here kitty kitty kitty


Spotted this lil guy while out feeding today
We have one under a shed that has a litter of little ones already. When the neighbor cat comes around, you can tell as mother uses her defenses to keep it away. 2 weeks ago when I went out to get the newspaper about sunrise, there she was in the driveway. That paper can now wait until it is completely bright.
Should have sneaked up close behind it and yelled, "BOOGIE, BOOGIE, BOOGIE, BOOGIE, BOO!!!". My experience has been that they always run away when you do that. Oh well, try it next time.

Here kitty kitty reminds me of the commercial when the poor sighted lady calls for her cat outside at night and this raccoon comes instead. She says to it "hi sweetie, come on in and cuddle with mama."
me and a friend of mine was coming back to the truck after hog hunting and came up on one about as close as in your picture he shot him with his 243 body went one way guts went another
When they stomp their front feet it's a good sign you are already too close. I never waited around to learn what the next sign is.
And the myth that if you shoot them and they fall dead instantly they won't smell is absolutely false. I did once from about 10' away, he just collapsed. I puked and and gagged all the way back to the house.
I trap a few fox and get them in my traps every year. I shoot them in a way that they don't spray. It is like taking out any other animal.
I wish I could see the one that keeps coming under the house out in the open like that. It would be a hat. Think I have it shut out now, have a motion sensor set up so if it comes back and tries to dig in I'll know it.
Shot one about that close off the corner of the house last year. It was stomping the ground. Hit it with 3 loads if buckshot before it got flopped over backward. Didn't spray.

The one I ran over with the 4-wheeler last spring while fixing fence did spray when I shot it. Stuck it back in its hole and covered it but it still stunk. It was laying out in the sun about noon. Usually diseased when they're out in the daytime.
I've shot a bunch of them in my life, and only ONE did not spray when he went down.
DIRT. I see dirt. I almost forgot what what it looked like. I'm becoming delusional. I keep imagining that it's 80F outside. I was lied to. All my life I've been told hell is hot.
all i know is if i wake up smelling one, i don't let the dogs out till the sun comes up. ain't taking no chances :)
I was spreading and packing the silage pit with a JD 4 wheel drive one day when i started smelling skunk.
Turns out a couple skunks went trough the chopper in the field.
Took all day and 20 loads of silage to bury that stench,...yuk!
Had an outdoor cat think one was a playmate, found out hard way it wasn't. Smelled up back porch so BAD almost puked when I went to night feed them LOL
(quoted from post at 17:40:27 03/05/14) When they stomp their front feet it's a good sign you are already too close. I never waited around to learn what the next sign is.

Yup, that's the warning. I don't have anything against skunks really. They've kind of nice little animals as long as they don't get scared. I was out in my barn one night and filling water buckets. A skunk came ambling down the alleyway, proud as you please, walked right by me about 18 inches from my feet and went to the chicken coop. He got an egg and carried it in his mouth and walked right back by me without so much as a "Howdy-doo". Inoffensive little guy, but it was my egg so the Havahart came out and he went for a ride to the back field where we did some skeet shooting...
Had one get trapped in my shop garage last summer. Opened the doors and he wouldn't go out. I would chase him toward the door, then he would turn and go back in and hide. Got the wife to help me. She grabbed him with a garden hoe and started dragging out of the shop. His tail raised and I was yelling let em go!. Luckily we didn't get sprayed. I ended up having to shoot him inside the shop. My shop stunk for 3 months.

Soon after I bought this place I had one in the basement of the house - oh yea. I put a live trap inside a black garbage bag and set it at the base of the stairway. The bag was rigged such that I could pull a string and close the bag around the trap. The string was long enough to reach to the top of the stairs.

Next morning I found the shunk in the trap - now to get the bag closed around the trap. Since a shunk won't spray in a closed space (at least that was my understanding); once the bag was closed my plan was to carry the trap with the shunk outside to a safe area for "introduction to it's maker". of my plans that worked.
(quoted from post at 17:40:27 03/05/14) When they stomp their front feet it's a good sign you are already too close. I never waited around to learn what the next sign is.

Right,the raised tail is just a caution sign.When the front feet stomp it's time for you to move in a different direction!

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