Stolen Trailer

Traditional Farmer

Well-known Member
This past Sunday morning I went up in the field where I keep some equipment and found that two trailers had disappered during the night one was a small yard trailer but the other was a pretty
nice 6'X10' single axle both I just used around the farm.I called a few guys I know including a friend that works at a local scrapyard to be on the lookout.Yesterday my friend from the scrapyard calls and tells me the sheriff's dept in a neighboring county has a recovered trailer they can't ID might be mine.I go over and sure enough its my 6X10 trailer, deputy was real nice and tells me that Sunday morning a fellow just down the road from him finds my trailer in his front yard and his log splitter is missing seems like they couldn't get the splitter on my trialer so they hooked up the splitter and left the trailer.
Looks like I need to reenforce my acees to the field where the equipmemt is stored.And we're all looking for someone(s) going into the firewood business my other trailer will be real easy to ID as it was custom built and the theives dropped the trailgate out when they were loading it.BTW the trailer I got back was a tiltbed good thing the thieves didn't figure that out or they could have easily loaded the splitter.
I was burglarized twice when in college, took the crappy TV, then brought it back and stole the one I replaced it with.
hope you find the other one too, probably need to buy a hitch lock for all of them, i lock all mine even at the house ,just too many lowlifes around these days who are just looking for something to swipe either to sell or use to steal other stuff to make their living, if they devoted the same time to working that they do to stealing they would make a living, but there not that smart
When I was in the Marine Corps, a buddy of mine and I had a house trailer at Atlantic Beach, NC. We both were gone for a weekend and came back Sunday evening to find the place had been broken into.

The absolute only thing we ever found missing was two cans of beer out of the refrigerator. That was obvious 'cause we'd run out, I'd bought a couple of fresh six packs, and we hadn't opened them yet. One was open with two cans gone.

We didn't know whether to be thankful they hadn't swiped anything or to be insulted because they didn't think we had anything worth stealing.
A lot of thieves will come back a second time. They know you replaced what they stole with new and then they steal that.

Our local Co-Op has a stock trailer that they rent out. I use it to haul my calves to market. It's much better on a cash-flow basis that buying my own trailer.

A couple of years ago, someone stole it out of the parking lot at the Co-Op on a Sunday night/ Monday morning.

It was never found. I'm glad that you got one of yours back.

Tom in TN
T.F., Having good records of your trailers, Pics, Id ##s are a good thing to keep. ......
My High School Coach had a bale buggy stolen, Shop made by Local FFA. He Found it, Confronted the Thief. The Thief Said get lost, Coach went to Sheriff Dept to file a complaint. Was told how can he Id the Bale buggy, Remembered the Ag Teacher kept Pics of all Projects, with Pics in hand, with the Sheriff in tow, He went to get his Buggy, he got it back, and thief went to jail! Short version.
My point Pics/video, ID ##s, other Identifying marks, repairs of your trailers is a good thing to have and Keep in your Title File in your File cabinet! Hope this helps!
John A.
This is a commond thing where I live. haveing your equipment dissaper is very comand here in the I.E. So.Ca. I get calls all the time from old timmers who still have farms in the area that find out there missing old iron. Tractors, impelemnets, and yes even trailors. Where I live if you park it and leave it. It will some times disappear. Every thing in my big city has to be locked up.People in this world just do not respect some body eles stuff you might want to say it sad.
Maybe we should be putting the theives in jail, instead of the marajuana users. Not sure, but what we are doing isn't fixing either problem drugs or stealing.
Neighbor had a heavy 20' bumper pull trailer stolen a year or so ago. Found it out in a corn field about three miles up the road just past a real rough county road bridge. Hitch as still latched, thieves didn't take time to hook up chains or notice their ball was too small.

My grandsons guitar was stolen from church.It was a vintage Gibson worth several times more than I paid for it back in 1980 My daughter put it on Facebook and her friend a school teacher called and said one of his students was wanting to sell a guitar for 25 bucks. The boy showed him a picture and it was my grandsons. The sherrif dept. recovered several guitars that were all stolen from churches by this kid and his friends. I was very thankful , this guitar was very special to my grandson because I had played it for over 30 years before passing it on to him.It couldn't, be replaced.
Glad you found one of your trailers - good luck with the other one. A friend recently had his chained and padlocked generator stolen from his pickup, in broad daylight, at a campground in Texas. It's a shame there isn't an easy way to electrify a vehicle when you go off and leave it, but that would clog up the court system.

I've got lots of home made stuff around here. When I get something built, I take a good center punch and punch my name in a conspicuous but hard to grind spot. Also take pictures, being careful to make sure my name is visible in the pic. I do it as much to help things get home when someone borrows it, as I do to identify it after a theft. A couple of years ago, a guy in the neighborhood died before he returned a front wheel and a potato plow that he'd borrowed from me. I was able to get the plow back, (my name was on it) but the wheel and tire was on his tractor, and I didn't even pursue it. It sold with the tractor at the sale. Water under the bridge, as they say. Interesting that another local guy had also loaned him a potato plow, and it didn't come home either, in fact, it never has been found.
Where I used to work, we had a guy get caught bringing in a computer that he had stolen previously. He was bringing it back, because it was broken....lost his job over that.
Aren't they one and the same? Seems to me if you are going to knowingly break one law, you wouldn't have any qualms about breaking other laws. Gotta pay for the dope someway.
Glad you got one of your rigs back.

Someone stole my BIL's utility trailer and a garden tractor last year. It's unlikely he'll ever see either one again,but ya never know.

I recently read about a guy that got his Corvette back after it had been stolen 39 years ago.
It's too bad that some people see nothing wrong taking things that don't belong to them.

It's also too bad that once someone has a criminal record, there aren't too many jobs they can get. So they go back to doing what they can do best to make money, which is usually illegal.

Where I live, the meth capital, making meth seems to be the job of last resort. We need a bigger jail. Most of the people in jail are there because of drug related crime.

Yesterday I took a ride on mule down the river road. It's the road the movie Deliverance was made on. At the end of the road a person was taking plastic milk bottles out of his car, putting them along the road. It appeared his toilet wasn't working. The bottles had a yellow liquid in them. I waved, slowly turned around, hoping not to get a bullet in the back of my head and slowly drove away.

Later I went back and someone set the milk bottles on fire. Why would someone burn their pee?

Glad you got your trailer back. Bet nothing will ever be done to find who took it.
That sucks they took them and good you got it back. When welding new jack on my trailer this wx I got thinking of how to ID if stolen.

I am going to make some ID tags and weld them on inside of frame near axles. If they go missing I can ID if recovered.

Scrappers been hitting me hard for past yr. Took fuel, batteries, engine block, wheel weights - anything not bolted down.

When that didn"t work they stole radiators out of 6 tractors - the ones they could unbolt they used my splitting maul to chop them out.

Shoot, Shovel, Shutup is motto round here now. Game cameras everywhere and around the house I have cameras wired into server. Cant stomach a thief or a liar.

My three friends $12,000 snowmobiles were stolen up in Quebec Canada a few weeks ago along with truck and trailer. The truck and trailer and my $4,000 sled turned up on Monday. The thieves rejected mine because of a lot of damage to the hood. Under that beat up hood though was a freshly rebuilt after collision sled.

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