovered this kid on the sofa watching cartoons WHILE HIS 90 YEAR OLD GRANDFATHER MOWED THE YARD WITH A PUSH MOWER. Most recently the driveway didn't get plowed after 18" of snow because after promising to put air in the tractor tire, he just couldn't find the time. After all there years of trying to set a good example, I'm done. Rant done. Sorry.
I guess I was on the wrong end this hunting season. Went to a spot I hadn't been to in about 15-16 years. It's a privately owned piece of land and was posted as agricultural/hunt with permission. The old fella that owned it (and I knew all my life) had passed on and left it to one of his boys, I just didn't know which one. When I drove up with my hunting buddy the gate was open so I decided to drive in and see who was there and if I could get permission to hunt. I went in and drove on the laneway until I came to where I could see someone had been cutting wood and milling it up but nobody around. I turned around and headed back out and after passing the gate I met a truck coming the other way. The truck cut me off and the driver got out cursing me to the lowest! I recognized him but don't think he recognized me. I told him the gate was open and I went to ask permission but he started threatening me and my buddy. Said he was calling the cops. I said to go ahead and I parked the truck right there blocking the road. Said I had nothing to hide and had done nothing wrong and asked him to settle down and apologize. Told him I'd known his dad and that he'd be ashamed to see his son being such a jacka$$. About this point the young fella realized who I was and I was a neighbor and started to apologize. I just told him to move his truck and I wouldn't be back and don't ever come ask me for anything again. I'd helped the family many times over the years. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that although some hunters will take advantage, not all of us will. I never took the gun out of the case when I went on his land and when I couldn't find him, I left as was proper. I told him he should post his name and number for permission and keep his gates closed. Also told him to be neighborly. Don't think I was wrong in doing so but everyone has a different opinion.
You need to have a talk with the dad......I sure would. Unless the dad is a moron, like the kid.
He's on your land tearing things up and your main b$@*h is he doesn't care.Grow a pair pal and fix this punk.
I don't know how your insurance company is but mine is can be real jerks about making folks pay for "vandalism" turn a claim in and they might be mean and nasty for you, or at least take legal action for recovery against your so called neighbor.
Your the kind i dont mind that get out and hunt what burns me is the guys who drive around and dont care but if its a father son pair getting a deer or something ill invite them in.what really got me is when the roads are almost blocked with snow visibalty is zero and there parked in the middle of the road .they basically turn dogs loose and watch them chase and kill animals
That little turd right there would starve to death at my house.

[i:654c4848f0]For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.[/i:654c4848f0] 2nd Thess. 3:10
All the time on this site people are posting about useless bums that don't work, well here is an example of a kid that will turn into a long term problem unless someone sets him straight. It should be the father, he should be concerned and care enough to handle the situation. But the odds are about 50/50 that the father will take-up for the kid and be mad at you for telling him. Look around your town, the parents have a big role to play and most will not step up to a problem kid and nip it in the bud before it becomes a way of life.

I had a situation where some one had been driving in my hay fields in the mud and making a mess and doing big damage to the sod. I walked past a neighbor kids truck in a parking lot and the bed was full of road stop signs and beer bottles and the truck was covered in mud. It was obvious the kids had been stealing stops signs for fun.

I remembered a trial in a southern state were a young kid had been sent to prison when a family was killed at an intersection where the kid had stolen the stop sign. I made a copy of the article and took it with me.

I had a choice...go to the boy, or go to the Dad.

It was risky, but I went to the boy. He denied everything, stop signs, ruts, beer. I said OK, but you are 17, soon going to college, if there is another incident, I will call the police, and if someone is killed because of your stupid stop sign game, I will testify against you in court when you are tried. It will ruin your life and your parents dreams for you.As i left,
I put the article under the wiper on his truck.

Two days later he called, admitted everything, apologized and i never had any more trouble. He graduated from college and has a good job.
I never told his parents never knew, and we are good friends.

At what age do we treat a boy like a man?
(quoted from post at 14:24:38 02/17/14) one of my neighbor kids,thinks he owns the earth,he drives his tractor all over the place.three of his other neighbors got problems long as its nice out I don't mind him,but when its muddy he makes ruts everywhere for us to now he goes to get a round bale,he does go around the roadway-lane good,but on his way back its like he tries to go thru the deepest snow,runs my well over and breaks the top off it,then drives within 30 ft of my house right thru the front yard,i got a feeling someones gonna have to get some tires next time,ok im done ranting.he knows were all the driving lanes are,but just doesn't give a dam...

First you call your lawyer, then the cops. Have him arrested for Criminal Mischief and sue him too. It'll stop.
Waste of time. BIG money out of fathers pocket WILL do something. Have one of these idiots next door! The Da---m cops just will not do anything till you get a kick but lawer involved.
(quoted from post at 16:57:44 02/17/14) Waste of time. BIG money out of fathers pocket WILL do something. Have one of these idiots next door! The Da---m cops just will not do anything till you get a kick but lawer involved.

Here part of the problem is there are not enough cops. Most of the small towns have gotten rid of their cops and the county has to now cover those towns. Then there are not enough deputies. So trespassing and other minor stuff can take forever for a cop to get there, sometimes days. In the Lakes Area they average over 3500 cabin break-in's every winter. Just not enough cops on patrol to discourage it. We also have the problem of someone gets arrested and the county is so concerned with busting people for drugs that even theft charges are dropped if they roll over on a supplier.

I know what I'm going to say will be frowned upon by y'all. Although, I do agree that others should stay off your property unless invited.

So, here goes...Many of the posters on this thread have said on other threads that we need to lessen Government interference and regulations but, at the same time, wanting policies and LE to be there for 'them' to protect their property.

So, are you guys saying that "I only want regulations and enforcement if it affects me"/.

I'm not trying to stir the pot. Only trying to understand your rationale.
Not what folks are complaining about when they complain about government interference(at least in my neck of the woods)....If I did that when I was a kid, all you would have to do is call my folks....problem solved....Now a days.... not my Johnny...He is a good boy.... BTW...In "My" humble opinion, Liberalism is destroying this country....Jumping out of the pot now
Tom Jubilee- I'm sure that you read the posts in this 'thread'. To me it seems that some of the complainers about 'too much Government interference' are also asking why the "Government" can't help them.

As for your statement-"Not what folks are complaining about when they complain about government interference"...

So, why do most respondents say call the "Law" and have them prosecuted?

My query was about people wanting the "laws" to protect them but, at the same time, they are wanting less government regulations??

I don't understand this logic...Please explain it to me.
It could be the boy is just plain stupid, it is a common condition. I would talk to him and to his Father.
Greg, You are right. They want no laws, but want everyone to be law abiding?????

One guy on here, always against the government, made his living as a lawman, and suggests you "call your lawyer first". Sure has me confused.
Not enough small town cops? So you want more stupid, arrogant, lazy, incompetent brothers in laws, buddies and kinfolks of the Sheriff or Chief of Police hired to burn tax payer gas, stop people on their way to work and give them speeding tickets, let their friends off the hook for DWI and wrecks and generally treat the badge as their personal license to drive as fast as they want, sponge free food at cafes and do as they please? If there is a real crime they are either no where to be found or screw up the crime scene and mishandle the evidence to the point a conviction is impossible. The law is only for the law abiding these days, its all revenue enhancement, real criminals, dope heads and trash don't pay, they cost the system.
The way to avoid all these problems is so easy--If you don't own it, ask permission first! It's worked for me for 40 years and I get along with all my neighbors, probably wouldn't need to ask anymore, but I still do. Someone just needs a lesson in common sense and manners.
If you are going to quote me then quote me...."at least in my neck of the woods" appears over generalizing can be a way of life for some...Are rules and laws good? Are "all" rules and laws good to all? You tell me...You consider that some may think "government interference" when they call the law about a kid destroying a man's water well? ... All have a view and all do not have my view or yours....I shall stay in my "neck of the woods" and trust you will stay in yours...Out of the pot for good.... for I trust your mind is yours and mine is mine and the two shall never make a good goulash
(quoted from post at 02:19:48 02/18/14) I know what I'm going to say will be frowned upon by y'all. Although, I do agree that others should stay off your property unless invited.

So, here goes...Many of the posters on this thread have said on other threads that we need to lessen Government interference and regulations but, at the same time, wanting policies and LE to be there for 'them' to protect their property.

So, are you guys saying that "I only want regulations and enforcement if it affects me"/.

I'm not trying to stir the pot. Only trying to understand your rationale.

Years ago, if it wasn't yours, you asked permission first. If someone said no, that meant no, and if they said yes, you respected any terms that accompanied that yes. If you screwed something up, you did what you needed to make things good. You treated people like you wanted to be treated, handshakes and people's word meant something. You didn't need things like "NO TRESPASSING" signs. There was a line, and if you weren't welcome, you didn't cross over it. Punishments for wrongdoing fit the crime, both at home and in the courtroom.

Back to today. None of my first paragarph seems to apply anymore. Add to that when you take away the ability of people to protect themselves and protect their property from destruction or theft, where do you turn to other than the dysfunctional legal system? Law enforcement really hates dealing with this kind of crap. They'd rather you take civil action rather than press charges, and will tell you to call your insurance company.

I suppose you could always ask the dimwit nicely to stop, maybe talk to pops. That's about all of the power the individual has without seeking legal help or calling the cops. Threats or taking action on your own will only get you in trouble, and prosecuting attorneys seem to love to make public examples of people that take the law into their own hands.


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