tractors and paint


How do you guys like your tractors all repainted and looking like
new or a nice original paint? I actually prefer a nice original
paint rather than a repaint!
I like them both ways, I have two that I know for a fact have original paint on them, or at least did at one time, they are quite brown now lol. I have a couple that have been repainted in the past one of them runs and I doubt I will ever repaint it and the other I am restoring and that will get new paint since the guy that did it last time used a brush.
Original paint

Original Paint

Will get new paint

Older restoration
I perfer nice and original. However I do much perfer a painted up nice looking tractor over rusty piece of crap that looks like it belongs in the scrap yard.
Both my pulling tractors are getting painted, because neither one looks good enough to say that its good enough.
Well being from Ohio we seldom ever saw any with original paint. Many were repainted years ago and or were all beat to heck. Sheet metal gets pretty bad from around here. Too much bad weather and too many trees to hit I guess ?
Question is where can you find a NICE original paint 50 year old tractor that was painted with straight enamel paint that cost about 6 dollars a gallon at the time? Given that I try to repaint at least 1 of mine per year with automotive paint.Not cheap. About $600.00 for materials,but I like the shine.
Ultimately...I like a tractor that runs and does it's work without me having to constantly haul it into the shop. So I avoid Fords. :)

As for appearance? I like a tractor that looks like it has been around a while.
My tractors are here to work. That being said I paint them only to maintain them. Color don't matter as they have to live outside. At last count there are 6 tractors and a lot of attachments around here in use.
I'd rather see a good paint job then preserved rust/oxidized paint residue. If you are gonna restore a tractor - finish the job.
If the sheet metal is rusting, I paint them to preserve the sheet metal. If it has old paint on it, I leave it the way it is.
i like paint, im gonna restore my old irons and paint em up all up with shinny car paint and make em proud as a peacock. im still gonna take em out and get em all dirty, after all, the fun in having them, is using them. i kinda like the 1 tractor per implement idea.

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